
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cat Rules

There are two evening laps in the family.  One belongs to Janice, one to me.  On winter evenings cats sit on laps, and these two laps also feature flannel quilts.

Jan’s lap belongs first to Purrl.  Because he never acknowledged Toby, Purrl remains the superior cat.  Purl is Toby’s mystery cat, who goes outside occasionally in the winter, most of the time in the summer, and comes in bringing exquisite smells that almost overpower Toby.

Toby begins most evenings at the bottom of Jan’s lap and her flannel quilt.  This is merely to let Purrl know Toby exists and may challenge him for top of the lap some day.  But not tonight.  The bottom is not very comfortable and Toby leaves, generally sooner than later.  He just had a point to make.

Toby moves to the lap he can occupy for the rest of the evening.  My lap.  It generally also contains knitting, but I accommodate him. 

 He cannot resist wool yarn.  He is very polite if I am attached to the other end of the ball; he feels it move under his paws or through his mouth.  Rather like a little kid.  Which he is.  If I leave knitting unattended overnight or during the day, stand aside.  He tears into it, chasing the ball around chair legs, through the living room, down the kitchen, over and under until he runs out of action.  I’ve spent a few evenings untangling his work to turn it into my work.

At last he falls asleep.  He sleeps hard, like a little kid.  I can work my knitting in my lap for the rest of the evening, not held close to my chest.

I occasionally lean over to admire his whiskers.  They are magnificent.  But I have a high regard for this little charmer.

Are you looking at me?  I’m outta here, too.  And he moves to the top of the chair.  He doesn’t care how lucky he was to be found in a parking lot.


  1. Lucky cats. They tend to make my eyes water.

  2. I've always got a blanket on my lap in the winter, but no cat. I miss having a cat, but not the responsibility that goes along with being a pet parent.

  3. They are cuties love that tail, I have 5 at the moment two new ones, the grey twins two old ones Leroy and Kidney and one who doesn't come inside who we named Sneezy.

  4. He is a sweetie. I miss my cats but I just can't do it anymore..the hair, the upchuck, the scattered litter, but oh I do miss them.

  5. He's a cutie! I have to knit almost under my chin, so I tend to knit when mine are all asleep.
    Jane x

  6. Toby is one very blessed cat. He had your yarn, your attention, and a warm lap. Plus, he has access to some wonderful quilts.

  7. How I love cats and their unique and adorable personalities. I am glad you have them to warm your lap and help with your knitting:}

  8. Only one of the cats sits on laps, and its usually Hubby's, not mine.

  9. So cute with Toby; must be fun to watch him play with the yarn, but not so fun to put it back together again. He has quite the personality I think!


  10. We have only one cat and she is Not a lap sitter. Though now and then she surprises me and will sit in my lap for a good scratching and rubbing. Never more than 10 minutes or so.

  11. Cats can be the best companions a person can have. Your two are handsome and obviously very smart.

  12. They are both beautiful cats, and lucky - although, being cats, they will never acknowledge that fact :)

    Our cats are shedding at the moment. It seems to be the fifth and sixth season in our house. Winter, shed, spring, summer, shed, fall. One of our guys walks across the freshly vacuumed carpet and leaves an actual trail of black fur. Or sits and scratches his neck and leaves a perfect pool of fur when he moves on. When I try to brush him, nothing comes out in the brush. I can't understand it!

  13. Awww, that is just precious! I have never had a lap kitty. I've had snugglers but not lap sitters.

  14. Privileged cats. Like ours. Jazz claims the lap of the skinny one. Jewel climbs into mine. Jazz gets down from where he is, chastises Jewel (evicting her from my lap) and then goes back to the lap of the skinny one. Sigh. He sleeps across my feet at night. I get up first and he doesn't want to miss a)breakfast or b) seeing if he can get out.

  15. Great post, Joanne, love the photos, too! There isn't much that is more relaxing than a sleeping or purring cat! Love this!

  16. I love your cats.
    And the quilts that look so warm and comfy.
    And I like your curtains that are very similar to my doona cover.

  17. Toby needs to be careful - you might just find that you have knitted one and pearled one of his whiskers into your creation.

  18. How sweet -- and peaceful it all looks!

  19. That was wonderful.

    I would sit on your lap too. :-)


  20. You are certainly very correct with your title : Cat Rules, they most certainly do; for I am forever leaving my chair at the computer to either let the blighters in or out. My wife says that Cats were treated as Gods in Egypt and that they have never forgot - such a pity :)

  21. If it wasn't for the hamsters, this post would have inspired me to get a cat!

  22. Now that is one lucky, loved cat! :-) And yes, he is beautiful.

  23. Knitting with cats is always a challenge!! Love your beautiful kitties.

  24. Welcome to my world...only I'm dealing with 2nd grade and 6th grade. It's been almost 8 years since they arrived on our doorstep. I wouldn't trade a minute of it!!!
    No cats, but the shih tsu thinks she owns the place.

  25. I grew up surrounded by cats coz my grandmother was a breeder of siamese kittens. I certainly adore Toby's whiskers too and it's smart enough to sit where it's warmer. Happy weekend Ms Joanne ♥
