
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Better luck next time

Yesterday I made a list of all I wanted done. Top of the list, "Ask Diana how to use the new washing machine." It was my day for housecleaning, my best opportunity to find Diana and myself near the machine at the same time. It's pretty much the opposite of the old machine. Instead of turning on the machine last, turn it on first. That activates the panel to make the selections.

It was a fairly long list of mundane jobs I would forget or overlook otherwise. Get gas. Pick up script. Etc. The job I didn't put down, because of course I would remember it: Put snow scraper in car.

I pass it on the way to the door. Easy peasy. I needed a new snow scraper because the old snow scraper went to Minnesota, with the Subaru. Did I remember it? No! Did it snow? Yes!

The good news is I have nowhere to go for a week, and after the weather gets over snowing, then rain, it will be sunny for a few days. And yes, it is an unholy trash mess out there, as we go into the second winter of construction. In my lifetime there will be a lovely green courtyard from out the window!

Kitty now is the mistress of most of her domain. She holds her post on the sofa no matter who comes through the door. She watches them carefully, and only leaves if the new person approaches with outstretched hand. Fair or foul, she leaves. And petting still does not please her. One stroke and she leaves. She also leaves for the vacuum cleaner, the other intolerable intruder.

I guess she's also in charge of me. I've quit buying what I think she will like and stick to what I know she will like. The banana toy, for example. It's just a fabric banana stuffed with catnip. She loves it. Oh, great, I thought, and bought a fabric pickle, stuffed with catnip. Total disdain. 

The old banana is worn out, chewed flat. I bought a new new banana toy. It's being thrown about the living room at this moment.


  1. Kitty is a creature of habit. I look forward to your stories about her.

  2. I always forget my snow scraper too. I even put it away in the spring someplace easy to see in the garage, so I won't forget it. I still forget it.
    That's a lovely window your cat is sitting in front of.

  3. Kitty is a creature of habit! Bananas, not pickles! I make lists, too.

  4. Lol, a pickle is in an *entirely* different food group from a banana! Whatever were you thinking? 😄

  5. Kitty loves her home and has settled in nicely. She is a very discerning kitty. Bananas but no pickles and the catnip makes no difference. That is pretty funny. Snow for Nov. 1.... seems early. It is cold in Massachusetts but not freezing yet.

  6. Lol. I am currently battling my own strongwilled cat.

  7. Kitty is a banana girl. Pickles indeed! I tend to be SURE I won't forget something so no need to write it down. Yeah.

  8. Snow! Kitty and banana is funny. Mr T had a 'denim rat' made of the off-cuts when i shortened Mr Bs jeans and favoured that alone. Creatures who know their own minds - no fashion victims among cats.

  9. The only way I can remember things is to set them on top of my purse.

  10. That's so funny -- banana, yes! pickle, no! Cats are strange that way. My snow brush lives in my car 365 days per year, in case of a rogue snowstorm in August.

  11. Hari OM
    Oh, if I had a quid for every time I walked past the thing by the door that was supposed come downstairs with me... I must try and find a long snow scraper like that! And Kitty clearly has taste - yeah, I'm a naaner gal too... YAM xx

  12. Kitties know what they like and don't; Mari is temperamental as well. I have somehow misplaced my snow scraper (but probably won't need it); however, I did have a can of Prestone with a scraper on it that I threw in the car.

  13. I don't make lists but I should. My short term memory is not that great.

  14. I walked down to the basement this evening and forgot halfway down the stairs what it was I wanted. But I kept going and fortunately remembered by the time I got to the bottom. And time for me to cash in the denial and put a scraper in my car, too.

  15. If I lived up in The High Country I’d probably need a snow scraper like that - I have a long handled windscreen sponge/scraper similar with a much deeper/wider ‘head’. . to clear the water off the screen when I’ve washed all the dust/bugs/flies away. Works better than the wipers themselves. Also good for condensation on the outside of side and back windows. It lives in the boot, that way it’s always there!

  16. Kitty rules - but I am glad that she is mistress of much of the domain.
    None of our cats have every shown the remotest interest in catnip - with the exception of catnip greenies that they adore.

  17. Kitty is doing a great job of training you how she likes things, lol. Too bad she can't also write your 'to do list' for you. It will be lovely when you're able to look out of your window and see a beautiful courtyard.

  18. Miss Kitty gets what Miss Kitty wants and all is well in her world.
    Happily, I have no need of a snow scraper.

  19. Catnip has never affected any of our cats, I wonder why.

  20. Oh, Joanne, I make lists too... or I'd never get anything done. Sometimes just too many things to remember... and I kind of like it if there's a whole week with no appointments or things that must be done.
    As for Kitty, she seems to have settled in and become your prickly companion.
    And thankfully, like River, I have no need of a snow scraper (or very very seldom).

  21. Snow so soon! Your Kitty Cat is really settled in well and I can't believe how long it's taking for that building to be finished

  22. We both have cats. Mine 19 years old and deaf, but active and very noisy. Do not buy balls or you will be for evermore on the floor hunting them under the sofa.

  23. Like all members of the aristocracy, Kitty know exactly what she wants, and she expects her menial servants to cater to her every whim. Seems like she’s got that down pat!

  24. Cats' preferences are completely unpredictable. Except if you put a circle of string or similar on the floor, most will go sit in it.

  25. Kitty is like me- I find what I like and I stick with that. I am sure that like me, this makes her feel more in control of things.
    New appliances are getting ridiculous when it comes to operating them.

  26. yay for Kitty. My Emma didn't care for physical affection all that much but she would always be somewhere near me usually sitting at my feet on the foot rest of the recliner. Cat on the other hand loves to be petted and scratched. she follows me around like the dog so I have two in my entourage now.

  27. Well done Kitty! A friend here makes rat shaped cat toys stuffed with catnip and valerian..calms the most crazy of cats!!
    That building is progressing so slowly!

  28. Thanks for the snow scraper reminder! I'll move it from the trunk back into the car so it is handy! :)

  29. I am reminded that I may not have put the scrapers back in the car.

  30. A great shot of pussy in the window. And I laughed so hard at that snow scraper. You live my life, despite the lists, the "you'll remember this as you will come close to tripping over it on the way out" stuff. Nope. Everything on a list. And + I count on my fingers the number of tasks to do when out and about.

  31. Pets are so funny. She looks content in front of her window.

  32. Who would have thought that kitty's favourite toy would be a fabric banana stuffed with catnip? Good to know you've finally got the hang of the washing machine. Onwards and upwards!

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Gosh! It's time for snow. My daughter in Illinois did say it snowed on Halloween and was really too cold for the kids. I'd forgotten how we had to remember to put a snow scraper in the car. We need a new washer soon and I'm dreading having to learn how to use another machine.

    That building next to you looks close to completion.

  35. My daughters' cat is like your Kitty except he won't run.
    He allows one pat on the head then he starts hissing!

  36. Snow? Already? I guess it is early November. It is good to read all about Kitty finally training you to be the owner that she wants.

  37. A friend in Illinois once sent us a car snow scraper. We don't get very cold weather here in London and it is even less cold now with climate change, but it is surprising how often it comes in handy.

  38. You must be very pleased with the vote results in Ohio.
