
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Dusting off the edges



The zip codes zero through six went in today's mail. I need Tyvek flat rate bags for the last two or three shipments.

When the dust settled, I actually have six towels left in stock, two cream, two periwinkle, a blue cobalt and a dark green. I finally updated the web page, but I see it still has trouble catching up with itself.

It is hot today. Over ninety, going on one hundred. I pulled the curtain on the double window. It's better already; the unit isn't running nonstop. A break in its running is a relief!

Kitty has a vet appointment this afternoon. She has an upper respiratory problem and is sneezing, sort of.  Her carrier has been out and open on the sofa for a week, and today is the day she won't let me touch her! Crating up will have to wait until Beth gets here. At least I have Kitty's paperwork.

The kitchen staff put on a wonderful meal yesterday, for the people still here. Shis kabob! Chicken and steak kabobs, and salmon, just in case. The chicken and steak were done as stir fry, I think, and the veggie skewers were grilled. 

I didn't want to commit to a helping of steak, so I settled for a serving of salmon and a veggie skewer. Our whole table was back for seconds at once. Just smelling the aroma from the veggie skewer was heaven. And then, they were crispy, not over cooked. 

To make the meal even better, because Margaret was away we filled the empty chair with Maddie, who had no table mate for the afternoon. The three of us knew Maddie in passing, but the extended time with her was a treat. A new perspective on the same old same old. There was a lot of laughter.

All the kitchen help wound up in the dining room, serving and then clearing. Only two of the regular college kids were present, and I suppose it wasn't so awful, giving them the holiday off. Although, this seems to be the week most college students head off to Myrtle Beach and that's where ours were going, if we asked them.


  1. I am glad that you got a wonderful meal - and good company.
    Good luck for you and kitty on the crating and vet front.

  2. I hope kitty soon gets over her upper respiratory problem.

  3. It’s great to hear that the meal was so good. And even the company too.

  4. Glad you had such a wonderful Fourth of July dinner with good company too! Good luck with Kitty at the vet's.

  5. Sounds like you had an enjoyable 4th, Joanne. Salmon and veggies are what I'm having tonight. The boys won't do Salmon, so they get sausage and veggies. Hope Kitty does well at the vet...

  6. Good luck catching kitty and good luck to her with the vet. The food sounds delicious!

  7. Sounds like a nice Fourth. I hope all goes well with kitty, and you get a diagnosis.

  8. Salmon and Veg are so awesome, with some rice on the side. Good choices.

  9. That sounds like a delicious meal! My cat is the same way; she seems to sense when she's going to the vet, even though I'm as crafty as I can be. The weather, ugh, TOO HOT!

  10. I would have chosen salmon too. Your meal and table mates sound outstanding. Laughter says, a good time was had by all. Good luck with Kitty and the Vet. Hopefully, a bit of medication will solve her health issue.

  11. Dinner sounds delightful - good food and a new fun dinner companion.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'm not a fan od salmon but the veggie skewers sound great. I hope kitty doesn't put up too much fuss and is soon well again.

  14. Hari Om
    I am seeing this late, but am no less joyful that you had such a fun meal and table to share with. Congrats too on the sale of towels! YAM XX

  15. Hope the vet visit went well.
    It is satisfying seeing parcels go out of the door.
    It feels odd that you are supposed to stick to the same table partners all the time

  16. I hope Kitty will be well soon. I'm glad you enjoyed such a good meal with good friends.


  17. I cannot believe that you manage to weave, cut and hem the towels, run a business, and take care of Kitty! And you know- take care of your own needs. I am so glad that you have someone else now to cook your meals which can at least occasionally, be very fine!

  18. Hope Kitty is feeling better. Our dog goes to the vet today for annual shots. She likes going for some reason.

  19. It's good to get your meals cooked for you. I would like that. But like they say, be careful what we wish for. Good luck with Kitty's vet visit.

  20. Sounds like a tasty meal and good comapny with it! I hope Kitty's visit is uneventful with no exensive surprises!

  21. don't know what happened to my comment. maybe I forgot to hit publish. you must have had a run on your towels once you hinted you would stop weaving. damn. btw, when I looked this morning all three colors posted said sold out.

    1. I think the poor program choked over orders at the end. There actually were some of all three left, and when I reposted them manually they were purchased. And now they really are gone.

    2. Oh no, I dawdled and missed my chance! I think you better keep weaving, Joanne—raise your price to pay for more 🧵 thread?

  22. Poor kitty...may she be feeling tip-top in no time!
    The kitchen seems to be serving up some tasty grub. I'd eat there. :D

  23. I hope the lovely cat has already received the treatment and is feeling better.

  24. The description of all that food made me hungary, so I made dinner reservations for hubby and me. I had not taken anything out of the freezer and was trying to think of something for dinner. Hope things go well for kitty.
    Sandy's Space
