
Friday, August 12, 2022

A blunder of errors

I was not looking forward to yesterday. In the afternoon I would have the second two of four cavities, spread across four teeth, remediated. How does one come up with four cavities, you inquire. My best guess involves six or seven weeks on my back, access to a toothbrush few and far between. None weight bearing broken femur...

Not my mistake. I saw an aid at best two days out of three.

Anyway, as unfortunate as I counted the day of dental remediation, the fickle finger of fate interposed herself to unscrew some dumb errors to my granddaughter's medical calendar. It began with a phone call from upstairs, where my granddaughter has an adequate den across the front of the house.

"Grandma, I know you have a dental appointment this afternoon, but I wonder..." I love that sort of phone call. I find my sister and my daughters willing to grant favors, but it often does not extend to grandchildren.

After a bit of schedule checking on both parts, it was very apparent my granddaughter had lucked into a ride to and from her very own dental appointment in another city, though not for an afternoon appointment for another doctor appointment. "It's OK, Gramma; I can Uber that one."

Unbeknownst to Ms. Lucky Ducky, I intended to send her on two errands as we drove home from her appointment; nip into Dollar Tree and buy a new bottle of Tylenol for me, and into Kreigers for four apples. Turnabout is fair play.

I parked across from a reconstituted building: Belltower Brewing Company, the First Congregational Church one hundred fifty years ago, now a brew-pub. The cast bell, forged in 1867, rings the hour, every hour. I took a picture. My phone rang.

"Grandma, they forgot to put me on the schedule, but can work me in in about an hour. I guess I could Uber home."

Since my appointment was 2:30 in the afternoon, I said I would wait. She was so happy. When she arrived, I told her about the Tylenol and apples. "We could get the Tylenol right at the gas station there!" and I pulled in. I dug in my purse, found four singles, and off she went. In no time she was back with a little box of six Tylenol and less than a dollar in change. I invited her to keep the 'silver' for herself.

When I was over myself we headed for her other appointment in Hudson, and had fun working into Hudson via the back roads from Kent. I realized I could cut through the shopping plaza, get four apples from Acme and get her to her next appointment with an hour to spare.

Things were looking up. I sent her with a card this time, and four nice apples set me back $3.46. I had one for lunch today. Juicy and crunchy. Very good. We'll see if the Tylenol work. I was too beat up from my appointment to take any yesterday.


  1. Well done on getting that very busy day done and dusted. I hope the Tylenol work - and can only imagine how beat up you work to be unable to take them yesterday.

  2. You certainly have your organizing chops going! One day you might tell us where all the sisters and grandchildren are. It's interesting and to me completely opaque! A bit nosy, because I'm part cat..

  3. Hari OM
    Phew, I got tired just thinking of you fitting all that - and, too, after oral surgery. Well down. Now rest! YAM xx

  4. You've done well getting everything orchestrated. My preference is one appointment and then a nice restaurant meal with a glass of wine. You and your lovely granddaughter must schedule a reward lunch.

  5. You both did well to co-ordinate your schedules as you did. Hope the Tylenol help!

  6. Six Tylenol for over three dollars - yikes! But sometimes convenience has to take precedence over price. Sounds like yesterday was one of those times. Granddaughter is lucky you have a soft spot for helping out :)

  7. Fall back and regroup--perseverance and Tylenol saves the day! I've discovered Naproxen (sp?) I take one of it vs. two of the extra-strength acetaminophen. Works like a charm...

  8. I hate those dumb little boxes of meds at convenience stores, with so few pills in them. I bet they cost more than the package of condoms near them. I hope granddaughter re-checks that doc office before traveling "to the next town" for a visit. Good that they squeezed her in! Rest, it's okay to rest some. I'm exhausted reading about your adventures. Linda in Kansas

  9. It's great you and your granddaughter were able to help one another.

  10. So it all worked out well. I should see a dentist more often myself.

  11. Well done for managing made for a different day and a good challenge!!

  12. There is a lot to be said for living with the family...

  13. I like to read between the lines how loving and strong your relationship is. you deserve it

  14. $3.46 for four apples? I thought we were expensive.

  15. 6 tylenol for almost $4? Sounds more like you were buying them at the airport. Nice that Laura remembers who her real grandmother is.

    1. I was so stunned I didn't swear, I used some really low down vocabulary. Laura was a bit upset at her "mistake" and I hastened to tell her it wasn't her fault. I was only buying it to replenish my supply, not save my life on the spot. I made a bad purchasing choice.

  16. Is this Grandgirl Laura? What a day! I hope you got good rest eventually.

    1. The very one. A fun adventure, up to my dental appointment.

  17. How nice that you can help each other out! I am glad you all have each other for support and love!

  18. One way or t’other, you had time together.

  19. You got everything done in an ingenuous and flexible way! Hope you're feeling OK

  20. Well done you and I bet you didn't lose your temper once. I find this medical stuff beats me silly, uses up the entire day and has me prostrated in exhaustion at the end of a car ride.

  21. That's bad luck with the four cavities. Being on your back for a while with not much tooth brushing might well have contributed.

  22. Ouch with the cavities, but I'm always in awe of your strength and resilience, Joanne.
