
Sunday, November 20, 2022

I have no excuse, really, but here's why I haven't checked in much lately

I fell one of the first nights here and spent several hours in the emergency room. It cost me a new pair of glasses, and I hate them. They are not adjusted snugly enough to stay on my face or straight enough to keep my vision clear. I need to get back to the optometrist shop to have them adjusted again. Actually, this would be a good week to go; not much on the calendar except Thanksgiving. I guess I'll make every effort to do that.

There have been no interesting pictures of the side yard this week. It has either rained or snowed most of the week and the side yard has looked pretty shabby. Men have been down there, looking around in the rain and working the one day there was no precipitation and the mud was more stable. A great long trench has been dug way to the front of the area. I'm waiting to see if they lay more drainage pipes or more footers.

I am gaining a reputation at bingo, and it's not good, I fear. We play three times a week, twice for quarters and once for weekend script to the bistro. I've collected close to ten paper dollars to spend on pizza. The quarter game may be the death of me.

We play several games for a quarter a game per player, winner takes the pot. The last game is "cover the card" and costs five dollars to play. I have won at least one bingo game every week and I've won two "cover the card" games in the four weeks I've played. I've lived here eight weeks, but was flat on my back sick for three weeks and busy straightening up the first week.

There was plenty of chatter when I won the second big pot. Eventually I remarked I needed it to refill my quarter jar, a little jar that filled to the top holds about twenty dollars in quarters. That isn't what they wanted to hear. All over the room people raised little containers, shaking the quarters. "I had ten little medicine bottles of quarters when I moved here, five years ago, and now I have one!"

I promised to sing the same sad song when I began losing!


  1. Hari OM
    😃 Putting it down to beginner's luck, are you, J? Okay. But they don't know the whizz that you are! Ordering pizza sounds a good plan. You have certainly filled the time since moving, good and bad. May it all start to get festive now and then settle into new routines and peace in the new year... YAM xx

  2. Yes, "compulsive" gambling takes time. Congrats on the winnings. Totally cool. Go get those glasses fixed, so you don't have another fall. Linda in Kansas

  3. I love the image of you as a Bingo Queen. And hope you can and do get your glasses fixed. Soon.

  4. It just seems like some people are far luckier at Bingo than others and you seem to be one of them. My late mom used to play a lot at the big games and hardly ever won but certain people always won the bigger payouts. I'm sorry you fell but I'm glad you didn't seem to break any bones. Hopefully the next time you see the Optometrist he or she will fit you with a set of glasses that are better than the last ones.

  5. You should buy a lottery ticket with talent like yours.

  6. Hope you get your glasses fixed ready for more bingo games, it wouldn't be good to miss a number when you are on a winning streak!

  7. They’re going to have to put ‘gamble responsibly’ posters on your bathroom door (like they have in the pubs and clubs here).

  8. Sorry that you have had another tumble. Hope you can get the new specs adjusted soon..then you can get weaving with clear vision!!

  9. Lol. Your bingo adventures sound like fun! Way to go, Joanne!

  10. Lady Luck appears to be with you — at least at Bingo if not with your balance.

  11. Ill fitting glasses are a curse....I am about to change mine now the month's wait after a cataract op has elapsed.

  12. Sounds like you're a real Bingo Shark, lol!

  13. Be careful- it's never too late to become a gambling addict!
    I''m kidding. You go, girl!

  14. Oooo, bingo shark. Are you counting balls? Pretty soon they'll accuse you of cheating. Just kidding. Good for you, new girl takes over. I think my eyesight is finally starting to be affected by my developing cataracts. My next ophthalmologist appointment is in January and I'm guessing she'll want to schedule the surgery.

  15. Playing Bingo is addictive...especially when you're on a roll.


    1. when I run out of quarters, I'm done.

    2. If you give all your quarters to Laura you'll be done sooner than expected.

  16. You are on a Bingo winning roll! The group needs to go with the flow. These streaks do not last forever. Definitely make getting your glasses adjusted a priority.

  17. Great job at bingo! Or is it a game of chance/luck and you're having a run of luck?

  18. You needed a shot of good luck. I hope it continues.

  19. I love the image of Joanne, Bingo Shark! Wait till she gets new glasses, though. You ain't seen nuthin yet.

  20. It made me laugh to think of you as a bingo sharp. I envision you walking in their with your bottle of quarters and everyone else in the room moaning "Oh S--t. Joanne's playing."

  21. Oh my! It might be good that you don't live close to Vegas. This way you can win happily and not lose too much. You sure are lucky!
