I liked walking with a cane far better when I did it for
style, not for support! My idle observation for the day.
I spent two days disconsolate. Lethargic. For shame. I
watched Dr. Ford’s cross examination. Such grace and courage. Most every woman
watching could mentally applaud. They broke for lunch and so did I. I never
went back. Sneak peeks were adequate to tell me to back off. Today I sort of
squatted down and poked the campfire ashes and knew it was not good.
Yesterday I looked and left. I don’t understand why no
Republican senator questioned Dr. Ford. Actually, the whole layout of the
hearing was stupid. No woman would have organized such a cowardly charade.
Whatever. The men were in charge.
Brett Kavanaugh was not a pretty picture. For me, he was not
a credible witness. He cried. He yelled. He tried to pin the failure of the
rest of his life on the “accusations”.
One fact I did not hear mentioned, however, though I wasn’t around much.
Ashley Kavanaugh’s head was turned toward her husband, but
her body turned away, leaving me to wonder how many of those tantrums and
tirades she was subjected to at home. Because, Brett did not launch into his
first melt down for the television. He’s had a lot of practice.
I went to breakfast with a friend. We agreed not to mention yesterday,
and we didn’t. I came home to therapists, drilling me on what I have learned
from them, and being signed off. Laura came home, and we left to try a new
restaurant for dinner. Far too early. A new sports bar. New to us. I saw the
end of the Cardinal/Cubs game, and some Ryder Cup. Laura watched field hockey,
and was not impressed with the level of play.
I am so obsessed with the terrible potential for this
nomination, I subscribed to something on my phone for instant headlines and
news. Smart News, it’s called. I must turn it off at night; it delivers smart
news with klaxon sound whenever it deems it has occurred. It sounded on the restaurant table tonight,
and the FBI has been given one week to launch another investigation of the
charges against Brett Kavanaugh. A reprieve.
All those Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee
seem to a man, corrupted by Trump’s politics.