
Sunday, February 22, 2015

The courtyard at work, last Wednesday.
The last day I went to work. Last day the girls went to school.
There have been four more inches of snow since then.
And several days of sub zero weather.
It will be zero in the morning when the girls leave for school.

I put the next warp on my loom,
And enlisted to these two to empty my bobbins when I finished.

The new warp.

I tie it to the ends of the old warp and pull it through the heddles and the reed.
Looks like spaghetti while it's being tied on.

The new warp.
It's two thirds sapphire and a third other blues and greens.
About forty yards.

I tested some of the sapphire to weave. Looks good.
I tried some light blue. Not impressed.
The lime green looks good, too.

The yellow is called "idle weave,"
to close up the V sections from tying the warp to the apron.

Back to work tomorrow.
See what happened to that load of salt.


  1. Hari OM
    did the salt get found? Loving the look of the new colours.... and brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... YAM xx

  2. Those colors are wonderful! (I'm ignoring the weather part of your post - for obvious reasons! ;)

  3. I DO like the colour scheme..the weather,not at all.
    Jane x

  4. Hoping routines get back in order tomorrow with school and work, brr with the temps and of course would be nice to have no snow for a bit. The colors of the thread are so pretty, a bright assortmewnt of colors to maybe bring some cheer during these cold days!


  5. I love the colors and pattern. Having the kids help might get them interested in weaving also.

  6. What a pleasant room to work in... all those quilts and comfy chair and gorgeous floor... beautiful! (and I like the colors of your latest project, too)

  7. I think by itself the light blue wouldn't be so nice, but with the other two colors it lends a nice contrast.

  8. Wow,you are really getting a lot of snow. I love your room where you do all the weaving and crafting. It looks so spacious and bright. I like the colours on your loom today too.

  9. The colors work together nicely. I think we have a high of 9 degrees tomorrow.

  10. You are fortunate that you had something to occupy your time while you were housebound. Stay warm and safe.

  11. This has me thinking maybe I should visit my neighbour V who also weaves. I could watch and learn more about what these terms mean.

  12. I love that sapphire blue. Looking forward to seeing what you make with it.

  13. Look at all that lovely snow. I am actually envious, but I don't live there.

  14. Ah yes...the salt mystery.

  15. Aren't you just sick to death of winter. Your photos look like magic to me. Simply beautiful!

  16. You're a talented woman to deal with all this. I'm lucky to be able to braid hair. God I'm sick of winter, I know you must be.

  17. Winter here too at the moment Joanne, but nothing like as bad as yours. Love that green/blue weaving.

  18. "empty my bobbins" - that phrase just sounds funny to me.
    This late winter can just quit now. I'm ready for the next season.

  19. Looks good to me. My mother would love those colors, let me know what you make.

  20. That's a lot of snow, it's funny our winters we often work in the gardens as our summers are so hot but winter is just right.

  21. Oh, those snowbound days are crazy-making, especially with bored kids afoot. Glad you showed them what life in Medieval times would've been like for them. I mean, except for the part where they're warm and well fed and clean. But other than that: WEAVING!

  22. Oh, those snowbound days are crazy-making, especially with bored kids afoot. Glad you showed them what life in Medieval times would've been like for them. I mean, except for the part where they're warm and well fed and clean. But other than that: WEAVING!

  23. Those colors are very pretty.

  24. Beautiful colors! Hope you are surviving all that snow! Stay warm!

  25. and here I am whining about our latest dip into the 30s. love the sapphire.

  26. I'm enjoying seeing all the process of your weaving, the spaghetti looks frustrating to me. Ha. Here I've been wishing for now and finally got a few inches, the kids have been out of school here for more than a week so they'll have days to make up

  27. I'm enjoying seeing all the process of your weaving, the spaghetti looks frustrating to me. Ha. Here I've been wishing for now and finally got a few inches, the kids have been out of school here for more than a week so they'll have days to make up

  28. The snow looks like deep icing sugar ! Beautiful blues.

  29. Love the color combinations! Whatever comes from those will be stunning.
    The two youngins don't look exactly happy.
