
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

All the news that's fit to print

What's growing in the township back fill bin this year? Phlox, I do believe. 

I thought some time back it would be nice to put a picture of all township businesses on our website, on my Boston pictures page. I'm about three quarters through the project. I knock on doors, find the owner or manager, generally get a tour, even though I know what I will be doing for a picture. Of the pictures taken, I need to do some editing to some unposted pictures, but it's coming along. One business turned me down flat. They don't get enough services for their money, so leave them alone. 

The web manager of a township further north called. He wanted to know about my township's leaf pick up services, and he wandered into the realm of our web site. People wear so many hats in a township; he's actually the service department manager who posted and manages the web site; I'm the fiscal officer who manages our web site. He'd found the business pictures and told me his township would be doing the same thing; with my permission to use the idea. How funny. There literally is nothing new under the sun; I told him to knock his socks off.

I set my early alarm today to be downtown Akron by nine for a county meeting. They always start at nine, in the public library auditorium. I was on time for the wrong meeting; the Sunshine Law training (mandatory once in each four year term) is at one this afternoon. Another walk uphill on my unhappy ankle, which has hurt for a month. Since it won't go away, I fitted in a doctor's appointment for Friday. I need a fix.


  1. Hi Joanne, so sorry to hear you were at the wrong meeting. Your photos are lovely! Thank you so much for your kind message of concern on my recent blog post. The truth is, we had a couple of extremely humid days here and I have to be careful on those days so I don't take my walks at those times. As well, I did take some photos recently but none of them turned out well so I was discouraged and didn't post them. So I found that posting the quotations and a few of my photos here and there is the best way to go. This way I end up encouraging myself as well as others. Sending you a warm hug, and thanks so much again for your kind comment.

  2. Phlox are my favorite perennial and have about eight different varieties. Hope the doc helps that ankle.

  3. When you grow up without health insurance you learn to wait to go to the doctor until you are positive it won't get better on it's own. At least that was my mom's thinking.

  4. At least you were on time!

  5. Those darn bones -- they sure can create havoc in our lifestyle but they have served us well throughout our life so we just need to pamper them. My friend in MI always tells me when I mention a bone ache -- wrap wrap wrap -- and for some reason if I follow her suggestion -- it works over time. -- barbara

  6. It's incredibly annoying to go to a lot of trouble to turn up to the wrong event! Grrr!

  7. I hope you get relief for your ankle. Aches and pains are the pits. I can hardly remember what it was like to get up and not have something hurt somewhere.

  8. Walking up hill and poorly ankles do not go well together. Hope it's better soon

  9. That was very kind of you to share your idea.

  10. I can almost smell the phlox. I think my Mom called that Sweet William... don't know where that came from.....

  11. Hari Om
    That owner may find he falls behind the eight ball a bit if everyone else is joining in. Meanwhile you were so keen to join in you had a practice run....running, that wasn't how the ankle jibbed is it? It's all linked y'know - ooh link to that website for your humble followers might be an idea! YAM xx

  12. Super phlox! I haven't grown it in years...wonder if it would take here?

  13. I hope your poor sore ankle gets some relief.
    And (sorry) am smiling at you going to the wrong meeting. Been there, done that.

  14. Sketchy body parts - how tiresome for you. I'm finding my knees to be colossal bores lately.

  15. Do you really need the businesses permission to put them on the website? And how strange that he doesn't want to be included.

    1. Asking is a courtesy, and so some employee wouldn't escort me off the premises for taking pictures. This particular fellow is just a strange duck. He's sorry he bought such an inexpensive property for a start-up that is making beaucoup money. He realizes he have afforded more swanky digs. Hindsight remains twenty-twenty.

  16. oh if we can all get some relief from the world at large.

  17. I think that is a wonderful idea with featuring businesses like that! Ouch on the ankle! Hope you can get some relief when you see the doctor later this week.


  18. Do you have flowers growing in your bins, that's pretty cool.

  19. as i remember phlox and sweet william are different animals..Glad you finally decided to have that ankle checked. It will change the pattern of use on that sneaker tread.

  20. Dear Joanne,
    I hope your ankle will get better soon - it is such a nuisance to not be able to walk where one wants.
    "The Sunshine Law training" sounds to me like the exotic title of a novel. :-)

  21. I can't believe one business turned you down. Ha. Hope your ankle gets better soon, my Gary has a knee brace he wears when his knee hurts, perhaps you need an ankle brace to keep it from flexing.

  22. Life seems to be full of aches these days so I feel your pain! Don't talk to me about editing......I'm never going on holiday again!

  23. Ankle injuries suck. Hope it gets better soon.

  24. I think ankles and feet are a bigger annoying pain that a pain in the back. You are always needing to use your feet and ankles. Wishing you the best.
    Oh what is the Sunshine Law?
