
Thursday, September 7, 2023

Things that have changed this year

My youngest daughter became a nurse practitioner. She was awarded  the degree she set out for fifteen or twenty years ago. How I applaud the achievement, though she climbed several mountains of her own making.

I came to a decision about weaving towels. When I have finished the warp currently on the loom, I'll be through with towels. I will go back to "fashion" weaving, making shrugs and shawls and such. In the beginning they will be cotton, but when the last of my 8/2 cotton is gone, I'll change to 10/2 and probably some novelty. It will be fun. 

My car was a whole nuther mental wrench. My trusty red Dodge had come up against another costly repair. Northeastern Ohio winters are hard on cars, and mine had a rusted out something or the other front end assembly. In addition, the entire driver's side fender assembly had rusted through. 

I got on the internet and found the only "new" car I could afford, a Subaru two years younger than the Dodge. So, I bought it. It had impeccable lineage; one owner; bells and whistles; well maintained. The problem, it turned out, was changing me from driving a domestic car to a foreign car with every add on available. The back up camera was OK; the rest was not. Gas tank, wrong side. Lights, I never did figure out. Or any other control.

Resell it! But, the used car market tanked, literally the week after I bought the car. Market value was half I paid for the car. So, I sold the car to my daughter, for my granddaughter to drive back to college in Minnesota. Great for her, but I have no car. I think my daughter is happy her eighty year old mother no longer has wheels, but I can still drive.

Beginning this coming week, we will see my ability with Uber. Or Lyft.  I have a doctor's appointment literally every day next week, and will be using one or the other form of transportation. I'll let you know.

And, I took on a cat, Katherine. What cat? No one has seen her  on a regular basis, except moi. She hides before the doorbell finishes its ring. The only other people who have seen her are housekeeping, my sister and my daughter. Housekeeping knows her because Diana took care of her when I was in Assisted living last spring. So did Jan.

So, that's the year in review for me. The rest of my year has been all the people who live here.  I think I'll save that for another post.


  1. For a moment I thought you were going to say you were going to give up weaving!! I’m glad you’re not.
    The mystery cat takes a lovely picture! - Jenn

  2. I think I remember a granddaughter clipping the cat's nails? Caroline, I think. Good that you are going to continue weaving. You would sure miss that! Glad I got my towels! The post about the people who live there should be interesting.

  3. Sounds like you're looking forward to weaving shawls and shrugs! Always nice to have a change.

  4. Liked your car story. Most of the newer cars have all the gadgets that take some training and getting used to.

  5. Hari OM
    A change of weaving scenery will no doubt bring fresh inspiration and interest. That's quite a bit of change in one year... may the remaining few months be (relatively) 'uninteresting!' YAM xx

  6. I'm glad you're continuing to weave, with different output. Nice change.
    The uber and lyft way is pretty expensive. Can you set up a round trip, with the driver waiting while you're in the office, rather than have to rebook to get home? I'm not familiar with the process.

  7. Interesting about cars, here they are incredibly expensive, used or not. I've been asked to sell mine at more than I paid for it. Huge shortage. I would find it really, really hard to give up the wheels Joanne. We don't have Uber or Lyft here. I love how you make decisions, I am very like you that way. I evaluate and then adapt to the new reality.

  8. My towels are much treasured but I understand wanting to go on to something different. I love my Subaru; it comes in very handy in inclement weather. It sounds like yours went to a good home!

    1. Yes, we all are comfortable with a 4 wheel drive for Caroline in MN winters.

  9. I am really, really looking forward to seeing your next weaving journey.
    And congratulations to your youngest daughter.

  10. It will be interesting changing your weaving pattern Joanne. Mollie, my little deaf nineteen years old cat. Miaows loudly because of her deafness, so you can always find her being impatient about something.

  11. Your towels are so beautiful, but a change will do you good. Never say you are too old for a fresh new challenge!!
    Cars...hard to live with or without them.
    What does a nurse practitioner do? Congratulations on daughter's success.
    And an ear scritch for Kitty...if she will let you!

    1. A NP is permitted to diagnose and prescribe medications.

  12. Congratulations to your daughter.

  13. I suspect that weaving towels gets rote and boring after a while. Hope you share your more creative items with us too.

  14. Your daughter has truly accomplished something amazing. I know you must be proud of her.
    I know that changing from weaving towels to weaving more garment items will be a lot more satisfying that having given up your car. I'm so sorry that the Subaru just didn't work for you but I'm sure your granddaughter loves it. Going carless is scary, I think. I have not done it...yet...but I know it will be inevitable at some point, should I live that long. I know you did it voluntarily which is a big difference. It wasn't your ability to drive, it was the hassle of car ownership. Thank goodness for Uber and Lyft- alternatives not available in the past.
    It's so interesting about your cat and no one seeing it. My mother, in her last months at her assisted living place, insisted that a cat kept coming into her room. There were NO cats in that entire building. At least you have photographic evidence of your cat. And her litter box too, is proof!

  15. Fun to try the shawls and throws.....and i hope the travel works out for you. Uber exists out here in the wilds, but I've never used it as the local taxis are pretty good. The problem with not having your own transport is if you are doing several things on the same trip and perhaps carrying things....having a taxi wait for you is costly!

  16. Your daughter certainly was persistent! Well done!

    The weaving will continue! Yay!

  17. Congratulations on making numerous changes. Change is not always easy. Achieving her goal of becoming a NP is impressive. A friend recently became a NP and she's loving her job, plus she makes great money. If you want to drive, consider Zipcar. It is driving without ownership. Reserve the car you want and drive for an hour or a day... Uber works well too.

  18. I'm glad you are not giving up weaving altogether and look forward to seeing pictures of the new items. I think Kitty will adjust with more time. My Lola spent a few years vanishing as soon as anyone but me came in the door, now as long as I am still there she will remain on the windowsill while others come in for a chat or whatever.

  19. Unfortunate about the tanking used car market. I hope you can find another replacement car. I guess younger folk always think oldies are no longer capable of driving, but in fact statistically the young have more car accidents than oldies because we oldies are more cautious.

  20. oh yay! I thought you were going to stop weaving altogether when you finished this warp. my year has been full of nothing. no art, no yard work, at least not since temps hit the 90s and went up from there. I've probably spent the most energy trying to outsmart the ants.

  21. Congrats to your youngest, Joanne! That is quite an achievement! Sorry about the car, but curious to know how Uber and Lyft work out. I don't drive anymore, but still have DH... so I've never tried them.
