
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Camp 61 had a wild and crazy week

Three little girls in the back seat of the art class bus last week; my granddaughters Laura and Caroline, and my neighbor Charlotte.  At the end of the week my body was fine; my brain exhausted. 

Every day there were tie died strips drying outside.  They ripped up old clothes and curtains and over dyed them. 

They used a ball winder to mix weights and kinds of yarns to be used.  Things were happening every day.  Over the course of the week, they

Made a sculpture.  The instructor made a wire form of the sort of animal the child had in mind.  Using wool and llama hair for filler, the wild and crazy artists used their dyed fabrics to flesh out the animal.  Charlotte made a dog.  Caroline made a cat.  Laura made a unicorn. 

This little girls’ creation is waiting for wings.  "Miss Carol is cutting them for me."

Made very big god’s eyes, with tassels.  Braided bracelets and anklets.

Had a go at a regular loom.

Wove their dyed fabric and mixed yarns and buttons and beads and stuff into the spokes of a bicycle wheel. 

I quit trying to keep it straight.  It took all the available space in my little car to bring home three bicycle wheels, three sculptures and all the rest of the stuff.  I left the wild and crazy art teacher and her assistant surveying the detritus of a week and looking for brooms to start the cleanup.


  1. It looks like a had a really productive week. Lucky girls!

    1. I think of six sets of parents who will be looking for a table to display a sculpture and a wall to hang a bicycle wheel. The other knick nacks can probably find a drawer.

  2. Whew!!!! What an exhilarating time for little girls. And you? Keeps you young, right?

  3. I had no idea those kite shaped thingys were called God's eyes. I like the decorated bike wheels.
    I love the hoya from a previous post, I had the same typr before I moved here and it bloomed so well, always a dozen or more flower heads at once.

  4. What a great week for those kids. You didn't make anything?

  5. Oh, my this looks like such fun! I'd have LOVED a camp like this when I was a little girl! They didn't have such things in England then, or if they did, my parents didn't know about them. :(

  6. What a great camp. I love to see children's artistic sense being stimulated -- and this place looks fantastic. Brilliant stuff...

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog, so that I could find yours. The fabric in the bicycle wheels in a great project for the kids. sounds like they had fun. BTW, I grew up close to Akron. I saw one of your older posts on the blimp and got all excited! The last time I visited my hometown a blimp was landing near the Wingfoot hanger, so I drove over there to get some photos, but by the time I got my camera out of the car, it was up in the air again.

    1. I saw the blimp in the air every day last week, always going south back to the hanger. Never could manoeuver a picture.

  8. What a wild and crazy fun time you had, that dying looks messy. Ha.

  9. I would so go to an adult camp like this. :-)


  10. Absolutely fabulous! Creativity at its finest!

  11. Well that's the best kind of detritus, left behind from the labors of love shown here. I bet she loved every minute of the clean up! :)

    Susan (Contemplative Cat) is sending folks over your way to say hello. I was happy to oblige. I'm your latest follower.
