
Thursday, June 27, 2024

I'm still here

The red rosepath towels are done and mostly hemmed. I put eight towels on the web page today. The loom is tied up and I think I'll weave the light blue next.

I believe I like the roses with no path best. Here is a one over one comparison:

Or perhaps deeper rows of roses before the path. We'll see.

In other news, we had an astounding presentation last weekend. A group named Matsiko performed. It is a troop of orphaned children, mostly from Liberia, singing songs in their language. The songs were accompanied by energetic dancing and footwork.

The first two photos need to be animated to convey the volume and dancing. Here is a video from earlier this year. The singers circulated in the audience during their opening number, shaking all the hands they could reach.

After the performance the children ate supper with us. There were three at out table. but the girl at the end of the table was off for more ice cream, dessert. All three ate plenty of supper, and plenty of ice cream.

The girl across from me was eighteen, the girl next to me sixteen and the one off for more ice cream was the group's youngest at fifteen. This last also had a sister in the group, as did Elizabeth, across the table. 

Among our three we had a future doctor, geologist and undecided. That and a bit about their life on the road was all we could elicit. They simply did not stop talking and had been primed with endless questions to keep us talking.

How old are you?

How many children do you have? What do they do?

Where have you lived?

What did you do?

And on and on and on. Irrepressible. And maybe high on ice cream.


  1. Definitely high on ice cream. And certainly colourful and energetic.

  2. That looks like a wonderful concert -- a fun event!

  3. What a great group! It sounds as if they were entertained by you,too.

  4. Lovely to have a visit like that.

    Both versions of Rosepath have their merits. A difficult choice!

  5. That sounds like a treat.
    I think I prefer the first version of rosepath - but both are lovely.

  6. Hari Om
    I too like both versions of the weave... though agree width of stripes might improve the path version. And what a wonderful visitation to entertain you all! YAM xx

  7. I watched the video. You could probably power a small town with that energy.

  8. That choir is impressive! It is great they visited.

  9. Honestly, I love both of the patterns. I almost feel as if you have outdone yourself. They look too beautiful to use as dish towels!
    I can only imagine how much energy and joy those beautiful kids brought into your space. I love that they could sit and eat with all of you. Thank you for sharing that. I feel that some of their essences leaked out to all of us here.

  10. Oh, yay—the towels are ready! I chose the one with no path – – my clear preference, they both are nice

  11. I agree with EC and prefer the first version (with the path), but both are lovely.

  12. I like the no-path roses the best.

  13. Your new towels look great. Energy and enthusiasm is strong among the choir. They enjoyed their time and meal with you and your friends. They clearly love to perform and each seems to have impressive goals.

  14. I like both of the new towel designs (maybe with the paths a bit more?). I'm glad you put pictures of the performers in your post because I could have a look at your swanky surroundings. That looks like a lovely place! -Jenn

  15. Such a performance lifts the spirits for a few days.

  16. I like the solid rose better too. how nice that they performed for you and got to mingle. hopefully the interaction raised awareness that we are all the same with the same hopes and dreams.

  17. I got a roses-no-path towel, and it is beautiful!!

  18. Oh, that looks a fabulous performance and I was glad to see the video. It made me happy and sad at the same time. I hope they have a bright, happy future. I'm glad your group was able to visit with them.

  19. That looks like a fun gathering and an interesting change from the usual daily routine. Smart that they were primed with questions so there wouldn't be any awkward silences.

  20. It is so nice that these girls performed for you. I'm sure they had as good a time as you did.

  21. Towels are gorgeous and love the young performers.

  22. Fabulous towels as usual! Stop doing that! Now I must have one! I have many....Love them!

  23. I was going to order another (pathless) for a friend who loved mine, but you’re sold out! Congratulations—and I hope you’ll weave more rosepath?

  24. Oh gosh! This sounded like so much fun! What a wonderful group of children.
