
Monday, February 9, 2015

Snowman rules

In my occasional pursuit of barns I've posted pictures of the old Lazy Daze camp in my township.
I first ventured onto the property in search of a barn back in 2013.
The original owners were gone,
the inheritors had the property "posted"
and up for sale.

The next spring I learned the property was purchased.
The new owner intended to build two homes on the several acres.
First the demolition:

The demolition began in March, last year.

Snowstorm on March 30th! 

Work commenced in the spring, and focused mainly on some grading and a lot of brush removal.

Over the course of the summer I watched a long access road go way to the back of the property.
The sort of road accessed by construction vehicles with lots of tires.
Not by old grandmas who really had no business poking round,
and certainly no business interfering with big construction equipping.

I've taken a good long look every time I've passed, and noted materials staged at the back of the lake, barely visible. Later on, the shells of houses. The construction has continued all winter.
December was mild, and saw the exteriors up. Work has continued this month, in spite of  three feet if snowfall.

Emily saw this first, on the way home from work yesterday.
A snowman in the middle of the lake!
You can see one of the houses behind him, on the right.

Mother nature put an inch of ice over the snow last night,
so I did not exit my car.

I have no idea who built a snowman on the ice in the middle of the lake.
But, I hope one of the houses belongs to such a wonderful sense of humor.


  1. Yes. A sense of humour is always welcome. And the quirky mind who could install that snowperson has a lot of promise.

  2. Love snowmen. The snow rarely sticks long enough here to make one, though.

  3. That is a nice piece of property, suspect the house will be spectacular.

  4. I do hope the snowman wasn't built by the construction crew...I don't hold out much hope for the house if it was!
    Jane x

  5. How cute with the snowman!! That has to be interesting building a house or two in winter! Seems like it would be two steps forward and one step backward or the other way around based on what the weather decided to do.



  6. A brave little soul in the midst of all that snow and ice. It is almost poetic.

  7. When I was in America we had snow more than I have ever seen so I wanted to make a snowman just a little one the only one I have ever done.

  8. all that building material gone to waste looks like a nice property though

  9. Such a cute little snowman and I hope he does belong to one of the houses, not a construction worker.
    I'm also pleased to hear there will only be two houses on that expanse of land. Here in Australia, some developer is much more likely to put up as many blocks of flats or townhouses as will fit.

  10. Hari OM
    I too rather wondered if the constructors were out on 'smoko'... the ice holding up a macho bloke??? hmmmmm definitely there are questions! YAM xx

  11. Yes, I was picturing burly men with tool belts working together to build that snowman.

  12. Hope the snowman is a sign of more fun to come.

  13. Changes. I do not always like changes. But anyone who can do it with humor? Well, that's the kind of change we need these days!


  14. There was a picnic table in the middle of the frozen river last winter.

  15. Yup, what a wacky sense of humor!

  16. flat roof? walls up but no roof? perhaps they have kids and the family came out to see the progress.

  17. barn seeker - that could become a new title. Snowmen - similar to making lemonade from lemons.

  18. The snowman looks like a very friendly fellow!

  19. I wonder which will melt first, the snowman or the lake?

  20. Mr Snowman looks lord of all he surveys. A beautiful place to live - just by the lake.

  21. I would be too worried about the ice breaking to ever do that! How thick would the ice be?

  22. They are rather bold or light weight. I would also be hesitant to walk all the way to the middle.

  23. Tearing the barn down? Sacrilege, altho I know time moves on. Did someone use the barn wood for decoration purposes?
    Snowman...stay strong!

  24. What a dear little snowman surveying the land.
