
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Meteorological spring

As mentioned by every blogger north of the Mason Dixon line, and many south of that marker, it continues to snow on us.  All over us.  Except last weekend, February 24th, when I took the girls to the park for a winter snow festival.

Our local meteorologist said, in his teaser at the beginning of the six o’clock news one night last week, it is meteorological spring and he would explain it to us in his weather segment. And, he did.

Meteorologists prefer clean divisions; for them the seasons commence March 1st, June 1st , September 1st, December 1st.  For crying out loud.  This is as unrealistic as a teenager in love.

Accountants like clean quarters, too, but ours really work.  They are recognized in the real world.  Businesses report their quarterly returns, the stock market responds, 401K’s go up or down.  Our quarters are the real deal.

I believe meteorologists are deceiving themselves. The seasons change with the equinoxes, and those are three quarters of the way into their respective months.  Daylight and dark does not balance itself on June 1st, to accommodate meteorologists. 

March 3, 2013, 10 am, NE Ohio.  The white specks are falling snow.

Does this look like spring?  My hopes are on March 20th.


  1. I am not sure where all this meteorological Spring business comes from : they have started going on about it over here in this country as well. Never heard of it before this year. Mind you, perhaps it is more justified over here because we are getting a hint of Spring at last.

    1. Oh, dear. Do you suppose this is a "too big to fail" tactic. If all the meterologists say it's so, it's so.

  2. they can call March 1st spring all the want but it will still be winter.

  3. Have never heard of meteorological spring, but interesting concept. Mother Nature is not going to accept it I don't think.Pretty snow picture though!


  4. Sending you bright, blazing, warm sunshine, Sister!

  5. haven't heard any of our talking weather heads mention it over here yet......

  6. Hmmm. I never heard of those dates for the seasons before. I like your conspiracy theory; those meterologists are shifty folk!

  7. Ha, well said that woman! Eee, it sure does look freezing, though. Hope spring decides to grace your door soon, a little drop of warmth looks to be well overdue. I do so wish we could hibernate throughout the winter, wouldn't it be wonderful only to ever wake up to sunshine and blue skies?

  8. Maybe they could just juggle the calender a bit. Make the days a bit longer and have less days in the year. COuld mess up night and day a bit but...

  9. We're supposed to get more snow tonight, so the meteorological spring isn't only a myth but downright silly!

  10. Dear Joanne, I'm with you on this! Peace.

  11. The weather guys never get the forecast correct,so we shouldn't be surprised that their seasons are in a muddle!
    Jane x

  12. It is even cold here and I have a huge fire built in the wood stove. Hang in there. I follow three weather services on my phone and they vary wildly which tells you something.

  13. Snap. Some countries do change their seasons at the equinox which is much, much more sensible than our habit of choosing the first of the month. Though that said, I am at least thinking that Autumn is nearly here. Hooray.

  14. Too funny! I never considered it spring until mid April in Illinois. And even then, we could have snow.

  15. I'm desperate for some cooler weather here in Australia, but the weather man has just announced another week of heat. We're into Autumn and temperatures are still at 35C and higher. I agree that the beginning of the seasons should be changed. Summer should be January, February, March, so no one worries that summer is hanging on too long into Autumn, then Spring would be in October, November, December by the calendar, which would match the weather better. Well, here in Australia anyway.
    Your snow does look extremely pretty though.

  16. Hi Joanna, lovely to hear from you. I love your photographs of the snowy landscape, but I do hope that here in the Yorkshire Dales of the UK we have seen the last of it for this year. It is still hanging about in the hills but here at ground level (600 feet) it has all gone. Yesterday was a glorious sunny day - but today is bitterly cold. Do call again.

  17. Yepper, same here in SE Michigan.

  18. It's definitely not in balance around here, we were 29 last night, I want some heat. I often think the meteorologists don't look outside when they are telling us what the weather is for the day. Ha.

  19. Here in the UK every year I get into a lively discussion with my husband about this very subject! In the UK I suppose it is justified to use the meteorological dates, but I agree with you Joanne -- the equinox and longest/shortest days make much more sense. Interestingly, this is the first year I've heard the weather people use the term 'meteorological' -- which is a concession of sorts -- rather than on March 1st saying 'today is the first day of Spring'!

  20. March 21st gives no promises. In the Midwest, it is likely to have a spring blizzard in early April. We can hope, but that is all.

  21. People who try to line up seasons and weather with numbers on a calendar have their head in a very dark place.

  22. Just hang in there your spring will arrive.

  23. Looks like snow to me.
    The sun has been shining, little yellow tete a tete blooming but it's still very cold & the heating is on here !

  24. I've always thought that the weathermen feel like they get the short end of the entertainment stick on TV. They'll stop at nothing to get a feeling of a little more power on the show! Don't know what they are saying in this area, only that they attempt to make everything twice as big and dramatic as it is.
