
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Pointy roofs

I've written a couple of posts about Harry Potter houses and especially the missing Harry Potter house in Versailles, Indiana, at the intersection of US 50 and 421. Here is one of the posts. 

I'll be darned if I can find the other one, the first one,  in which I turned Google Earth on its side to show the house and discovered the house had become a government office building covering about an acre of land. But I had to go looking, as I've lost the picture.

Linda was file cleaning the other day, and sent me the picture! Who would believe the master of chaos would pull it from an envelope and think "Joanne might like this." That is how I got it back, and without further ado, here it is.

The house no longer at the intersection of US 50 and 421 in Versailles, Indiana

Hamilton has graduated and leaves tomorrow to spend the summer with his father and his sister. I dropped him at a meeting with a church minister lately and doubled back to take a picture of this house in the neighborhood.

I always look for ways to have pictures of Harry Potter houses, though I find that five or six sided conservatory with who knows what upstairs is a more common feature on ostentatious new construction. I always will  have porch envy.


  1. Good wishes to Hamilton as he begins this next phase of his life....his grandma is going to miss him.

  2. The one thing I miss from my second marriage (not counting my son who I do not see enough) was the front porch on our 100 year old home. When we bought it, it was enclosed. I knocked out the walls and opened it up to its original form complete with columns and rounded openings. I loved to sit on that porch and relax. I could people watch, but it was just far enough from the street and up on a hill so I did not have to wave hello to everyone that passed by (I'm not very social with strangers) but I could summon any friend who went by for a chat and maybe some drink (I was 1/2 block from town.) Lots of good times on that porch.

  3. That first photo is amazing, (especially), Joanne! Wow, that looks like a big pointed hat!

  4. I can see why you would have porch envy; I think I would have the same! Those are both great looking houses! I'm sure it will be hard to say goodbye to Hamilton when he leaves tomorrow for all of you!


  5. Good luck to Hamilton as he starts the next part of his journey.
    And thank you (so much) for those stunning houses. We have a veranda - but I too am suffering from porch (and conservatory) envy.

  6. Love the houses. I have porch envy too. I've had porches on several homes, but my current porch doesn't count. It's barely a metre square.

  7. It's always been an ambition of mine to have a bedroom in the point of a pointy house.

  8. Hari OM
    My best wishes to Hamilton also. ...oh for a porch. Silly me landed on a first floor. ...oh for a balcony... YAM xx

  9. I always wanted to live in one of those beautiful Victorian houses with the wrap-around porches.

    Best wishes to Hamilton as he starts the next phase in his life. He was very fortunate to have his loving grandma to help him through these last few years. Job well done, Joanne.

  10. I've always said all I really need in a house is a porch and a bathroom, maybe a teeny kitchen. I can always sleep on the porch.

  11. Cute houses. I have never seen any of the Harry Potter movies. I guess they are not my thing. Loll.

  12. Hamilton is taking his first steps to being a man. Let's hope he get good guidance from his father. The witch's hat on the first picture is kind of a silly construction. Looks cool though.

  13. Like the first house better. The second one is too big.

  14. Photos haven't appeared yet (damned internet!!!!)... So, while waiting to see what a Harry Potter house looks like I'm going to congratulate both you and Hamilton for his accomplishments and very much wish him the best in whatever he does. I do hope you'll be able to keep us all up to date on what that is... no matter what type of life he pursues, I'm sure I'm not the only one who is interested and really cares.

  15. I'm with Susie. I like the first house. I had a very large house for seven years. It was too much work.


  16. I liked the first house but I LOVED the second one. It's exactly the kind of house I want one day.

  17. Interesting houses, I like ones that look different it makes a interesting contrast, I think thats why new housing complexes look so boring, pointy roof are rare here but we should use them more often.

  18. Both your house photos have one thing in common -- their witches hats. At least that is the slang name some of the folks in the west used to call them. You will miss your young fella. Enjoyed your houses -- too bad the old house is gone but at least you have the photo and I bet your historical society would love a copy. -- barbara

  19. My first thought is, gosh, that will be hard to reroof!

  20. Dear Joanne,
    My best wishes for Hamilton!
    I always believed that in Edinburgh I saw a school that looked very much like Hogwart.
    I love your phrase "the master of chaos" - good that she found that photo. A pointed house is so romantic (you give me the idea of a new topic for my hobby 'collecting with a camera', thank you).

  21. I have certain houses that appeal to me. One with wrap around porches. I'm lucky to live in a Victorian. I've always loved them.

  22. We have several victorian-era houses here, many on the historical register, most with the pointy roofs and widow's walks outside.

  23. I have a thing for porches as well.

    Just makes you want to slow down, sit for a while...


  24. Great architecture like that is well worth preserving. Porches are a great thing to have. We've been in an old house for several decades and discovered a few years ago that it originally had a porch. We put it back except we used Trexx instead of wood. We love it. I spend two hours there yesterday evening. Sometimes life is really good.

  25. I used to live in such a house in London, I must try and find some photos of it.

  26. I have tower envy. I would have been heartbroken to see that quirky little place torn down. Anywhere in England it would sell for a fortune!

  27. We once owned a house with a magnificent porch. Wish It could be transplanted.

  28. I know what you mean. I always suffer from porch envy! :)
