
Monday, July 2, 2012

How hot was it today?


The local Girl Scout troup bellies up to the bar for long, cool ice cream cones, please, thank you very much!


  1. Aw, the fun of childhood! Keep cool.

  2. Nothing like ice cream on a hot summer day.

  3. Love the real soda fountain counter with tall stools. Such places are getting harder to find. Glad the girls got a chance to get out of the heat and enjoy ice cream.

  4. That is where I should have been today. We, though, are much cooler than you. It only got to 93 degrees today.

  5. We only made it to 99. Do we still get ice cream?

  6. That's hot. Our heat index today was 105. I think I will go have an ice cream;)

  7. I can empathize. Last summer we hit 112 here in Montreal and I was totally spent. I cannot take heat like that. Take care of yourself. By the way, the heat is headed to Montreal by Wednesday.

  8. It's been a while since we had 100 out here in Australia. It's currently 16C in my lounge room which is about 60F. I prefer things a bit warmer, about 75F to 80F, but it's winter here. I'm just glad we don't get the winter temps that you do in the northern hemisphere. Then again, I'm not too happy with our summer temps either.
    I love icecream! Did you have an icecream too? I hope you did.

  9. On that note, I don't think I will complain about the chilly wet English weather today!

  10. It has just been explained to us here in England that due to a static Gulf-Stream, all you over there are drenched in sweat whilst all us over here are drenched in rain! Maybe it's nice in the middle of the Atlantic?

  11. There is nothing, I repeat NOTHING like ice cream on a hot day!
