
Monday, November 21, 2022

The quarter repository

Last week the left over quarters fit in the other quarter bottle, or else I just left them on the sewing table. Today I stood patiently in line, looking at rejected cards as other players passed them to me, and handing out cards if anyone wanted a specific one. I see many people have "lucky" cards, and also see they don't consistently play the same "lucky" card. The card I've played every time is No. 24. That's the little control number in the bottom right. I also sit at the head table with my back to the rest of the room. That way I don't get involved in any silly horsing around.

The table was off to a bad start. There were quiet little bingos around the room, but nothing for the four of us. Then Rose had a bingo, and Mary Lou had two. Nothing for Joan or Joanne, and we were down to the jackpot. We each paid in our dollar. Then I said to the caller, "Listen, Joan and I don't want to split this pot. Just one winner, OK." The room cracked up; Joan agreed, and we started on the last game, cover the board.

I try not to look at other cards in play. Bad form. Though if you all start with 25 chips, and other players are down to the chip in their hand, it's for sure you're all waiting for one number. Joan and I each had one chip. The caller called my number and I said "Bingo!" I took a lot of good natured ribbing as I put the pot straight into the cloth carrier on the walker and left to wash my hands of dirty quarters. Another good day.

I sat at a new table for dinner, Rosie's table. Some time ago Rose asked if I still was interested in moving when one of their table went home. That turned out to be today, so off I went to a new group of women.

Toward the end of dinner, the phone rang. I ignored it. A few minutes later it rang again. It was Laura, telling me there was a piece of mail for me and she and Kay would like to deliver it and visit a bit. I explained the building is locked at five and it was later than that, I knew. Laura said Yes, it was later, and they were out front and couldn't get in. I told her to hold tight, I'd send someone and be out. I sent a kitchen helper and followed in her wake.

When I arrived in the lobby, Robin from the kitchen was gone and Kay and Laura were sitting in the lobby. I told them I was pleased with my move. They asked about recreation and I said I was more involved with weaving, but was having a good time at Bingo. Bingo! 

I scooped a handful from the cloth basket and poured them into Laura's hands. Out came a second handful. I had Laura pour them in her hoodie pocket and fished out the rest, plus the glass bottle. I emptied the loose coins and half the bottle into her hands. When she stood up, her stomach sagged. 

She filled me in on her plans for her junior year, next year. Very interesting. I'll fill you in soon.


  1. Glad you kicked ass at bingo again, and had such a nice visit with Laura and Kay.

    1. I have been out of the bingo zone since we were ill. Maybe after Christmas.

  2. You’re the boss at bingo, Joanne. How lovely to have a surprise visit with Kay and Laura.

  3. Cool, here comes Granny with a mountain of quarters! I love quarters, the size and the weight and the fact that they can fit into machines well - I can park for a half hour with just one. You are the queen of quarters!

  4. You are the Queen of Bingo for sure! You are impervious to distractions and pay attention which is probably part of your success. And luck! :)

  5. With your bingo luck , you'd better start buying lottery tickets.

  6. Wait! I thought you said that you gave no quarter.

  7. Hari OM
    LOL... it's a gambling den you've moved to!!! Hope the new table proved worth the moving and am so glad Laura came to visit. At least she knows you are not going poor... YAM xx

  8. You're certainly s force of nature st bingo. And Laura got a nice heavy windfall! You're sounding good.

  9. I have never played Bingo and I don't think I could sit still for that long. I get too stiff if I don't get up and move around. You were lucky this time and I bet Laura was pleased to fill her pockets.

  10. As you can't cheat at bingo, have you got a guardian angel perching on your shoulder? It's lovely to see the young every now and then. You are settling in.

  11. After tagging along to please my mother The Golfer swore off Bingo in any form (Housey-Housey/ Tombola) when he won a full house - enough to buy me an engagement ring😊

  12. Unlikely I know but I've never ever played bingo. My mum never played it either in her 96 years. I enjoy a game of Scrabble though.

  13. Your Bingo luck continues. The other players must be thinking, how is this happening...again? It is good to hear you and Laura are still in touch.

  14. Ha! And now you can be sure that Laura and Kay will be back to visit! I love it!

  15. Still kicking bingo ass. Is this the first time Laura has visited since you moved?

  16. My grandma always called that "oil for the works" when she slipped me some cash!!
    Glad you have a new tableful to talk with

  17. Congratulations on being a bingo maven. I have never played, but there is still time.

  18. Twenty- four has been a lucky number for me. My birthday. And my name is Rose. So I came up twice today. Good to know that you had visitors. And that your quality of life is much better this year.

  19. Such good luck! And you gave it to Laura too - a win-win-situation. I am glad you now sit on another table.

  20. Here in Britain the young used to have a disrespectful description for the loose bit of flesh under the arms of elderly ladies who raised their hands to shout Bingo! - 'bingo wings'...

  21. Sounds like you're fitting in at your new place just fine, Joanne. I'm curious as to some of the other activities they might have there... besides Bingo. And happy to hear that you have now moved to a new table in the dining room.

  22. Bingo! I haven't played in years. Fun stuff.

  23. The fact that you're supporting a college student on bingo winnings is really quite impressive! Happy Thanksgiving, Joanne. We named our little cat Spooks. We know he's around here somewhere, but we haven't seen him for a couple days. Our little haunt slips to his food bowls and his litter pan when we're away or when we're in bed for the night.

    1. He's feral, all right. For all the time I spent on Toby, he never turned into a house cat. And yet I taught him to be terrified of outdoors, but that was because he was so young, I was his "mother", from the first time I picked him up by the scruff of his neck and scolded him for whatever.

  24. How wonderful that Laura could come for a visit and that you could proudly show her your winnings. I don't think I've ever won at BINGO.

  25. You had a good win with all those quarters!
