
Monday, August 8, 2022

Catching up with myself

Saturday was the next to last show at Heritage Farm. Although satisfactory, sales have not met expectations, and after four shows, I believe I can blame it on the economy.

Beth has been a wonderful sidekick, but she does not want to do this next year, which leaves me pondering. I was up and down from my chair so much, waiting on customers, I felt like I was doing the therapy exercise, Stand Up, Sit Down (don't plop); Stand Up, Sit Down (don't plop). 

By the end of the day I had far exceeded a week's worth, and Sunday I was so limber I threw myself into some much needed housework. A commitment to next year is not needed until year's end, so I'll keep weaving and thinking.

I've been able to take some lovely end of summer pictures this week. Here are a couple:

Silly that I like them a lot, but the allium frames are still standing, though denuded of their giant flower heads.

This picture has focus issues. I believe the white flower must be allium, but not giant.

I am trying to make a new type of page for my blog; a page with pictures in rows, not just one column. It seems to be a matter of switching to HTML and making a grid similar to an Excel grid. I'm not great in Excel, but think I can manage.

And last, I finally sorted down to the denim thread, and they are in process.


  1. Progress on all fronts -- summer's end, denim weaving and thoughts of next year's show. Thank you...

  2. Sorry to hear sales were down due to the economy. That's a bummer.

  3. Well, at least you got your physical therapy in! I will try to remember the "don't plop" part.
    I do love the denim color.
    It is good to hear your voice.

  4. It sounds like you had a very busy day. I guess the recession is really occuring down south, maybe here too. I know I don't buy much other food and clothing these days. Just necessities. I'm sure you'll figure out a solution to your new condundrum. The summer flowers are lovely.

  5. Hari OM
    I fear that the bite of inflation is hitting in everywhere; I know here in the UK things are getting more than worrying. I have no room for anything beyond what is necessary. There are folk who still have it to spend - perhaps your marketing needs to extend in that direction (into Cleveland, for example). Then again, is it finally time to retire..??? YAM xx

  6. Well at least you made some sales, if not all you'd hoped for. Is there anyone else who could be a show assistant, I wonder. A fiber arts student??

  7. Sorry to hear about the sales but I love the denim! The up/down was good exercise--my FitBit would like me to stand up periodically too. I wonder if Ashley's allium has lost its(their?) head. The bees sure do love those flowers.

  8. That is quite a workout you get at your show! Glad you had some sales. I love that blue denim color. Looks great!

  9. I'm in awe at your willingness to experiment with new technological things. Hope you manage to make it through Excel.

  10. I hear you on the 'don't plop' front. Thank you for the beautiful glimpses of your summer.

  11. I like the denim. I should remember to sit and not plop too. I think many flower heads are still interesting once the petals have gone and the seed heads develop. Will you collect seeds from the allium to plant next year?

    1. No. It's a jungle out there. The plant is a bulb, though I've grown iris bulbs from seed.

  12. Every sort of sales are down. Shops are being far more careful too..less stock in and much less in the Reduced areas . That is hitting those struggling and relying on that. Food banks are stretched too, fewer donations and more people to help.

    Glad that the weaving is going well....and the exercise!!

  13. Seems that the sale was beneficial from the standpoint of fitness even though sales were not as good as you might have hoped. Lots of time before you have to decide for next year!

  14. If you do the craft circuit again next year would using a stool be better than a chair……you’d almost be sitting at customers eye level and could interact that way. Might not be as comfortable as a chair though.
    Bare stalks and seed heads make great indoor arrangements. In some cases better than with flower heads.

  15. Are your shows done for awhile now until the fall?

  16. A tenant collected a bunch of allium skeletons, spray painted them with metallic paint and stuck them around her garden in front her house. They look quite dramatic.

  17. While sales may not have been great, it sounds like you benefitted from the movement. Love the flowers!

  18. Sales are slowing. I had 6 trees taken down yesterday and the contractor confirmed a downturn in his business as well. That said, my neighbor has hired him for a day of more tree work. The lack of rain and heat is devastating our gardens and some trees are dying which requires removal before winter storms. Your new web site will have more reach and should help with sales. The show was beneficial with lots of exercise which served you well.

  19. hmmm, I really like that denim thread!

  20. Oh the joy of stand up,sit down, repeat. Such fun.

  21. I do love the denim, that's a nice color.

  22. Seems the benefit of the show wasn't just money. Perhaps by next summer the world's economies will have recovered somewhat.

  23. I must try and avoid the sounds I make when heaving myself up and down. I sound like an old person. (*grin*). I so love that denim and great that you are planning....

  24. That's a novel way of exercising. I like the admonition "don't plop".

  25. The economy is really in a crunch... perhaps due to the pandemic. So many things happening these days. I'm sorry it wasn't a bigger success for you, Joanne.
