
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The other side of the bridge

A couple Saturdays ago, you might recall, Laura and I set out to take pictures of the flower boxes on the bridge over the Cuyahoga.  My camera battery died at the next to last flower box on the south side of the bridge. The sun today was lovely, so in the middle of another errand I pulled in at a closed shop and went down the bridge.

I was totally correct last trip; it is not much trouble to walk back up the hill when the trip is interspersed with pictures.

The last box on the south side.  I crossed over.

I was surprised to see a small weir on the north side, as the river travels toward Lake Erie. I walk the bridge infrequently and I don't recall being on the north side ever.  No convenient parking.

The towpath from the north.  The fellow is heading south.

Then I got back in the car and continued on my original errand, which is to unravel the mystery of the Boston park.  This is so interesting.  I'm almost ready to begin writing up the findings for the first community critique.


  1. The city has done some nice work on those flower boxes.

  2. They sure are lovely flower boxes, make the bridge very colourful.
    It' freezing here a cold snap, winters last hurrah, I looking forward to spring.

  3. I really do love those individual boxes...each has the touch of a different personality.
    Jane x

  4. They are beautiful boxes, and so lush!

  5. glad you went back and finished the bridge. I recall you posting about the flower boxes which if I remember correctly were placed there by a flower/garden club. thanks for sharing the update

  6. Beautiful. Thank you so much. I needed some cheery colour this afternoon (our time) and this post hit the mark.

  7. Those flower boxes are very very pretty & tended beautifully, well done to the ladies !

  8. Oh wow! It's just overflowing with beauty!

  9. I love all the petunias and the yellow roses in the first picture. At first I thought they were marigolds. Overall, it's a really pretty bridge.

  10. Hari OM
    An abundance indeed! Such love and care visible to the passer by. Lovely rambles, Joanne - more please!! &*<> YAM xx

  11. Well worth the trip. Those who care for the boxes should be congratulated. That's gotta take some time and effort to maintain--but oh, so gorgeous! I like the view of the tow path too. I'm guessing it's not used anymore by horses towing boats.

  12. just a lovely walk---i adore window boxes!!

  13. Looks like you took time to stop and smell the roses!
