
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Were you there?

Years ago I picked up my package of vacation pictures at lunch time and hurried back to my desk to enjoy them.  My boss came in, idly shuffled through the pictures and then said with a twinkle, "You aren't in one of these.  Were you there?"

Good point; I believe I was missing from my vacation pictures more often included.

Emily, Laura and I went to Shaker Woods yesterday.  Linda thought she might get some work out of them, so put them in costume.

This business of running a booth remains a wonder to Laura.  Did you ever see such an overwhelmed face? They were there to help Linda put her stock back in the van at the end of the show, and close down the booth. They disappeared for the day, into the crowd.

We went to Linda's for a picnic supper.  Linda brought home two pints of bean soup from the bean soup booth and Alberta had kale, tomatoes, cucumbers, peaches and melon ready. And a pot of coffee! A feast.

Linda always needs a picture. She had her tripod, but decided not to try to set up the timer. She took this picture, then turned the camera and took a picture of herself.  How funny.  I thought of that day at work when my boss asked me if I had actually been on my vacation.

Linda posted the picture on Facebook.  I saw it this morning and laughed. Look very close. Linda is reflected in my left lens, like a finger poking my iris.  That's her.  White dress.

It's safe to say Laura loves this place.

I set off across the yard.  "Where are you going?" Linda called after me. "To take a picture of the garden."


"The world loves Alberta's garden."

The business end of the garden, with the kale, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and other stuff I don't recall.

The flower end.  I believe those are zinnias, but don't hold me to it.


  1. Hari Om
    before I read the caption below i cried out "OOHH Zinnias!"" - one of dear mother's favourites and there was always a few in the garden.

    Fun post Joanne - I rarely have piccies of me - only reason I had any on the Great OZ Adventure is because Aitch wouldn't let me off the hook! That's archivist for you.

    That picnic supper looks the total business... slurpy! YAM xx

  2. Your sister has a lovely yard. What a nice picnic you guys are having there. I laughed when your boss asked if you were there. I seldom get into my holiday (or other) photos either! Too busy taking the pics Have a wonderful week.

  3. I guess that is the very reason that we make sure we're in the vacation photos that we take. We find people prefer to see the "proof" that we were actually there. They allso look to see if it looks like we were really having fun.

  4. Zinnias? Those kids look as though butter wouldn't melt in their mouths.

  5. I'm with you. I seldom get photos of me in my camera. I find it annoying to go to a scenic place and have trouble getting a good picture because there are hoards posing over and over for their portrait. The feast sounds wonderful and the garden is very picturesque.

  6. I love the way you write & once again wish I could hear you speak. You tell a good story.

  7. You forgot the picture of the cucumbers growing up the pine trees! That's my favorite part of Alberta's garden.

  8. This is such a wonderful time of the year when the gardens are gushing forth all the delicious harvest!

  9. Well this wee section of Ontario certainly loves Alberta's garden...and seeing you in a post!
    Jane x

  10. Such a nice post, and you and your family seem to be having a lovely August.

  11. I certainly love Alberta's garden - and do my very best not to appear in any photos. Love yours though - and the Linda reflection.

  12. Great post, Joanne. That sounds like a great feast indeed!

  13. Like you, I would rather take a picture of a bee on a flower than have a picture of me. I can see my old face anyday in the bathroom mirror, and believe me, the bee is much more interesting.

    BTW, your header pictures are always so good.

    What a wonderful garden that is. It is all very neat and it looks like it was a good year for veggies and Zennias.

  14. Alberta certainly has a green thumb and even if you don't like to have your picture taken, it is nice to see you.

  15. hardly any pics of me either...and that's by design.

  16. They certainly look like zinnias to me.
    Looks like everyone had a great day.

  17. I love Alberta's garden too and any other garden. I am magnetized to it especially with sunflower. Your header is beautiful! Enjoy the summer, Ms Joanne :)

  18. Those are, indeed, zinnias. :-)


  19. that's a brilliant photo of your picnic. Love the photos of your girls too.

  20. and yes, the cukes are once again climbing up the evergreen shrub..That means there are some really big ones before we even see them. Will pick and stuff 8 green peppers for tomorrow night supper..Have about 12 red peppers that also need attention.
