
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Not a snow picture

Not a snow picture; I'm through with the stuff.
Not to mention, Cargill is no longer delivering salt.
I imagine it will still go to ODOT for interstates,
but all the little players are cut off.
The road super ordered twenty five tons of ice grits today.
Won't the rest of winter be fun!

Back to another recurring topic, 
Laura has been learning how to make a picture using grids.
This one seems to be four plus grids from finished.

Mrs. P will be back in her studio for Laura's next session, in March.
She and Mrs. P seem to have quite a summer planned.
More fashion design, I hear.
Field trips.
That sort of stuff.


  1. Replies
    1. Gravel pulverized to a gritty state and spread on the roads to increase traction in snow. It can be mixed with salt, when salt is available. In my twelve years with the township, this is the second time the mine has gone through its stockpiles.We are thirty miles south of Lake Erie, under which is the second or third largest salt mine in the world. Yes, it's still snowing.

  2. My and my talentless self.mother and my granddaughter did the pictures using grids. It's all beyond me

  3. Hello Joanne,

    We can well imagine that you have absolutely had your fill of snow by now. It has been relentless for you and, no comfort we are sure, but there has been far less snow than usual here in Budapest. You have obviously had our share as well as your own!

    How wonderful that Laura can produce such good art work. It sounds as if she has a creative summer planned, something to really look forward to.

  4. Very good drawing from Laura. No snow here - sending you wishes for a thaw x

  5. No snow for a change. :)
    Thanks for sharing this unique post. :D

  6. Hari OM
    D'ya think this will encourage thinking ahead for possible worsening winters in general and therefore larger stockpiling? No, that would be a commonsense thing. Silly YAM xx

  7. Laura's drawing is coming along really well.
    I remember using grids for a while, but still, my drawings looked nothing like they were supposed to.

  8. What a wonderful art teacher Mrs. P seems to be... wish I'd known someone like her way back when....

  9. I'm glad someone asked what ice grits were; that was a new one for me. Laura is so talented! I am glad she has found a teacher who is interested in working with her beyond "just" in the classroom and is opening up doors for her with maybe something that she'll continue to pursue the rest of her days.


  10. Thank goodness!
    And Laura's kitchen drawing is perfect, esp for this time of year. Baked good - yes!

  11. Laura is a wonderful glad there was no snow in the picture.

  12. Having been a teacher myself I can only add that a really good teacher can be inspirational and start a pupil off on a good career. Laura is very lucky.

    1. Mrs. P is a professional artist who takes students individually. I cannot tell you how fortunate I feel to have found her, and that she and Laura clicked so. They both are slender little pixies; perhaps that's it. Mrs. P has grown children, two through college and one still there, but she has never lost life's magic. During this spate of hip replacement and recuperation, which has lasted four months, she kept only two students. So, I am very fortunate.

  13. Laura's picture is so much more pleasant to look at than anything which contains that white frozen stuff.

  14. Her drawing is well done!

  15. Too bad about the lack of salt.
    Laura is indeed very talented.

  16. I've salt in the pantry..if we all check our pantries and send you the salt, you might make the end of winter without icing over.
    Jane x

  17. Every time you post a picture of Laura's, I am blown away by her talent. Marvellous.

    They are rationing salt here in some stores. Two bags to a customer the other day!

  18. Ah, Laura, very good. Keep going.


  19. I never used grids but can see where they would be helpful, her painting is very good I think she has done a very good job of the flour packet.

  20. Laura's a very talented artist! She has an extraordinary attention to detail. She's lucky to have such a wonderful, and selective teacher.


  21. Got a chance this past weekend to see Laura's art work and meet this wonderful, inspiring teacher. just realized that I got NO art in my schooling. I am so envious and Laura is very talented. May her inspiration continue to take her down this path. Thanks, Grandma for your effort in making this happen.

  22. Lovely drawing! Talented girl. :)
