
Saturday, November 11, 2023

Table talk

I've been here something over a year. That and a contentious election helped me settle a couple of issues. Last fall I approached the activities director to see if she could help me sort the more liberal from the more conservative. Her response was to pull up her tortoise shell. All the residents are old, she said, and mostly more conservative. Hell's bells. I could deduce at least half of that for myself.

Conversation around our dinner table was friendly, non committal and restrained after my outburst about forced vaccinations. Then one evening Rose and I lingered after Betty left. Margaret was semi gone; she moved to a condo with her daughter, but seemed to be here all the time, with Frank.

In short order Rose confessed she was voting for both the abortion right and marijuana consumption bills on the November ballot. I confess it was wonderful to hear that from someone ten and more years older than I. I know Marilyn, my next door neighbor, and Madi, a floor mate, agree, but I don't have opportunity to be together as much with them.

And now both bills have passed, and reproductive rights are a constitutional right in Ohio, our Republican legislature is having none of it. The mildest remark has been it all must be tested in the courts. But the extreme right position is to overturn it or ignore it. So, the fight goes on. I wonder how many more liberals I'll turn up.

My sister made a quilt for Kitty. She diabolically used a wool batt to quilt the little thing. We both know, from a long history with cats and wool, they find it irresistible. I was not here, and Kitty chose to hide when Jan delivered her little goodie. When I came in:

And after supper, when Kitty usually is busy at play,

I bought Kitty a bed, a sung little igloo (in size large), and set it up on the other end of her sofa. The next morning I found it in an ignominious lump on the floor. Not only dumped, but beat up. Tomorrow Jan is bringing a new quilted igloo floor with wool batt to fit the bottom of Kitty's new room. We'll see.


  1. Great pic of Kitty and the quilt. I used to make quilts for all my cats and friend's cats. They do seem to like them... and it's obvious that Kitty loves hers. And it may just be the pictures, but Kitty does look well fed. ; )

  2. I was pleased that abortions were voted to be made legal. I am less pleased about marijuana. I know that any substance that makes a person high is destroying brain cells. Overall this round of elections gives me hope.

  3. I am so pleased about those election results.
    And love how happy Kitty looks with her quilt.

  4. Great photos of Kitty. What a wonderful home she found with you.

  5. I hope you can sniff out as many liberals as you can there! Then hopefully you can all sit at meals together so no one ends up with indigestion, lol. And wow, Kitty loves her new bespoke quilt! I hope another quilt insert will make the cozy igloo more palatable to her so she'll curl up in that too!

  6. I never even thought about the lack of liberals in assisted living. Doesn't bode well for my future. And your cat, she's lovely.

  7. I used to knit kitty blankets for a rescue group, to go with the kitty to her new home, her luggage. Meanwhile when they took the cats out for adoption days at local pet supply stores, the blankets went with them. In fact I have pictures of the kitties hanging in with all four paws, not letting anyone take their blankie! It made them more adoptable, they told me.
    But they weren't as high end as Kitty's new quilt, that's very five star!

  8. Over the years the state legislature has taken it upon themselves to enact laws that contradict the will of the people in previous elections. I hope that doesn't happen in your area.

  9. I was thrilled to read about the results of the Ohio election and passage of the reproduction rights bill. Kitty's quilt is gorgeous!
    Stay safe & well.

  10. Good to find people that you can discuss things properly with.
    Lovely quilt for Kitty!

  11. I like Kitty. Not only is she beautiful with all those colours, she also has character. She's soon sort out the far right.

  12. I hadn't heard about cats and wool, despite having cats most of my life. I may have to make a wool batting quilt for my grand-kitty.

  13. Hari OM
    Kitty is the medicine to salve all disgruntlements from the day... and to listen to the positives, too! YAM xx

  14. I'm happy you've found some like-minded people there.

  15. I was happy and a little surprised although I'm no fan of marijuana. I hope that the abortion vote stands but politicians and some courts are SO sneaky and underhanded.

