
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Normal has returned

Or, the current news from my turf. There is little to report, but I am capable of scraping up a bit of news. I have a standard appointment with my PCP next week and had a note on my chart that she ordered some routine bloodwork and please have it done two or three days ahead. Great, thinks I, I have a standing order for thyroid blood work that I have not bothered with; I'll do it all at once.

Visiting this clinic is not so easy as visiting the clinic I used to frequent. I think that was a Cleveland Clinic afterthought, smallish, easy handicap access, fairly quick turn around. This new clinic is intimidating. I made the first visit cold; I didn't go look around first. Consequently I learned it is big and has a lot of business. Parking is adequate, but all up the side of a hill.

All handicap parking was occupied that first time, and my walker and I made a long journey down a long hill, across two streets and a median, then the long walk to my appointment. Reverse process to get back to the car. Ever since I have bit the bullet and paid an attendant for valet parking.

So, checking in yesterday for the two sets of blood work, I learned my PCP had ordered fasting. Of course I wasn't. I get out of bed to eat breakfast.

So back this morning on an empty stomach. Surprise, the Saturday parking lot was fairly empty, a good deal since there is no valet on Saturday. My walk was reduced to crossing two streets, a median, up the sidewalk and down a hall to the labs. Job done!

Speaking of job done, my new HVAC unit was installed a week ago Friday afternoon, as promised. Some pictures:

Ain't it purty! I hope it outlasts me; I don't want to do this over again. My carpet did get dry in 24 hours, but only because of that industrial fan, open windows and low outdoor humidity.

I'm weaving again, now that the loom and all else are back in place. This time it's a green, bright, not too dark. Pine tree green. Here are both sides, and then I'm back to work.


  1. I'm glad your HVAC unit is fixed and your carpet is dry. I hope Kitty has recovered from the scary noise monster that was The Fan!

  2. With good parking, a short walk and general slow-day atmosphere, Saturday seems the ideal day for blood work at the big hospital. Floods are no fun and require lots of work to resolve water damage. Your new air conditioner should provide problem free operations.

  3. They don't make clinics convenient atall, do they ?!
    Glad your system has been sorted ok and you are back weaving.
    How is Kitty taking all the upheavals?

  4. I have the impression that health centres are built for the convenience of the staff, not the pacients.

  5. Glad you have the bloods out of the way. I need to get onto that soon. And it isn't convenient and the lines often stretch out of the clinic and down the corridor. I might try for a Saturday.
    And that green is delightful.

  6. I'm lucky to have a very convenient clinic about a mile from my house. Hope your blood tests so that you are in good health! I love that green towel, so pretty!

  7. Going to the doctor is a pain. I guess I should be grateful that I am here to need to go.

  8. Hurray for AC!
    I remember once when I was waiting to get blood drawn with at least thirty other people crowded into a very, very small room. We finally started talking and making each other laugh. When my name was called I walked out of the room and said over my shoulder, "I shall miss you all!" in my most drama queen fashion.
    The world is, after all, a stage.
    Valet parking definitely sounds like the way to go at your clinic.

  9. That's a rugged trip to get lab work done. I'm glad it's taken care of now. And that your AC is back in action.

  10. Hari OM
    Well, now we await reports of the results of the hard-gained bloodworks! Hooray for quick-drying carpets and a/c fixes and getting back into routine... YAM xx

  11. The loom is looming, Get to work, eh? 😊

  12. I hope I'm not asked for a fasting test again. These days, I feel if I don't eat and drink something straight away, I would pass out.

  13. WOW what a beauty - it is SO BIG! Great that you will now have good air, heat and cool and life will outlive that thing I am guessing- Unless the orange oozes
    his way in then we are all effed. Kitty probably wonders who that is that has moved in...I hope it is silent.

    Love the color of your new weaving!!

  14. I'm glad all is done and in good order. That weave is beautiful!

  15. Joanne, I love how you just go with the flow, and manage to get where you need to be. Those who design buildings and parking lots need to do a better job for those who need walkers or other assistance. Glad your AC is back! You and kitty can be comfortable again.

  16. I am quite sure you welcome the peace and quiet after the new installation. I wonder how many of the handicapped parking spaces are occupied by those qualified to use them? There seems to be so little enforcement of those rules.

  17. You did well to handle that parking at the clinic. Not much thought given to seniors and how they’d handle it!

  18. valet parking seems like the right idea. even on Saturday it was a long walk or sounds like it anyway. I go see my PCP on Tuesday and boy do I have a lot to tell her!

  19. I love that green! That is a LONG walk and it seems like there should be a better way. My mom's cardiologist has free valet parking although we always tip.

  20. Joanne, I think using the valet parking is a good idea. And great that you're getting a new AC unit! I'll bet kitty is glad to have the workmen gone.

  21. That IS a lot of work to access the lab needles and doc. Is there some secret parking area and way to get there? Some big facilities have a shuttle to help from a faraway lot to the front door. Linda in Kansas

  22. Good to hear the HVAC unit is now up and running. Soaring temperatures and no air conditioning can't be much fun. That middle picture looks like a very fancy bit of machinery. Quite a rigmarole to get your blood work!

  23. I wish to the heavens we had such units in our building. It becomes unbearable with the humidity, all new to this province and all due to climate change, which is worsening.
    added to that today is the smoke from Alberta thousands of miles away but making vulnerable people sick here.
    Your new colour is lovely.

  24. I love your weaving so much - and it seems as an anchor of normal life .

  25. Normal is good. Are your socks dry?

  26. That's a lot of effort to get to the doctor.

  27. Jus to let you know, the two red towels you sent me years ago are still being used on a daily basis. Thank you again. x

  28. It sounds like you’ve had quite the adventure with the new clinic and parking situation! I’m glad you managed to get everything sorted out and that the new HVAC unit is in place. It’s always nice when things fall into place as planned.

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  29. I'm so happy to hear your HVAC is fixed! And as always, your weaving is beautiful.
