
Monday, February 20, 2023

Yes, I have a cat

Hopefully, the last cat post. Not that you won't hear more about her, but only as she appears and participates in living. In the meantime, I have seen Kitty again. One evening I was working quietly at my end on the room. I did not hear Kitty emerge from under the bed in the room to my right and not only work her way quietly behind me, across the room to the window seat and without sound, jump up. To her advantage, my hearing aids were out. The kibble caught her up. I heard that and looked left. 

We had an interesting conversation. I asked if she would still be there when I looked in the viewfinder? I didn't hear the response, which must have been yes, and she was still backed away from the dinner tray, watching cautiously. I gathered the scene quickly. It was about ten o'clock. I'd drawn the curtains because it was darn cold, and returned to reading blogs on the computer.

Kitty probably had come to the end of the bed, waiting for me to go to bed. Generally about that time I was closing curtains and picking up cat kibble. I had not "starved her out" by that point by not leaving food available when I was out of the room or asleep. She had been without food for two days, and, I figured, hungry. So I had changed operations and decided to made food available all the time. And she appeared because she was hungry.

So, we had a nice chat while she ate and drank. 

That's the last I've seen of her. I do hear the balls knocked around at night. I put the feathers away. They would be disintegrated by morning. Tomorrow is housekeeping day, which is good. The carpet is coated with toy scraps.


  1. She is warming up! What a beauty she is.

  2. She's figuring out her place in the family! Mainly how to run it.

  3. Sounds like kitty is getting used to you and her new home, and coming around!

  4. Joanne, I am glad you decided not to withhold food. That is never the way to win trust of an animal. It takes time and patience, that is all. Sometimes a lot of both, but it's the only way to truly establish trust.

  5. I agree with jenny_o; I have never withheld food from a new cat, I just make sure it is still fresh and there is clean water available too. Once they learn the food is always there, the trust in the human grows faster.

  6. I wonder how she’ll react to the noise of the vacuum cleaner?

  7. We had one like her called Mini - as she was very mini. She was a loving little girl - sure yours will be in time

  8. I hope this is not the last post about the cat. It is very interesting how she gets used to her new home.

  9. Will she always be an indoor cat? She is pretty though.

  10. Glad you're helping your new buddy. Keep those cat posts coming! We like reading them. Linda in Kansas

  11. I suspect that Miss Kitty is on the threshold of a charmed life when no luxury will be denied her and reciprocal affection will overflow. It should be ever thus.

  12. I love the way you are being so patient with her Joanne - she is such a pretty cat and things sound to be going well.

  13. Love the colouring of the new Kitty. She’s met her match, Joanne.

  14. As you know it takes patience, especially with older cats. They are such creatures of habit and her life has been upset. She just wants to make sure that there are no predators about. I am sure that she has been observing you and your habits carefully. I hope that housekeeping doesn't let her slip out to explore the hallway.

  15. Uh oh. If housecleaning means vacuuming, there is another trauma coming her way.

  16. Wait! What? No more kitty posts????!!! That's just mean! Anyways, I do think it is a good sign that she's playing. And that she posed for a photo.

  17. I like the line down the middle of her face.

  18. She is such a unique-looking and beautiful cat. It won't be long before she's purring in your lap. And please do write about her whenever you want to!

  19. I agree with others-there can never be too many cat posts.

  20. Hari OM
    Katherine 'Kitty' Noragon is a most beautifurs beastie and she will come to know that she has fallen on all fours to a loving and caring and 'equality' home! And it cannot be possible this will be a 'last post'!!! YAM xx

  21. I wonder about her life before she was at the shelter. Was she feral or just unwanted. I'm a little surprised she's still hiding all the time. She'll come around, how can she resist you?

  22. It seems Katherine was previously alone and possibly had little contact with people. In time, she'll know she is in a caring home and much loved.

  23. Katherine will come around. I think you're being very wise to take things slow and at HER pace. I foresee a long and beautiful friendship between the two of you! :)

  24. Kitty is taking it slow... but that's alright. There's no hurry. One has to get used to new surroundings... and learn to trust new people.

  25. Kitty is beautiful. What a great home you have made for her.

  26. She is getting there slowly but steadily. Well done both x

  27. You and kitty seem to be getting on very well. She's lucky to have such a caring custodian.

  28. Sweet kitty! I still expect to see Martha on the porch in the morning. I miss him. Maybe a nice kitten will find its way to our property ........ even if I am the one to bring it there!

  29. This weekend we are driving across the state (Arizona) to bring our new cat home. She is four years old. I expect similar hiding behavior from her over the first days.

  30. Cats are creative, and yours is even more so.