  16. I wish you much success in pushing for these issues.

  17. I am glad you've found some like-minded friends. Slowly people reveal themselves. I had no idea cats favor wool. The new quilt is beautiful and Kitty seems quite happy.

  18. I hope you 'turn up' many more liberal co-conspirators in your group.

  19. I'm a quilter - but I would never make a quilt for a CAT. You can now excommunicate me from this blog if you want!

  20. Since when does a legislature overturn a vote to amend the constitution? These people need to be schooled on how the law works.

    1. "Their" thinking seems to run along the lines of it's not binding because it came from "the people". It's deep fake, like all current right leaning legislatures seems to be.

  21. I guess the Republicans in the Ohio Legislature don't get it, the state constitution was amended by a vote of the people. As Allison said, those folks need to take a Civics 101 class. If they try to overturn or ignore it they're gonna get sued and lose. I hope you keep finding more like-minded folks you can relate to. Hang in there with the kitty socialization, she'll come around.

    1. It probably all will be sorted in the courts. The ones Trump stacked with ultra conservatives.

  22. I'm so upset with the anti-abortion people. The people most hurt by their actions are the poor who cannot afford another mouth to feed, clothe and support. I hope you can find more friends who feel as you and we do.

    1. it's all about women having sex for pleasure. they don't like that and consider pregnancy due punishment.

  23. And seeing how comfortable Kitty seems to be on that quilt makes me want a soft quilt too. LOL

  24. It's great when you can at last find like minded people in a crowd. I am frightened to think that the legislation will be tried by law but I suppose it won't be the first time, and in truth isn't that part of checks and balances?; ensuring lawmakers have not abused their powers. It is just more of a worry in a jurisdiction where the judges are appointed for their political allegiances. I hope your state judiciary are more wedded to jurisprudence than to politics, and the new laws, recognizing rights, are upheld.

  25. Joanne, I have to say when I saw the celebrations in Ohio, the first person that popped in my mind was you. I knew you'd be celebrating. It IS nice to see the pushback, isn't it?

  26. It is nice to see Kitty being spoilt and obviously enjoying it. As for dinner 'friends' I am sure you will find more liberal ones.

  27. There must be something to "old = conservative" but I have become more liberal as my life has gone on. It is probably because I am not longer religious. Perhaps I should say no more right now.

  28. Kitty is almost being sociable! Just took a little bribe of a wool quilt. now that the weather has turned cold, Cat wants to snuggle on the couch with me and Minnie. glad to hear you're finding a few like minded folk. the lady who took most the glass is moving here from another town. she was delighted to find another democrat (in me) in this very red town.

  29. Kitty looks very contented on her new quilt. Good luck with the new igloo floor. And good luck finding some more liberals!

  30. Yay! OHIO voters have done good!
    Your feline friend looks so contented.

  31. Kitty knows quality when she lies on it!

    Well done Ohio voters!

  32. Within my family I need to avoid political issues with my siblings. Fortunately our kids lean to liberal side. I do wish we could back to the days when this didn't matter in daily interactions with others. Let's just be civil and polite. Agree to disagree and then change the subject.

  33. Great news about the Ohio results but extremely alarmed at the way your country is going. Fingers crossed more will wake up as to what is happening.
    Lovely kitty on the new quilt.

  34. Kitty looks quite happy and I was glad to see the election results out of Ohio. I sure hope that is a sign of things to come.

  35. Joanne, I had to pop in here to say I remembered that it was you who said you could use your phone app to make a deposit. I used it and it was slick. Also since I no longer drive, it saved my daughter a trip to the bank. You never know when you will make someone's life easier.

  36. Well I would like a quilt like that, maybe a little larger than Kitty's. :) I honestly think these far right people are a menace, all for liberty but stopping people doing all kinds of stuff. here in Britain our far right government is always going on about freedom of speech (that is right wing freedom of speech) while keeping dossiers on academics who are critical of the government. Creepy.
