
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

My day

 I have to show up for dinner at five, but here's a recap. I've spent my day on paperwork. I forget most of it, but some of it included trying to convince AAA I'd paid this year's dues. I hadn't, but figuring it out consumed and hour or two.

The "paper" did get consigned to the mail box, eventually, but I did not get to calling the doctor and the dentist. They are still on my note pad, and I think I'll wait a bit to call. It's colder than ice cubes out there and I don't want to deal with it.

No weaving was done today, sadly. I never get to it after dinner. Most of that time is spent reading blogs, and I still don't have time to get to them all. I have on a nice turquoise which I want to turn into towels, so I must get busy.

I did stop for a bite this afternoon. I have a food container I will be sorry to part with. There are four or five bonafide chefs in the kitchen. Well, one chef, a sous chef, a couple of chefs. After that there is a staff of preparers and servers. These mostly are college students. Three or four are on permanently and the rest are leaving this week.  A lot of turnover right now.

I hope a newby did this. There is ice cream available at every meal and some flavors we would die for. Not this one; it's too sweet. The purchasing chef buys ice cream in those big brown cardboard containers, and a kid or two transfers it by the scoop to these smaller units, then label the lid. I mean scoop that has the thumb lever to empty the contents. They serve potatoes and other things with them, too.

We generally bring our dessert back to our rooms. Mostly the kids on ice cream duty put enough information on the label to let them know the contents. When I saw this, I had to have it. Must be a new kid. I take it from my freezer for a spoonful every day and put it back. It's sweet enough to fly away on.

So, I didn't call the doctor for an appointment, but I did order bread, butter and jelly from Heinans'. That should have been straightforward. It wasn't. The shopper even came to my room to explain some of the items. They were on my order, but not my mental list. The one I keep in my head to shopping day. I must check the list before I click OK. I told the young lady OK. I'll figure out what to do with what I have no use for. 

I am back from dinner for a while now. I've been finishing the blog, getting ready to read the blogs! And go to bed early tonight.

I want you to know I'm much closer to getting a cat. The cat security deposit is only about a hundred dollars short. They do not accept credit cards here at the Atrium. Can you believe that! Cash and checks only.

And, my sister is getting her new knee on Friday. She needs a couple weeks recuperation before she faces a new kitty here.


  1. I always make mistakes with my grocery order--I don't always look at quantities or forget something obvious! Bourbon ice cream? We used to like a Ben and Jerry's ice cream with some bourbon in it although it was also very sweet. A kitty!! I can't wait.

  2. Always the paperwork! But your catering sounds pretty good.

  3. Hari OM
    I am facing some paperwork in the near future... there's always something, eh? Using the sweet as a proper treat sounds like a good plan... and I send my warm and healing wishes for Sis's knee op! YAM xx

  4. Food and cats, nothing could be better than that. Your sister is going to need more recuperation time than she reckons I would bet you a quarter! Friends who have had knees replaced took a long time to get their shite together after that! You might want to put a kitty in your next order just to see what happens...

  5. That turquoise fabric is lovely to see on a dreary day.

  6. I LOVE kitties! - have two of my own. There is such a comfort in having a warm purry bundle cuddled up on your lap because they WANT to, no coaxing needed.

  7. I like cats. I'm looking forward to pictures of your cat.

  8. Sounds like they look after you well in this place. I have been looking around for senior accommodations similar to yours.

  9. Linda Sue's comment, and your post Joanne, made me remember when our daughter was about eight years old, crazy about horses and ponies, and wrote "pony" on the grocery list on the fridge. I didn't see it until I was at the grocery store. A good memory, so thank you both.

    Those towels are going to be very pretty. Good luck to your sister and her new knee, and I am looking forward to when you get that kitty.

  10. Be sure and get a receipt for the cat deposit! Hope it doesn't increase your monthly rent too. Lots of places do that, and is usually written in the rent agreement. Maybe get one from the shelter that's already litter-box trained or calm, which could prevent some future falls, eh? Linda in Kansas

  11. Best wishes to your sister and her knee operation on Friday!

  12. Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork, blah! It never ends. A cat deposit? Is that usual? Odd they don't accept credit card payments. Hope your sister's new knee gives no trouble while healing. I'm getting new teeth next week.

  13. Paperwork? Shudder. Even worse I find is paperwork on the PC.
    I hope your sister's surgery and recuperation goes really well and am looking forward to meeting your new cat.

  14. Good luck to your sister on her knee surgery. I need one, actually two, but Lord only knows when I will ever get it as there is always something else that I need to deal with. Thankfully I can usually manage and some days and weeks are much better than others. I want a cat too but still haven't got around to it either. I'll be waiting on that for awhile too but I wish you all the best in getting a companionable fur baby. Cats are great creatures to have around.

  15. Somewhere there is a cat waiting for you who will be so lucky to be your cat.

  16. No credit cards in 2023? Do the Flintstones live there too?

  17. That's weird nowadays no one wants cash, if you haven't got a credit card you can't pay. My older daughter has a cat and it's made me want one too.

  18. Cash required would be difficult for the residents on occasion. The ice cream availability would be perfect for the ice cream lovers, like my husband. I look forward to the cat. I hope your sister’s surgery goes well and she has a speedy recovery.

  19. Hmmm...Something fishy about cash-only for pet deposit. Do you suppose that's their secret stash they keep off the books?
    Kidding. Sort of.
    You could save up your Bingo quarters and pay with those. That would be cool.
    We do very much all want you to get a cat, I think. Well, some of us.

  20. No credit cards. A bit odd although here many businesses charge and extra 3% to use a card rather than cash or check. It's annoying because I never remember to bring a check or have more than $2 in cash!

  21. Ah, ice cream, I love it. And I love trying new flavours. I wonder why the Atrium doesn't accept credit cards. Have they been defrauded once too often?

  22. February is cold and paperwork is on the increase with tax season. Your new kitty will be such a joy. I look forward to a picture. Knee surgery is easy for some and not for others. I hope your sister has an easy surgery and recovery. Once February is past, Spring seems so much closer.

  23. You have persuaded me that I shall put ice cream on my next Tesco order and look a the flavours.

  24. Glad you didn't make your doctor appointments yet. Getting out on the roads during bad weather is dangerous. Staying in and reading blogs is safer... and weaving. It really looks like you made a good choice moving where you are.

  25. I enjoy a bit of ice cream in the evening while I watch TV. We make low-carb ice cream and try to have it on hand.

  26. Getting a kitten? Ice cream? Your life sounds good right now!

  27. After surgery, I’ve just had toast and cereal today. It’s after 10, and I feel peckish, but I try not to eat late because it can thro my system off. But I don’t think sleep will be grand anyway tonight, so maybe I will relent.

  28. You can pull out your ice cream, eat one spoonful, and put it back?!!! You are amazing.

  29. What's colder than ice cubes? Ice cubes with wind.
