
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Two old ladies get a job done

From the table talk, it was apparent to me that Rose wanted an RSV vaccination in addition to the current Covid jab we had here at the Atrium. I wanted the shot, too, and made a phone call to the drug store to make an appointment. I was told the shots are also available every Thursday, without appointment.

Another night at dinner I told Rose I was going to the drug store for an RSV shot today, and if I could figure out how to get her into my car, she was welcome to come along. I thought with Uncle Walt's handy little stool and some sturdy perseverance we could get the job done. In fact, we decided to have a dry run of inserting little Rose into the Pilot on steroids last Tuesday.

As luck would have it, last Tuesday Aurora had a snowstorm on steroids. We had more than a foot of snow, with high winds, lasting to early afternoon. It was so bad I even cancelled my long awaited mammogram. Rose and Joanne did not leave the building. It was do or do not today.

I was in the lobby, with the upside down stool on my walker and the key on my finger, waiting for Rose to come back with her "outing" walker. Nathan came from his office, probably headed for the men's room, and halted abruptly. I know I looked suspicious, and he began a conversation. I told him it merely was two old ladies with adventure in mind. He volunteered someone to bring the car around, warmed up. I handed him the key.

Rose returned, but no car appeared. I told her Nathan had gone to fetch it and I sure hoped nothing was wrong. I hoped the low tire light wasn't on again. I'd promised the dealer I'd make an appointment to fix it in that event. Finally Nathan and the Pilot appeared. He had snow in his hair, and had spent all that time cleaning the car!

Nathan supervised Rose climbing into the car and even stowed the stool and her walker. We were off.

At the drug store, Rose led the way, straight to the correct window. There were two people ahead of us, but already shot up and leaving. After the administrative preliminaries, Rose and I were seated in the line of chairs. While we waited, two more people took seats, one on either side of the two of us. The nurse approached, with two (and only two) syringes in her hand, asking who was there for RSV shots. 

The woman who was seated to my right offered her bare shoulder. "Excuse me," said I; "Rose and I were first." The bare shoulder retreated. A clerk called out to her, "Are you registered?" The bare shoulder went back to the counter, Rose and I had our jabs and were off.

Nathan is a new character and if you want to identify him in this charade, he is the Managing Director of Independent, Assisted and Memory Care units. A very nice fellow.


  1. Well done. Nathan sounds like someone worth cultivating.

  2. It pays to speak up when rude people try to butt in line! Glad both you and Rose got your shots!

  3. Nathan sounds a gem. Glad to hear you & Rose have received the RSV vaccine and had a bit of an adventure. Stay safe, warm & well.

  4. Good that you got your shots, Joanne. Would like to know if either of you had any reactions to the RSV? Considering it, but not sure yet.

  5. Thank you for visiting the bike shed again after my hiatus. I really need to get my winter shots too - your post has reminded me.

  6. This is a great post, Joanne! I'm glad that you and Rose were able to get your shots. I'm recovering from Covid right now and am so glad I had the booster a few weeks ago. That and the meds I got have really helped me feel better more quickly, I think.

  7. Very glad you got your rsv, both of you! And that other person now knows not to mess with you in line!

  8. Everyone needs a Nathan in their life. Hang onto him, he sounds like a good ‘un.

    1. I kind of think everyone needs a Joanne in their lives.

  9. Well done Joanne and Rose. Nathan sounds like a very good guy and also a helpful friend. The stool has a lovely long history and I am sure helped Rose immensely.

  10. You're pretty brave to go out with that much snow.

  11. Nathan sounds great! I got the RSV shot and although it did hurt afterward, it was worth it. RSV is nasty. You are a force of nature, Joanne!

  12. Glad you and Rose's adventure was a success and sounds like Nathan is a good egg.

  13. Hari Om
    Just can't keep the ol' gal down!!! So glad that Nathan didn't get all over-protective about your outing. YAM xx

  14. We haven’t had that much snow yet, Joanne. You and Rose did well to get out and about in that snow.

  15. God job! A couple of weeks ago I made an appointment to get an RSV shot. When I got to the pharmacy I learned that my doctor's office hadn't sent the prescription (which is necessary in my state). I not have all paperwork in order, and will make another appointment tomorrow.

  16. I am glad you both got your shots. I am thinking of adding the RSV vaccine to my routine too, I have the little twins to think of and can't be passing on anything like RSV to them.

  17. Hooray for braving all the snow. Sounds pretty bad. I'm glad the pharmacist made it in to work too. Linda in Kansas

  18. I loved that last line about Nathan being in your charade!
    Had to look up RSV - don't think that's a vaccination we get over here

  19. Teamwork! Well done you both..and it sounds like Nathan is worth knowing and having around!

  20. Hurray for the Nathans in this world! And hurray for the women who get things done! You and Rose did have an adventure and it was an adventure with a purpose. You braved the elements to get your shots and spoke up for yourself when it was necessary. You are a role model, Joanne!

  21. Nathan sounds like good news...and well done getting rid of the queue jumper.

  22. Glad Nathan was there to assist your adventure! I need to get Pneumonia, RSV, and the Covid booster. Wish they could mix them and just do one shot.

  23. Yes, Nathan - he da man indeed. A wee treasure. Glad you got this complicated necessity in motion, Joanne. Brava!

  24. Congrats on your vaccinations! And good job on handling that woman who tried to jump the queue, that's just rude.

  25. Good on you two for getting the vaccine. For reasons I can't understand, Jim and I have just not gotten it done. We were all over shingles, TDAP, flu and covid, but RSV continues to languish on the to-do list. Vaccine queue jumping is totally beyond the pale.

  26. the world needs more old women like you and Rose.

  27. Good for you braving the elements to get your vaccinations. The UK is also having unseasonably cold temperatures (well below zero in some places).

  28. Good to hear you have a nice helpful fellow on the staff. As I age, I see many activities complicated by ongoing aging process. It's a good reason to take advantage of what is still working ok today but might not be in the future.

  29. You are totally, amazingly awesome, Joanne and the best friend ever!!! Good for you both for staying protected.

  30. Both hubby and I had all our jabs booked and completed last month, the director of Health here in UK, Sir Chris Whitty, has advised older people to look after themselves the old fashion way?? One might ask what does that mean? Its exercise, and eat healthily, what does he think we do?? Set out to be ill?? silly man!
