
Saturday, November 25, 2023

Good company

This isn't easy! I was working on a draft for the next weaving project, first working it out, then daydreaming over it; thinking about some interesting colors, or applications of color. Perhaps hemstitching top and bottom. Then my mind interposed: blog before you forget what fun it was!

This year the dining room was arranged in two longish tables, consisting of a dozen or so of our square dining tables arranged as two long tables down the dining room. There were plates and napkin wrapped silverware settings on each side of the tables, plus a setting for the head and foot. About twenty settings were put out at each table.

I arrived in the Bistro, and attached myself to Rose, her daughter and son-in-law. In the dining room, Rose was seated at the foot of the table, I was on one side and Lauren and Mike opposite. At the last minute, in came Frank. His party had been ignominiously cancelled, he said, and he was looking for a meal. If he promised not to talk, could he sit by me. I answered "Yes," on the condition he did talk. And so he did.

The five of us were a very congenial group. Frank and Mike had lots in common and knew a lot of people in common. Lauren and I even had similar interests; we both ride (rode) motorcycles. Lauren has several skydives to her credit, a sport I would never take up. Rose conducted the laughter.

Dinner was good, too. Turkey, ham, baked sweet potatoes with marshmallow topping, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce. Pie and ice cream for dessert. I noted all the marshmallows were scraped to one end of our bowl of sweet potatoes. We ate our way through the feast, and kept laughing and talking. 

Finally Mike noticed all the other thanksgivingers were gone, save we five, holding down a table and a quarter. The kitchen staff were clearing the tables of festivities, table cloths, napkins, till only we five were left. It was still a couple more stories, before we took the hint of Rose's and my walkers produced from their parking places along the wall. So, Goodbye, a pleasure to know you, and with a couple of dinner rolls in my pocket, we went our separate way.

A lot of pictures were taken (by staff), but none have posted yet on Facebook. Here's a picture of our dining room. For the "feast", the staff had a long table down the center strip. It leads to the kitchen. All the square tables were lined up like railroad tracks. The staff distributed bowls and platters of food around the tables, to be passed. It was lovely. And the rest of the time we have dinner in groups of three or four around the individual tables.


  1. I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving with your friends.

  2. It DOES sound like you had a great Thanksgiving! And wow, you party hearties -- you shut the joint down, lol!

  3. So happy your Thanksgiving dinner with friends and good food turned out so well! Question: Did Kitty get any Thanksgiving treat? (not that she needs one as I'm sure she's spoiled rotten)

  4. It sounds like a lovely Thanksgiving!

  5. Sounds like the company was as wonderful as the dinner! Turkey day done right!

  6. Hari OM
    Now that sounds like a proper party... hoorah for that, and true Thanks! YAM xx

  7. A great meal with good people is the ideal. It sounds like the perfect Thanksgiving. No clean-up makes it even better. Happy belated Thanksgiving.

  8. You five should have moved to the nearest bar, (hot apple pie drinks are very good,) and continue the grand conversation! Glad the dining room let you stay awhile. Any longer, and you'd be washing the dishes! Linda in Kansas

  9. That was a great Thanksgiving meal and visit.

  10. Oh gosh! This sounds absolutely wonderful, Joanne. I'm so happy for you. Good company and good food, it's hard to ask for anything more.

  11. Doesn’t matter where you meet- it’s the company you keep that makes all the difference. Sounds like you had good company around you that day.

  12. How lovely to have people who get on well all seated together for conversation as well as yummy food.

  13. That sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving--both with the food and the company.

  14. That sounds truly lovely. I am so happy for you. Marshmallows on sweet potatoes? Not something I have ever seen.

  15. That was a really good celebration.

  16. You know- that sounds practically perfect to me. It seems that you five sort of just fell into the sort of instant understanding and enjoyment that is rare and beautiful. Add to that good food and you've got the recipe for a terrific experience. I bet that Lauren fell in love with you a little bit. What sweetness!

  17. Glad you had an enjoyable day! Now we race on to the Holidays!

  18. You know it's a good time when you're not in a hurry to leave. I'm so glad you enjoyed your dinner and the company.


  19. That sounds like such a nice day. When you're the last folks to leave, then you know it was fun.

  20. I have never understood the concept of marshmallows on sweet potatoes. Is that what makes them sweet? Hard pass. Like sugar loaded ketchup on fries. Your dining room is lovely and I am so happy you enjoyed the company at your table.

  21. It sounds like a very good Thanksgiving.

  22. You had a lovely Thanksgiving then! Cheers.

  23. A belated Happy Thanksgiving! Looks like you had a grand time with a tasty meal and lots of good chat.

  24. You had the Thanksgiving everyone should have. I'm glad.
