
Thursday, July 18, 2024

Topsy turvy

 It seems I am grounded for awhile. I was weaving this afternoon, with my treadle foot stripped to my sock. After some time I decided that foot was wet. Actually, the sock was sodden. I looked for the source of the water for a bit. Where had I stepped in it? It was dry around the refrigerator and the kitchen sink. Same in the bathroom.

A mystery. I changed my sock(s) and took my length of fabric to the laundry room. Back in the living room, I realized the carpet might be wet. It felt wet to my hand, and did not pass the tissue test, which came back wet.

The ensuing hours have been a whirlwind. Maintenance came, removed the front of my HVAC unit and saw it was about one third iced up. The thermostat was turned off, two big men moved my loom and several other things on wet carpet. Up came the extractor, which sucks up water. Then the industrial fan, which exceeds OSHA noise limits, in my opinion. Kitty retreated to the back of my bedroom until I came back from dinner and unplugged the damn thing.

The HVAC unit is disassembled. Two windows are wide. Temps are forecast to be very low fifties tonight. Maintenance tells me they will have it all back together by tomorrow afternoon. I barely believe that. For now the giant fan is off. My ears are still reeling. I'll turn it back on in the morning. Kitty may have a nervous breakdown.

Back to the surprise birthday party! Rose was completely surprised. Completely. One hundred people did not spill one bean. She was not dismayed. The affair was organized by two people she would have suspected, a daughter and son-in-law.

But also in attendance were a son from California, two great grandchildren who also live there, and the grandmother of the grands. It was a very nice party.

So, wish me luck returning quickly to a normal life. For now, it's a very hot shower and winter jammies.


  1. pull out that winter quilt! too bad about the hvac. we had to have AC repair twice this summer already. glad to hear Rose enjoyed her surprise party.

  2. That was an unexpected adventure. I hope it will soon be resolved. And she did enjoy her party, after all! Good.

  3. Water causes lots of trouble when water is where it is not supposed to be. The floor drying machines are like jet engines and the noise is horrendous. They do dry things out. Your maintenance guys will want to run them until their water/moisture gauge reads: no moisture. A few years ago, my heat pump leaked in the living room and I know the dry out process. It is not pleasant.

  4. DANG! Just when everything was going smoothly. At first I thought you were going to say that Kitty had an accident, a big accident. Glad it is not that! I hope that she does not go out the open window. That's all you need. Stay cosy tonight under your winter quilt in winter jammies as the rest of the nation fries.

  5. Bummer about the A/C freezing up. It's interesting that they thought you would be able to sleep with the fan on. They are very loud. Glad Kitty is not jumping on things, guard the chap stick, losing it is bad.

  6. What a bummer about your wet carpet! That really sucks. In better news, glad Rose's surprise party was such a hit and wow, it was very well attended!

  7. I hope your carpet dries fully and doesn't develop any mould. Good news about the party.

  8. Echoing River - and glad that Rose's surprise was a happy one.

  9. Some things you just expect to sit there and work...hope you both get sorted and settled back very soon xx

  10. Hari Om
    Adding my wishes for speedy normality (as you now know it... YAM xx

  11. Water always goes further than you would expect and takes more mopping up too. Hope you dry out soon

  12. Good luck getting the HVAC unit fixed. I hope kitty isn't too traumatised!

  13. It’s great that Rose enjoyed her party so much. The dripping a/c unit not so much. I hope they get it fully dried out and you are not left with a lingering mustiness.

  14. You might have need winter jammies. It's 53F here this morning after the heat broke for a day. The temps will climb again today. Keep dry, eh?

  15. Dang inconvenient HVAC issues! Gotta have that fan or mold will ensue. Our power was out this week, due to that nasty line of storms, and our generator may as well have been a 747, for as loud as it was. Had to wear headphones when I went outside. How nice that Rose was surprised and enjoyed her party.

  16. Well. Bad news (HVAC) and good news- Rose! And isn't that life? I sure hope your life gets back to normal tout de suite. I hope Kitty isn't scarred forever.
    And really, it's such a nice thing to think of Rose being surprised with so many loved ones, some from so far away.

  17. Hope things get back to normal

  18. How annoying! At least you have a good service to come right in and get working on it quickly. I hope it is set back to normal soon and everything hums along smoothly (and quietly!)

  19. How awful! I am hoping for a quick return to dry and normal.

  20. We had those huge fans years ago when the cat flooded our master bath during the night. He loved to play with the faucet handles and left one running while he watched the floor fill up overnight. Needless to say, we put glasses over the handles from then on. Good luck with the drying out!

  21. I hate feeling or seeing water anywhere it isn't supposed to be; it always involves a huge hassle. Those fans are LOUD! Glad the party went so well.

  22. Hope the issue is resolved now, Joanne!

  23. I certainly hope they will assist with the clean-up. I hope there is no major damage.

  24. Oh, I feel for you, Joanne! And hope that things soon will turn right. Such a nuisance! Hugs, Britta

  25. I'm glad Rose's party went well, but cripes. What a freaking disaster at your house! Hope that the whole mess is sorted out by tomorrow night.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I am so sorry. What a mess. I hope all is cleaned up and in working order quickly. Your night temperatures sound lovely. I hope Kitty recovers.

  28. I am so sorry. What a mess! I hope all is restored quickly and Kitty recovers. Your night temperatures sound wonderful.

  29. Good luck, Joanne. I hope things return to normal soon. And I am glad Rose's party went well. Take care.
