
Monday, July 10, 2023


Beth picked me up for the vet appointment last week. Even though Kitty's carrier had been innocuously hanging about for a week, I could not touch her yesterday. When Beth put a firm grip around her, it still was a small struggle to get her into the carrier. Too bad! In she went and off we went.

I raised my girls in Lake County, near Lake Erie. When they were raised and gone, and I was transitioning from being an "important person" to a working artist, I wound up going back home, to Summit County, where I was raised. It has become quite clear to me over the intervening years, "home" to my girls is Lake and Cuyahoga Counties, on Lake Erie. "Home" to me is Summit County.

As Beth and I set out, I asked "where is this vet, anyway?"

"Just up 306" she said. Good old 306. Our home for almost thirty years was on a street off 306, in Mentor, Ohio. Mentor is about 35 miles north of Aurora. 306 once was very rural, and Jan and I used to drive it, looking for antique shops. Of course, it is very not rural now.

Katherine's new vet is Dr. Chips, Silver Creek Veterinary. Many years ago Jan and I bought wool from Silver Creek Farm. In fact, I taught Molly how to skirt a fleece.

But anyway, Kitty and the Vet.  

Kitty underwent a new patient exam, which showed her insides to be in place, her temperature normal and her exterior as would be expected. She is a Torty; she did not cooperate without being totally obnoxious. Vet has a Torty, too.

Dr. Chips deduced, from the vaccination record we have, that Kitty received one dose of rhinovirus vaccine, but did not receive the the follow up two weeks later, sort of like the shingles vaccination for people. That could account for her constant wheezing. She prescribed a powder to sprinkle on her food daily. 

Today I'm waiting for another family member and another doctor appointment. Does it never end? Does it ever end? This time Jan is taking me to see Dr. O, to assess a dental implant, top left. Then I could chew again. That would be wonderful!

She's bringing a couple of surprises. They would be total surprises to me except I stumbled upon one of them. The other was such a mind blowing surprise, I'll wait until it's in hand and I can take pictures.

And in the meantime, I need some advice. I've decided to repost much of my blog. However, I do not know how to find it and really don't have the mental energy to find it. Does anyone know a straight forward way to find the posts returned to draft status?


  1. Hari Om
    Well, that's Kitty seen to, now for you! If you had reverted a number of posts to draft, you will need to go to POSTS on the dashboard, which shows all of them. At the top of the listing you will see "All" and the number of posts in total on your blog. Beside it is a drop-down arrow (small grey thing). Click that and you will see a pop up box with options - one of which is DRAFTS... Hope that helped! Email if further required. YAM xx

    1. I was going to offer the same advice, but Yamini beat me to it :-)

    2. Thank you. I have a bad habit of not looking carefully over forms.

  2. I hope the wheezing powder helps Kitty to heal.

  3. Going to doctors never does end and it will probably be one of the last things most of us do in our lives. All of these parts that make our bodies our bodies must be tended.
    Even for Kitty.
    I'm glad the vet has a Torty too. It helps with understanding, I am sure.
    I can't wait to see what your surprise is!

  4. Good to know kitty is fit and healthy. Good luck with your meeting with Dr.O

  5. I don't think it ever does end. I sometimes (often) get tired of the never ending trips to medical professionals. For me and the cats.
    I hope that Kitty's wheezing can be stopped, and that you receive good news from your treating professions.
    I haven't tried to find all my posts - but will give it some thought and get back to you if inspiration strikes.
    Go to your dashboard and click on Posts. When it opens you will see a downward arrow at the top on the left hand side. If you click on that it will show you a choice of published and draft posts. Good luck.

  6. Try not to be S TROUBLESOME WITH YOUR DR AS SHE WAS wth hers. (Sorry for cap lock)

  7. Kitty has an attitude. She's in good health and with the new medication her sole problem will be solved. Good news. I love my current home but I do have a strong distinct fondness for my childhood home on the Atlantic Ocean. Surprises are always enjoyed and you've got 2 in the queue. Lucky girl!

  8. Hope that Kitty stops the wheezing! Getting a cat to the vet can be a real adventure. Mari never wants to go and has to be muscled into the cat carrier.

  9. Well done getting Kitty into the carrier

  10. I hope your visit goes well. My Eddie has been diagnosed with allergies, many alleries. He has had three rounds of steroid shots for his itching. Two rounds of the expensive Apoquel and other topical remedies. Nothing seems to work. He has lost most of his hair on his belly and the area on his back right before his tail. His paws are pitiful, no hair on his short little legs and the skin feels like leather constantly scabbing over. He is so miserable. I have tried all the skin remedies for dogs, even the probiotics that he takes daily. Today I found some eczema calming cream made by Vaseline. I put it on his back legs and I put some chap stick on his front legs. I don't have high hopes!

  11. I'm wondering why you would revert your posts to drafts. You can find them following the instructions given by others.

  12. Go yo your dashboard and click on 'Posts'. Click on 'Publish for the ones you have turned to drafts.That should be pretty straightforward.

  13. Good luck getting K to eat food that’s been sprinkled with something. You may need to resorting to stirring/mashing it in to disguise the smell (of something different)

  14. Glad kitty was ok. Hope you get on as well with the dentist.

  15. my Cat is a little wheezy, not all the time though. maybe I should take her in for a check up. I'm glad you decided to republish those posts. they are part of your history and if others object that's their problem, not yours to solve.

  16. Glad Kitty's vet visit turned out fairly well. And as for home... yes, our current home is home of course, but I still consider New Orleans as my 'home town'. And yes, we have lived here longer than we lived (or grew up) in New Orleans, but that doesn't matter. Family and memories are still there.
