
Friday, February 6, 2015

Remember what mother said about patience!

My front yard.

Paths to everything.

A Junco found the spilled niger seed.

You're welcome.

Meanwhile, in the studo, I bit the bullet and attempted buttonholes on an ancient Kenmore we have. 
It can zig-zag, 

In spite of half an hour's practice they are not the world's best buttonholes.
I won't use that machine again.
I'll wait for the Singer attachment in the green rubber box.

 I found five vintage buttons to use.
A rose and four hearts, purple.

It's a nice, casual shirt.
I'd wear it as a jacket, unbuttoned.
I'm about to list it on my Etsy site.
Because I am not wholly pleased with the button holes,
It will be at a reduced price.

And look what came in today's mail.
Well, I'll be practicing this afternoon and sewing this weekend.

And before I go,
I have to tell you
Quite an undertaking.
I'm involved.
That's most of what I know about it now,
But before she's done I may understand how social media works.


  1. My goodness me - what a fall of snow you have had. Keep warm. Hope the new gadget works well.

  2. As you said...half over...half over.
    Jane x

  3. Hari OM
    The buttons set it off beautifully... have fun with the new bit! YAM xx

  4. I assume it is your grandchildren making those paths.

  5. I agree with Yamini... great buttons for that jacket! I've always hated making buttonholes... even with my trusty Kenmore (Sears) and all its attachments, they are not easy. My Mom didn't have such a "modern" machine... she often made buttonholes by hand... called them little pig eyes. But then... she's a woman who could make my sister and me dresses out of feed sacks and didn't even use a pattern. Oh.. back to your jacket... I bet it sells immediately!

  6. What size is it?????

  7. Paths in each direction! I hope it will now undo what you all have done!

    I love that jacket, and the green Singer box makes me smile. All those attachement and the button-holer...make me smile big.

  8. Love it. The Singer green box brings back memories. Like Delores, what size is it? What size could it be?

  9. I do love it.
    I saw that you are going to be in cahoots with Jacqueline next week - and am looking forward to it.
    My mother always said of patience
    'Patience is a virtue,
    Possess it if you can,
    Seldom found in women,
    Never found in man...'

  10. Each path will have its own adventure. Just think of what you might find at the end.

  11. The top looks great, the buttons do make a difference.
    Still lots of snow around.

  12. I'm just looking at your post again (can never get enough of artistic endeavors)... anyway... what is the background of your jacket? Looks like a lovely quilt? Whatever it is, it's beautiful!

    1. Yes, it's the reverse of one of my sister's quilts. That's what she does--makes quilts and quilts quilts for others. Say that three times fast.

  13. I see your great projects and it almost makes me want to start sewing again....almost! I have to drag out the machine to fix the spouses fishing vest before the start of the season. I've been lusting over your kitchen towels on the Etsy site, but I don't have a birthday until I need a reason to buy myself a gift? Stay warm!

  14. Love the top and the buttons are perfect for it! Looking forward the contest! =D

  15. I love the paths of snow :) Big area of property you have! Glad the bird got a bit to eat :) The top came out great! I know you'll look forward to using your new button maker and practicing with it!


  16. Those buttons are so cute.

  17. That is a lot of snow, but the hood thing is that it looks like you dug yourself out.

    The jacket is very nice Joanne. When I sewed, I put zippers on everything. I never wanted to tackle button holes.

  18. I like the bird looking straight at you.

  19. I admire anyone who can create things with their hands. I've tried it all: piano, sewing, knitting, drawing....and what I've discovered is that I have a short attention span and no patience whatsoever. I admire your work.

  20. I rather envy your winter. MInnesota has had a very whmpy few months this year.

  21. The jacket is beautiful, Joanne. I love the colour.

  22. I've never managed a button hole so I'm impressed!

  23. Cute top. Love the vintage button idea.

  24. Looks like you got some pretty nice snow.
