
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

This isn't a post

As ever, I'm sleeping in my chair. I wake up, to write a post around a picture I took, and go back to sleep again. I cannot believe the number of spelling mistakes.

It's going on all over again. How I love this little bird, and look at it and smile, and wake up atain some minutes later. Go back, to correct atain to again, but fall asleep.

Several weeks ago I woke with a bloody nose. Dry air. I bought a small humidifier for my small apartment and all seemed well, except there was no further way to enjoy that delightful stream of wet, cool air streaming from the little slot atop my humidifier.

Until one day I picked up Alberta's beautiful pie bird. I told the sweet little fellow that now that I no longer have the ability to bake a pie, it surely will never whistle the completion of a pie. I offered it the chance to just to whistle; whistle to its heart's joy; to whistle until its decals melted away.

I positioned it over the exit slot for steam and waited a very few seconds. Steam soon accumulated and poured from its beak. But nothin else happened. No whistle. No drops of perpetration. I lifted it off. Stone cold. 

That is the output of a cool mist humidifier.

If I were writing this again, I might not spend the time correcting errors. Now it is well past bedtime.


  1. well, isn't that the sweetest little companion! I would feel badly putting it in a pie to scream when it is too hot! It is more happy , I should think, blowing out a whisper of cool soft air.

  2. That's a cute birdie. I didn't know those existed to let you know when the pie is done cooking. Linda in Kansas

  3. I like how you repurposed the pie bird. Have a good nights sleep!

  4. Love that your pie bird has another life.

  5. I couldn’t see that beautiful little bird getting hot and steamy if you’re sitting him over a draft of cold misty air. He’s might commit a crime if you continue to give him a cold bum though!

  6. I remember this lovely bird from your old posts. Even then I wondered about the amazing role it plays.

  7. What an adorable birdie! I learned something new. I'd never heard of a pie completion timer or imagined what one might look like.

  8. We have the opposite, a dehumidifier, as the atmosphere here is fairly damp. But we don't have a cute little bird to go with it.

  9. I haven't seen a pie bird on a pie in years!

  10. Hari OM
    Sleep is good - particularly in winter - so fret not about that, Joanne! You shared your wee tweeter with us and told us the tale of its extended life and that is job done. YAM xx

  11. I enjoyed this post, so much. I felt like I was right there with you.

  12. Kind of a stream of consciousness.

  13. My Mom had a pie bird. I think hers was the traditional blackbird. As s kid I never grasped what a bird had to do with pie.

  14. Sweetness. Rest. You have had quite a year.

  15. Just as well I imagine. The whistle would be nice at first but after 48 hours or so of constant whistle it might get annoying.

  16. What a lovely pie bird! I am glad you have saved it. Rest and relax and get ready for a New Year! Hope it is filled with peace, joy, and good health for you!

  17. I'm glad the pretty pie bird has a new use now.

  18. Your pie birdie is adorable. A real keeper in her new life atop the humidifier. My grandmother was the expert pie baker in the family and she had no pie birdie. I wish she did.

  19. Being especially good at bird identification, I recognized your pie bird right away. He is a beauty. If you are sleeping, why then your body is calling for sleep. I astonished myself by waking up this morning at 10 AM. There has been so much sickness in this house, and so much middle of the night coughing, that I guess it was bound to catch up with me. I got up at 7 to take a dose of mucinex, and went back to bed, thinking to get up when the rest of the house did. They all beat me.

  20. I remember your pie bird. The dry air in my house from the heat is bothering me, but by tomorrow we won't need to have the furnace run as much because we're supposed to get up to 70 in the afternoon.


  21. Beautiful pie bird. Good to see it singing water droplets!! I don't think the decals will a potter they look fired on

  22. Sleep is so elusive for me that I will doze anywhere. HeWho (aka The Patient) sleeps too much! He went to bed at 7 last night and didn't get up until 1:30 this afternoon, now he is napping at 4:00 the same afternoon. If he shakes me awake again to night to ask about my well-being, I will have to employ al my restraint not to punch him in the face!

    1. Yes my other half has been warned even if you see the ghost of Elvis do not wake me.

  23. Nice duck but no whistle. You could buy a plastic whistle. All the best and Happy New Year

  24. I love the wee pie bird. So decorative.

  25. Happy New Year's Eve 😊🎉🍷
    Looking forward to visiting you throughput the New Year!
    My friend absolutely loves the green towels I gave her for Christmas!

  26. Oh Joanne how I relate to sleeping on an effin chair.
    Enough said.
    Excellent creative process going with that wee bird. Sorry he didn't whistle in gratitude though.
    May the New Year 2023 be fresh and bright and contented for you.

  27. Happy New Year, Joanne. Hope the pie bird gets to whistle again soon.

  28. Oh gracious! I've never heard of a pie bird. That is so cool!
