
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Please, no more winter pictures. We'll do anything, please, just don't throw more winter pictures at us.

This house is the sole reason I took my camera to work today.
Can you imagine the amount in insulation under that roof?

OK, on to work, and the donut in the courtyard.
With more snow and no wind to sculpt it, all charm is lost.
Or perhaps charm left long ago.

Some day I'll tell you my opinion of a committee
putting a Jane Austen courtyard on the back of a 1920 schoolhouse,
and then adding those ugly, disproportionate lamps to the entry.
Some day. 

The township is about twenty tons short of setting a record for salt purchases.
Oh, yes, that truckload did not come to us.
Neither has the credit memo, yet.
So, the bill is in the "unpaid" pile.

Snow everywhere.

So many walks are shoveled.

And some are half shoveled.

Look at those icicles.

Ghost lips in the sky.

Sycamore and snow and spot on the lens.
I just stopped to polish it off.

Snow and Mr. Yesberger's trees.
How I love them.

Can you see waaayyy back to the last stand.
Pictures don't do justice.

Deer approaching the third tee.

Deer on the run.

At least three species of creatures got a drink.

If the snow melts there will be pictures of anemone.


  1. You would feel right at home here, Joanne, and I, there. Snow, snow everywhere. And no little kids on our street anymore, so - no snowmen, no laughing voices in the cold air, no rosy cheeks. Ah, well, the next generation will come along soon. Now how did I get that far off the conversational track?! As for our deer, we haven't seen them since the first big storm. I hope they are finding enough to eat.

  2. sorry for my winter photos but we get so few and as I speak it's a blizzard out there and I'm loving it, I probably get to skip gallery training and my caning class and can move right on into spring without a hitche. ha

  3. I like all the winter pictures they have a cooling affect on me in all our heat and humidity.

  4. I'll apologise now for my tomorrow's view.
    The lamps looks so mean...did the lamp budget run dry?
    Jane x

  5. Those icicles are pretty impressive looking. I have said it before, the snow does look pretty, but enough is enough for this year.


  6. Said on the news last night that we are headed for some cooler temps. of.........low 50's but back in the 60's by the week end. I know....I'm going to rot and go to h--- ;o)

  7. We have thirteen degrees even though it was Sunny today. Go figure.
    Take care and stay warm.

  8. I hate to say it, but our winter has not been too bad (knock wood). Up to this week, we have been threatened with a snow storm at least twice a week. Mostly it is only an inch or two and if it is more, it is followed by rain or higher temperatures. Last year was our winter from hell with quite a bit of destruction. I am so thankful that we escaped the worst of it. However, there is still some winter left but I am hoping for the best and am changing my header picture next week to something more spring like.

  9. I had icicles like those, but I took a shovel to them, afraid one would fall on my dogs. Our snow is still on the ground, with bare melted spots in the sunny areas. Looks nasty, those muddy spots.

  10. I suspect a bit more is on the way.

  11. i am proud to say I have not posted ANY photos of winter this year....although there has certainly been lots of it to take photos of.

  12. Hmmmm... I'm about to post photos of the snow/ice here in Texas... I keep saying... "I could have stayed in Ohio if I wanted to see this". (I liked the icicles... WOW!)

  13. I'm feeling a gust of cool air just looking at your photos. I can say my winter photos are nothing like yours. My daughter has been texting me snow photos all season though.

  14. I like your snow pictures. You have captured many facets of snow here. I hope you see no more if that's the way you want it.

  15. It looks pretty much the same as here. The snow banks on each sides are getting pretty high.

  16. How about photos of veggies instead?

    Now that it's nearly spring we're getting our winter quota of snow.

  17. Sincere sympathies to your plethora of snow. Somehow the east side of the country ended up with ALL the snow and the west side got none. Who IS in charge of this weather?

  18. So much snow. It all just looks like a giant serve of melted marshmallow.
    I love the icicles, they look so pretty. I hope the people are careful walking near them though, in case one or two snap off and land on a head or shoulder.

  19. Would you like to visit me in Florida? I have a sofa sleeper and a couch. The floor can be made bearable (for young people) with plenty of blankets. I have a double bed. I'd invite someone to sleep with me, but it's kind of creepy and I snore. Invitation is serious.


  20. Ok, in keeping with this post's title, I will send no snow pictures from the Sacramento Valley. But I certainly like your photos.

  21. I love your snow pictures. My favorite is the one with the sun shining on the tree. I would be terrified to have that much snow on my roof. I would also be afraid of those icicles. Are you sick of all that snow yet??

  22. Lovely snow photos, Joanne, and the!

  23. Snow might be horrible to cope with Joanne, but it certainly makes your pictures beautiful. I love the one with the tiny deer in the far background. We are cold here with snow showers, but no snow is sticking as the temperature is too high (ten yesterday).

  24. Hari Om
    You got some FABulous shots Joanne - that one with the sycamore is an absolute winner!!! YAM xx

  25. Yeah, I am tired of the white stuff.

  26. NO more snow pics, I'm with you, let's start thinking springy thoughts.

  27. I'm one of those weirdos who loves winter far more than summer so I personally can't get enough of the winter pictures :)

  28. disproportionate lamps and deer on the run - this post could become a Pink Floyd song or something.

  29. My Goodness. Those are what I call icicles.

  30. I felt that way last year. What you see is what you get. I also felt that some of my blog buddies were bored with my snow pictures. Hmmph.

  31. What delightful looking photos...I live in sub tropical Australia, so scenes like these are such a novelty :-)

  32. Though I know you've had more than enough snow this winter, your photos are still beautiful. That one picture really does look like "ghost lips in the sky!" What a stunning visual!


  33. This winter has been brutal! Today, the sun shone and it was 50F and snow started melting like crazy. THERE IS HOPE! :)
