
Thursday, July 4, 2024

More news

First and foremost, a happy holiday to all. I hope everyone could celebrate with friends or family, or both; and there was plenty from the grill to eat, with baked beans and coleslaw and watermelon.

It is raining here, which is good for the flowers in the atrium, though there may be a damper on fireworks tonight. Just a tiny corner of the atrium:

Speaking of outdoors, an amazing amount of work went on this past week. Plenty of landscaping has improved the view from my window immeasurably. 

Temperatures last week approached or exceeded one hundred degrees. The landscaping crew consisted of Amish men and women, who planted hundreds of specimens. 

I cannot find any use for the concrete in the middle of the yard. The patios do not connect to it. The only access is from the back, utility entrance. But, the interiors are coming along. There are blinds in the lower windows and the stickers are gone from the doors and windows.

I finished weaving the light blue rosepath towels and have them on the web page. Bobbins are wound for the next set of towels. They will be lavender. 


  1. Landscaping really "finishes" a building's look, doesn't it -- and is so much easier on the eyes! Happy 4th of July to you, Joanne!

  2. It looks beautiful outside your window! A bit of landscaping really helps. Happy 4th!

  3. Your new view with all the lovely landscape plantings is greatly improved. It will be interesting to see what happens with the center concrete. Maybe a few wrought iron cafe tables and chairs? Your atrium looks fabulous and in full bloom. Nice new towels too.

  4. I love your new view. How wonderful to have something nice to look at at last! Happy July 4th to you.

  5. The initial building looked concerning, but now it's lovely.

  6. Oh, that will be a nice view! Such an improvement! Happy 4th to you, too!

  7. Wow, I can't believe the progress, especially considering the beginning stages. Love the towels although I'm looking more for greens. (hint, hint)

  8. That landscaping makes an IMMENSE difference - though it cannot have been easy on the workers or the plants to do it in that heat.
    Happy 4th to you.

  9. The landscaping is a HUGE improvement. Possibly the concrete might get a clothesline or two installed there?

  10. The view is a whole lot better!

  11. Your view will be greatly improved.

  12. Things are really coming along... and you (and kitty) will enjoy your new viewl.

  13. Happy Fourth of July to you, Joanne! I am now thinking of baked beans and coleslaw! - Jenn

  14. Definitely a different view than the last one you showed us. The plantings certainly makes it easier on the eyes, Here’s hoping a watering system has gone in and they survive so that Katherine will enjoy seeing any birds in the trees

  15. Hari OM
    Another couple of months, and some new residents, and that view will be entirely transformed! Here in the UK, we are in post election recovery mode... YAM xx

  16. The landscaping really makes it look quite lovely. I hope they maintain it well.

  17. The Black-eyed Susans in the atrium look cheerful - would look wonderful in a vase beside your new blue towels. Can't wait to see the lavender ones.

  18. Yay, more towels! I tried to order a pathless red and you were sold out. I want a lavender too ❤️

    1. A second red, I mean—for a friend who loves mine

  19. Wow! This will help to make up for those long months of staring at the endless construction. It's so interesting to me that the Amish do the work of landscaping. Somehow that's something I don't think of them doing. Of course we don't have that much of an Amish community here.
    The new towels are lovely.

  20. The building is looking good. Finally.

  21. Oh my gosh! This is unbelievable! It's now gorgeous outside your window. I do hope the concrete doesn't add more heat to the area.

  22. The first was our big day and was quietly spent, not much flag waving. We have The Right leering at us too, all connected with Project 25 and armed to the teeth North America with nuclear arsenals on every corner. I thought concrete a thing of the past with temperatures through the roof and green grass and trees being encouraged?
    But the building looks lovely and your view has improved!

  23. Gorgeous towels and a much more enjoyable view! I'm glad you'll have more towels.

  24. Joanne, please save me one of those blue towels. I'm out of pocket for the next week, have much to deal with.

  25. A definite improvement..I hope they will regularly care for the garden

  26. Nice towel weaving pattern. It's good that there's something nice to look at out there.

  27. Thank you for the book recommendation!

  28. I'm glad your view is improving!

  29. Lovely towels, Joanne!
    It's interesting to note that Amish do the landscaping out in your neck of the woods. The concrete in the middle would look much nicer with scads of potted plants dotting it!

  30. Over 100 degrees is pretty oppressive. We have the opposite here - uncharacteristically cool temperatures around 60F. But that's a nice bit of landscaping.

  31. That landscaping is very nice, and quite a pleasant change from looking out your window at a muddy construction site. It is so hot. It is hard to muster up the motivation to get anything done. But...there is not much choice in the matter for us, and so we do it.
