Monday, September 16, 2024


Past the pale: some bloggers have warned recently, and often, to check your voter registration status because the rolls are being purged. One method of selecting registrations to purge is name collection. This isn't done by reviewing voter lists for party affiliation, I hope. (In Ohio such official lists are not published, I hope.)

(Sidebar: I just went to my old county, Summit, and generated list of names and addresses of people who voted in the last primary, where a party may be declared. So I found all the names and addresses of those who voted the Democrat ticket in the last primary.)

Names are collected by collecting addresses of "adversaries". Having never participated in such collecting, and being sublimely unimaginative, I could only think of collecting addresses of political signage.  

A few days ago I read a headline in my news feed that the Portage County sheriff, (where I currently live), posted on his Facebook page that people could collect the addresses of Harris/Walz supporters by recording the addresses of their political signs. The headline was attributed to the Akron Beacon Journal, which has a paywall to read its content, and to which I do not subscribe.

I mentioned it on Allison's blog, and asked my sister to look in her paper paper for the article. I found the article this morning and just pulled up Gmail to send it to my sister, when Allison's email came in giving me the reference, too.

The collection of addresses is not for voter purge, but to direct  "the Illegal human "Locust(s)" (...who...) Need places to live...We'll already have the addresses of the their New families. 

He also had pejorative names for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. 

What a despicable human. Darrell Roland is up for re-election in November. I will make myself familiar with his Democrat opponent, and vote for her. The Republicans are building a war machine and it seems no act of suppression or intimidation or defamation is too small for them to ignore.

Make no mistake, MAGA plans to suppress the vote; intimidate the electorate. Do everything you can to encourage new voters and old to get to the polls.

In happier news, my daughter was picking figs, and found this: 

She captioned it "From Texas, no joke intended" since she had never seen a red dragonfly. My apologies to Ellen! Ours are commonly blue. Beth texted later she's found it is a Ruby Meadowhawk, common to Wisconsin. See, David, I raised my children to appreciate more than Blue Herons.

And finally, I finally was able to take a picture of our resident white cat.

We are reduced to two cats in the building, as far as I know. I know  little about this cat, whose picture is through three windows. I have it on excellent authority (Diana, who spoils Kitty to death) that this cat is a blue eyed, white, deaf cat. The first time I saw him, he was asleep in where you see him. Diana says his owner is an obtuse fellow. He put that disc in the bed hammock, and now the kitty can only sit on it.

That's it for now. No weaving news; I'm at warp's end and cannot weave until more thread arrives.


  1. I remember father's tales of voting in inter war Glasgow...'vote early, vote often' was the watchword, with as close eye on the obituary columns for the past year...

  2. Cool dragon fly. But sweet deaf kitty's owner must be a painful Republican! Linda in Kansas

  3. Good actions on your part. Thank you.

  4. Love the dragon fly. Hiss and spit at the political news. Ugh.

  5. If trump wins, it'll go further than just collecting the names of those who voted against him, by far. I've been doing what I can to help, phone, etc.
    BTW, it's not a dragonfly. It's a damselfly, they come in red as a variation. They vary in both size and appearance from dragonfly's.

    1. Libellulidae, Skimmer family, aka dragonfly, per the Wisconsin Odonata Survey.

    2. Damselfly wings are together at rest, dragonfly wings apart. Kinda like the difference between moths and butterflies.

  6. Everything Trump accuses someone else of doing is something that he has done or plans to do so when he says that the Democrats can't win the election without cheating, I'm pretty sure he means the Republicans can't win without cheating and as we all know, he sure tried last time.

  7. Our unworthy opponents will do anything to try to win, and when they don't win, they'll say they did. I fear something far worse than Jan. 6th but don't know what it will be.


  8. Young folks up here are not voting because- Gaza...I understand but this election is nothing to dismiss. We are dead in the water if the orange skid mark gets in again, as you know...
    The white cat looks content even though it has to sit in a saucer. Why? I had a white cat with blue eyes- she was cranky and ran away to go live in the slaughter house- Not the brightest cat on the block.

