Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Things happening this week

I glanced out Kitty's window this morning and saw men unloading scaffolding from their trucks. Great, I thought, they will start putting the roof on the new building.  Wrong. I left Kitty eating her breakfast and went to eat mine.

I came back from breakfast to see the scaffolding set up right outside of Kitty's window, and then for the next couple of hours the loud noise of cutting the mortor from between rows of bricks. Two hours of incredible noise. The man handling the grinder has ear protection! Here is some of the work. I wonder if it's to point up the bricks.

Laura visited a week ago, and borrowed my wheelchair. Her friend's mother needed a chair to go with them to a concert. Laura left behind a norovirus that left me incapacitated much of last week. It's awful to be out of commission.

One afternoon I decided to be a recliner vegetable and settled in to watch Netflix. I bought a Roku stick for my fairly old television about eight years ago. The Roku controller is probably that old, and has fresh batteries, I knew, because I replaced them quite recently and had to buy them first.

Nevertheless, my controller, henceforth known as The Clicker, didn't work. I could not get it past Hulu. Eventually I quit its game and asked Beth to come have a go. She did and eventually announced the Down button did not work. She could still navigate with the Up button, but nothing down.

All the replacement clickers on Amazon said for Roku television, not for Roku stick. I got on the Roku web site. No phone number, but a chat site, with a robot. It didn't know what I wanted, and offered to connect me to a technician. First it wanted credit card info to handle a one dollar charge.

My bank objected and asked me to authorize a charge for fifty five dollars (apparently refundable to one dollar). I did not, and that was the end of Roku. Back to the search. I may have found an old bit of OEM clicker. It should be delivered today. If not, I'll just click backwards. 


  1. I use Roku as well, sorry to hear you had the virus. I've been down myself with something unidentifiable so I share your misery.
    Takes much longer to recover as we age.

  2. There is a terrible unknown virus circulating here which is like a cold and flu together. Our daughter and one of our granddaughters had it. We are trying to avoid it as best we can.

  3. I had to look up Noro virus- DANG! so highly contagious even after days of feeling well- Advice is to wear gloves, mask, wash everything as we did at the beginning of covid 19. A most unpleasant illness- Pedia-lite is recommended. The BRAT diet also recommended after the upchucks and poos. I had no idea about Noro Virus!

  4. So sorry to hear you were so sick. Noro is so depleting.

  5. So nasty, the norovirus -- hope all is back to normal now. And I bet Kitty is hiding from the construction noise -- I know I would be!

  6. Noro virus is nothing to sneeze at (sorry). Hope you're feeling better.

  7. It's always something, isn't it?

  8. Sigh. At both the virus and the difficulties in finding a new controller. I hope you are feeling much better.

  9. If it's not our computers getting a virus, it's us! I am so sorry you got sick. And I'm also sorry that your Roku crapped out on you. Technology can be, and often is, the most frustrating thing in the world. "Just WORK!" I want to yell. And the damn devices never answer. Never. Rude on top of everything else.

  10. Hari Om
    Ach technology...fab when working.........😬 YAM xx

  11. That sounds like a nasty virus; I hope you're rid of it! I get SO frustrated when things don't work. I would be crying over the remote--or throwing it against the wall. :(

  12. Joanne, sorry about the virus. Hope you're on the mend. As for the noise made by the construction, did it bother Kitty?

  13. Norovirus rattles around everywhere. Hope you can build back up gradually after that, it is no joke.

    They could have warned you about the repointing!!

  14. Don’t you miss those halcyon days when you could talk to a real human and get a little satisfaction? Maybe even pass the time of day? And there wasn’t even a charge! Hope you are feeling better.

  15. Ooh, none of the gastro viruses are nice. No wonder you were feeling crook all week. Chicken and rice is a good - after you’ve come off the boiled water and dry crackers. Take it easy, digestive systems don’t take too kindly to being flushed out as viciously as that

  16. We once had a Roku clicker that didn't work too well for us. Our Apple clicker has worked well for years. But it was expensive compared to the Roku.

  17. Hope you are feeling better by now and you have found a solution for your clicker!

  18. I hope you are recovered from the virus. I've also replaced clickers using Amazon. The buttons on clickers seem weak and fail easily.

  19. we don't have roku but our daughter bought us a fire stick with which we access streaming services so you might investigate that. why on earth would they be grinding out the mortar between bricks?

  20. I am sorry that Laura brought that you unwanted virus but I hope all is well. Good luck with the clicker. They don't make it easy finding a replacement without buying a whole new system.

  21. I am sorry that you had norovirus. It's just horrible. When I worked in microbiology I was always forgetting and putting a pen in my mouth, and then would come down with salmonella which was everywhere. Cruise ships are covered in norovirus.

  22. Goodness, quite a palaver with Roku. Hopefully you'll sort something out.

  23. Oh no! I'm sorry about norovirus and your clicker. I hope clicking backwards works for you.

  24. I had to look up norovirus. Oh gosh. I'm sorry you had to suffer from it. It sounds absolutely awful!
