
Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunflower’s Monday

is looking good.  Four feet, eight inches.  Tall enough to ride the roller coaster at Cedar Point. 

A feast of seeds filling out.  I knew the road super will be on vacation this week.  I asked him about Sunflower, last week.

“I guess you’re in charge.”  I have to water it every afternoon, because “that south sun is hot against that white door, and it’s only growing in concrete and gravel.”  Since he’s home, a mile away, painting his house this week, I hope he takes pity on me and makes Sunflower checkups on his way to the hardware store.

I have a plan.  I sent two more grandkids off to art camp this week.  Laura and Francis, the twin cousins (born two weeks apart), will Paint like Picasso this week. 

When I pick them up we’ll nip up the street to the town hall.  Nothing like kids to enjoy hauling a bucket of water. Or three.  That's how many I'll have in the back seat.


  1. That sunflower has no idea how lucky it is.

  2. I can't wait to see Sunflower!!!!

  3. It's great as kids get older and you can rope'em in! :)

  4. You are going to have a sunflower soon. I sent myself to art school two years ago and we drew eggs for six weeks. I quit.

  5. How I love sunflowers....there is just something so special about them...

  6. I wonder if the sunflower couldn't use a nutritional boost of some plant food by now. It's doing so well!

  7. That sunflower has become quite a project. Congrats and encouragement to the dedication of all its caregivers.

  8. A sunflower in bloom just makes the heart feel good and the world look right!

  9. Yep. Two kids and three buckets of water. Just what I want in MY back seat . . .