  9. The only election shenanigans I've heard about in my state is a proposal by the Republican nominee for Secretary of State to hand count EVERY ballot

    1. Ah, yes, Missouri. You do have a date for certification, I believe.

  10. I'm kind of at warp's end, too, with the political news. Perhaps everyone should register as Independents to protect their status on voting registers.

  11. I know you love blue herons, Joanne and whenever I see one, I think of you! I guess I always will!

  12. I was just looking at my Yahoo News and the bad sheriff is there. So, he's just gone national with his perfidy and malfeasance.

  13. Voter registration lists of names and addresses have not been publicly available in Canada due to privacy laws for many years now. Not only does this prevent political harassment but also does not allow abusive spouses or stalkers to find their victims' new addresses. I'm surprised such info is available in the USA. What possible good does that do? Any individual should be able to check with the election authorities to confirm they are registered and on the list, but that's it. No need to know about anyone else.

  14. Here in Ohio I think that voter lists are public just to be able to harass your neighbors. Meanwhile I went through my neighborhood to see who I am still willing to speak to.
    I read what that snake from Portage County posted. I shared it on my Facebook page with my own statement. I am more than willing to shelter a refugee family be they from Haiti, or Ukraine or South America or wherever. Please write my name and address in Sharpie marker. I paid attention in Sunday School. Love thy neighbor.

  15. How can some people be so despicable and GET AWAY WITH IT? I am incensed.

  16. Your election stuff is driving us nuts up here. Here the votes are sacrosanct - at least for now as we have our own right wing Tiny Trump in the wings ready to destroy.

  17. Poor kitty who can no longer sleep in his comfy hammock.
    I confess I am seriously worried for your country. I hope with all fingers crossed that the Democrats win, but learning of what people like David are up to is scary, it should be illegal to manipulate and purge voter registrations.

  18. Hari Om
    The rest of the world needs to be aware of the nonsense that's going on in the USA, because, like it or not, it affects things globally.

    Whitey is very handsome...and looks well fed... YAM xx

  19. It seems that Trump and his entourage are happy to do just about anything legal or illegal to artificially reduce the number of Democrat voters. As you say, new and old voters must make sure they vote and not find excuses for abstaining.

  20. And to think in Canada we get a card in the mail telling us where our polling station is, and we go there and vote. Simple, easy-peasy, and the results are counted and accepted. Amazing! And thanks for the shout out, Joanne. I am not quite sure how River thinks I am up to no good, however!

  21. MAGAts are just despicable people. cheating is fine as long as they do it. and cheating is the only way they can win. I wonder why the old fart didn't want his cat sleeping in the hammock.

  22. We're on the precipice of real trouble in this country. I fear what might happen in November with the cheating and the violent rhetoric. Maga doesn't care if they destroy this country.

  23. Why are some people so hateful? I halfway understand snarky campaigns but outright hate I cannot deal with. Nor should I have to.

  24. I read about that sheriff. And now, tRUMP has a new target. He's left Aurora, CO behind, and Springfield. Now he's talking about Charlroi, Pennsylvania who's population has increased by 2000% because of Haitian immigrants. Like Aurora, Like Springfield, Charlroi is disputing his version of events claiming them untrue and unfair. People like your sheriff don't care. They run on, fearmongering wildly.

    In other news, over 40% of republicans say that they will not accept the results of the election if their candidate does not win. 14% of those are prepared to take action. (What that entails however is not clear).

    Someone posted, "If it takes Taylor to influence this election, well, slap sequins on my ass and call me a Swiftie."

  25. Aaack! The far right is dangerous and creepy.

  26. The plot thickens as the election day gets closer. I wouldn't be surprised at anything the republicans do, like maybe staging an assasination attempt. I know that sounds way out there, but as far as I can tell the vile idiot will stop at nothing. Why would you lie in wait for a mere chance that someone would be at that particular place on any given day?
