
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Another soul in the universe

We have a friend who is a seer.  She is Jan’s friend; I’m the sister on the periphery. She is homeless more often than not. She has lived with her many brothers and sisters on and off, until they part ways.  She lived with us almost an entire year before the girls came.  She couldn’t come to terms with her several employment opportunities. Cousin Camp came around, we had no more beds, she left in the middle of the night.  I think of her more often than not, and mention to the universe I wish we would hear from Dee.  She chooses not, yet.

Dee came into our lives twenty five years ago; we hired her as a weaver.  She could not weave.  We made her a sewer.  She could not concentrate on sewing.  She could concentrate on very little; but talked constantly.  When I understood more about Dee I decided she talked all the time to drown the voices in her head.  All these years Jan has been steadfast in listening to Dee.

A seer’s burden is tremendous.  I doubt they can stop the chaos that comes into their lives.  Dee could not stop strangers and tell them to go to the doctor, marry their sweetheart, take the trip, get in touch with family.  But the scenarios flooded her head as she passed people on the street.

I never discussed a seer’s lot with Dee; she knew I didn’t want to know.  One time I decided to ask her a question about a friend, and went into the room for that purpose.  But, I couldn’t bring myself to approach her, and set about another task.  Dee looked at me and said “What do you want to ask me.”  We both laughed.

Several years ago I was in the midst of a tough audit at work, an audit of work previous to me.  Sometimes I just wanted to smack sense into those young whippersnapper auditors; I could not answer for the past; only show them it was being done properly in the present.

Dee was visiting during that time.  As I passed her she said “Your guardian angel says tell those auditors to lighten up or you will throw all the papers in the air and let them pick them up.”

“Who?  What?”
“Your guardian angel.  June Bug.  Don’t you know”

My very first job. 1964. The woman at the desk in front of me.  Older than my mother.  Her name was June, but I called her June Bug.  A light hearted little lady I had not thought of in more than forty years.

It’s nice to have a guardian angel, but June Bug? She talked all the time, too.  Perhaps that’s why she told Dee about the auditors.


  1. Oh my, how interesting. Almost chilling. Could she have been an angel in disguise?

  2. Wow...I wonder where she is now.

  3. Always keep an open mind anything is possible when you do.

  4. How fascinating. I wonder how Dee's life seems to her. Some people do seem exceptionally sensitive. Have you ever read Eileen Garrett's books?

  5. Native Americans valued people like Dee, the seer. I can see why.

  6. I don't know how I would have reacted to such a spooky moment!
    It's a shame she couldn't have put her talent into helping more people.

  7. I am never sure about things like that. I do not believe, but on the other hand ...........

  8. Now I have chilly fingers running up and down my spine ... I do not believe in such things, yet how can this be explained?

  9. I don't believe, but I most definitely don't disbelieve either. I suppose the jury is still out.
    And the story of June Bug is a goodly part of the reasons I don't disbelieve. What other explanation could there be.
    I hope Dee is ok, where-ever she is.

  10. If you believe it then that's good with me. Belief in unexplainable things is not subjected to reason. You just get to believe. It takes all kinds of people to make the world.

  11. I've read this and sitting here stunned. I wonder where Dee is.

  12. It's the little things about people we miss the most I've never heard of the term of seer but I usually call it vibes, when you get the vibes and know what someone else is thinking. so wonderful you are able to appreciate Dee's special qualities, too often those different are shunned.

  13. Let's hope the voices always come from the good guys...

  14. Dee's road is not an easy one. I suspect you were a haven of peace in many ways...

  15. I'm a definite believer. Science does not know everything and everything cannot be 'proved' scientifically, at least not yet. There are many things about the mind, consciousness, and what comes before birth and after death that we cannot 'prove'. just because there are fakes does not mean that everyone is a fake. anecdotal evidence is still evidence.

  16. I agree with Ellen. I know my mother visited me after she died. She became a nuisance to my sister and finally left when my sister threatened to tell our Dad.

  17. "There are more things in heaven and earth..."
    Seems a fitting quote.

  18. I believe too. There's so much that we have yet to understand. How lucky that you were able to meet her. I hope you'll hear from her again.

  19. How interesting to learn about your friend's abilities. I'm guessing your being open to her skills has made it easier to share what she sees. They say your mind is a lot like a parachute. It works better when it's open.
