
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Random baby pictures

This baby crossed the road in front of us this week, on our street.  We stopped and inched along while the kids hung over the seat and grandma unholstered the camera and snapped away. It watched us for many long seconds before bolting.  No sign of mama; I guess it’s been set loose.  How big the ears.  Nice defroster vent reflection.

This baby picture came courtesy of Beth.  The babies are almost discernible under the plant.  Two baby tadpoles have grown arms and legs.

Francis brought them back from an outing to tend cemetery plots, Beth explained in her e-mail.  “They came from a long line of croakers.”

Rather sadly, she had no response from her mother.  Another e-mail and another picture of Caroline’s cat, Widgit, keeping an eye on the kids.  “That was for grandpa!  Didja gidit!?!?”

Groan.  And yes, my dad would have grinned. 


  1. That cat is keeping a close eye on developments.

  2. Great photos! I love how the cat is watching so intently.

  3. I am currently being stalked by my cat and feel much like the tad poles but I am safe are they?

  4. Looks like the cat wants a snack. Maybe a little cheese and croakers.

  5. Is that the cemetery in the dead center of town?
    Jane x

    1. Groan again. Although we do have one there. I'll have to shoot it some day.

    2. ...the one that people are dying to get into?
      Jane x

    3. I see you knew my dad. Or had one just like him. His: the fence is around a cemetery because people are dying to get in.

    4. Joanne, my Dad could keep this up for hours!!
      Jane x

  6. When I read, "and grandma unholstered the" I thought this might go in another direction. I'm not sure about where you live, but deer season isn't until October around here---unless you're shooting digital. Then it's open season all year. Nice shot.

  7. I have always considered aquariums to be TV for cats.

  8. Ms Sparrow beat me to the punch. LOL! Aquariums are definitely "cat TV", they entertain the cats for hours. Great post, Joanne, thanks so much for sharing.

  9. Will you release them to the wild? Babies are the best.

  10. I keep forgetting that you're smack dab in the Nature Preserve!!!! I enjoyed this immensely!!! Looking forward to visiting!!!!

  11. Babies are so cute! Even the slimy ones!
    And the cat definitely gets the prize for best baby-watcher!
