
Saturday, December 24, 2022

Load's in the dryer

We had a gathering of the residents still in house for a meal at two this afternoon. I sat with Margaret, as usual. Our other two seat mates, Rose and Ilene, remain gone for various reasons, and Mary Lou sat with us, her table/seat mate being gone on vacation. Complicated? Not really, now that I know most everyone's name and personality.

I barely had returned and closed the door when I heard a knock. Actually, I had just walked in the door, closed it, and put my salad and slice of cake for dinner in the fridge and closed it when I heard the knock. 

It was MaryLou, who said apologetically, "I walked right by my door and got on the elevator. You said you were going to weave, so I hope I'm not bothering you and can watch for a bit." 

That MaryLou may be 95, but she's pretty light on her feet. Plus, she has a head full of snow white hair, just like Uncle Bill. However, the halls are pretty long and tiring.

Looking from my door down the length of the hall, turn left, walk the width of the atrium below, turn left and be immediately at the elevator. So I wove for her for a bit, explained what I was doing, showed off some finished towels. She asked questions and I answered. The usual. After a bit she said she must be getting back, and so she left.

It was going on five in the afternoon, so I took a chance on doing laundry. That first door on the left is the community laundry room; two washers, two dryers. We cannot use them on Monday and Tuesday; the housekeeping staff changes beds and washes sheets those days.

They were all clear, so I shuffled back for the load and got it in motion. Returned, set the timer for forty-five minutes, and resumed weaving. I finished one bobbin, perhaps two. I wish I could remember details. I am so pleased to have written this all down once, a complete time/motion study. 

At any rate, I left for the laundry and put the load in the dryer. I came back, set the timer for the next forty-five minutes. I have no idea what I did until it went off. Another problem, this ability to slip into a trance. But I did answer the bell and return to check the status.

The dryer was on wrinkle-control, which doesn't scare me. That's just cool-down. I filled my wheelie basket and came on home. I hung the two nice shirts over the handle and the rest can be folded tomorrow.

And finally, I am so happy my utilities are included! My little furnace has run ALL day. Here's my current weather report. It's five degrees, feels like minus twelve and headed for an overnight temp of minus three. Oh, yes, and a wind chill advisory


  1. That hallway must be a thousand miles long! I would get a scooter. Bravo on laundry doing!
    Winter is not fooling around this year, blasting us all. Did you see Mary's photo of her garden in Florida! WOW!!

    1. Electrified vehicles not permitted. I knew what was coming when I rented the place. The first couple of months were tough, especially when I caught that terminal mung. But now I can get downstairs in five minutes or less! I can make the ten a.m. exercise without breaking a sweat and 10-30 yoga is a piece of cake.

  2. Hari OM
    Scooters aren't electric (well the old-style, propel with foot of choice type, anyway)... I'd be tempted to get a pedal-car, let the inner child play! You had a busy day, but it sounds good. I like that you had company.

    No doubt we'll be hit with another freeze at some point - but the past two days have been really mild. Climate is definitely nuts. Merry Christmas, Joanne! YAM xx

  3. Sounds like a pleasant Xmas Eve -- good food, a visit, some weaving, and unencumbered use of the washer/dryer!

  4. That hallway looks a mile long, you are getting exercise every day getting around the place, and it sounds like you have some congenial table mates.

  5. How much better off you are this year! No worries about going out for groceries, shoveling snow, too much solitude, etc.,etc. It's nice to know your comfort level is so much higher! Merry Christmas.

  6. That sounds like a lovely day - which makes me smile. I am so very happy for you.

  7. So glad that you are warm and safe ...and able to carry on weaving! Seasonal greetings...I am glad that we are in sunny( has been unseasonably wet!!) Aotearoa NZ until mid March xx

  8. Sounds like a nice Christmas Eve. Happy Christmas to you!! Stay warm.

  9. I am glad that you took the time to explain your weaving to Mary Lou. I have no doubt it added greatly to her day. Merry Christmas, Joanne and happy weaving in 2023.

  10. OMG, it is a lovely thing to have utilities included, especially now during this beyond cold, cold snap! I've only seen someone weave on a YouTube video, never in person. I think it must feel therapeutic! Life seems simpler in assisted living, no snow removal to worry about, no roofs that need fixing, or water heaters that need replacing. So you can play, talk, visit or weave as you like. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  11. Calm, peaceful, productive. Lovely. Good morning from Lloyd and Merry Christmas!

  12. And you are snug and warm and well fed. Woman, you are a genius. Merry Christmas.

  13. May we all be like MaryLou at that age! Have a great Christmas Day, Joanne.

  14. Sounds like a good day...and thank goodness you are warm.

  15. It sounds like a wonderful day. Exercise is great for you, as much as you can handle. You seem to be managing very well. I like that you have a Margaret in your life! :)

  16. The halls do look long and tiring. Good to know you've adjusted to them.

  17. That hall is crazy long. If you saw the movie The Shining, it reminds me of that hall. Sounds like you are getting some fitness back from the long walks down that long hall. Our utility bill is really bad this month, mainly gas from running the furnace a lot. It can warm up at any time. Merry Christmas to you.

  18. It has been so miserably cold here. The good news is that Wednesday it is supposed to be up to 38. We've got our woodburner plugging right along.

  19. It feels like I haven't read your posts for absolute ages. Just passing through the days, I guess, waiting for something to happen with our move. So happy for you ... your long hallway reminds me of the one in my aunt's place before she passed away from pancreatic cancer. I don't know how she managed, but she did.Be well, dear friend and have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year.

  20. I'm happy that you have someone interested enough in what you do to be asking to watch please? I'm also glad your heating is working well and you don't have to worry about the utility bills.

  21. Uh, no electric wheelchairs sounds illegal. Some folks can't work a regular wheelchair. Glad you got the laundry done between the restrictions. Sounds like you've settled in well. Just be careful: no more falls. Linda in Kansas

  22. A load in the dryer can be loads of fun. Well maybe not, but it has to be done.

  23. Sounds like a nice enjoyable Christmas Eve, Joanne... quiet, good food, and friends... not to mention an enjoyable afternoon getting your wash done and having utilities taken care of. Sounds pretty good to me.

  24. Sounds like you've settled in nicely and have friends to visit with; but still the ability to spend some time on your own with your craft. It's been so cold everywhere. We were -7 the other day and the warmest it's been in 4 days is 16. The poor furnance is working overtime. Stayt warm, and healthy. Merry Christmas. I miss your visits.
    Sandy's Space
