
Sunday, June 19, 2022

Shoes and ships and sealing wax

Baby, it's cold outside! Today may have been seventy, overnight last night was forty something and the same is on tap for tonight. I just dumped my flannel nightgown and the extra cotton blanket on the bed, for tonight.

I went to the bed to change into my slippers. I have so little to write about tonight, I decided to include a picture of my new shoes.

And on the way back to the desk, I hit upon including shoes in the title of this blog.

Back to the weather: it has been roasting hot this past week, and after the brief respite, back to the nineties plus this week. There have been enough rain storms to keep the flowers wet, until a couple of days ago. I still did not go out to water until yesterday, and they were thirsty. So, I watered again this morning, in the cold.

The title arrived for the car, so among my Monday errands will be transferring my old plates to the new car. The fellow who sold me the car left the old plates in a fancy plastic envelope in the trunk, and said he even would put the new plates on for me. I will be taking him up on the offer.

The only other activities for today were weaving a couple of bobbins of a medium orange color, and packing the towels for this weekend's show. And now I'm out of anything to speak of.


  1. A very creative title. I wonder how many young people even know what sealing wax is (was)?

  2. Hari OM
    Those shoes look the business! Ah, good old pink string, sealing wax, a wing and a prayer... YAM xx

  3. But! I have questions. What kind of shoes are those? I need a pair of shoes that don't have mesh tops so that when it rains I do not get wet feet. Also, is the new massage technique helping? Is it still being effective? I do like the shoes.

    1. Yes to the treatment. Another trip will be made.
      I found the shoes on Etsy: Hers/His. Made in Brazil, leather, very comfy.

  4. COOL shoes, I love them , Great all weather shoes i reckon!

  5. The cold is a break from all that heat. Love the shoes.

  6. I have a similar pair of shoes from LL Bean. All leather and very comfy. It is cold in MA too. No rain for days.

  7. The shoes are excellent. I fancy some, too. Very glad the massage seems to be helping.

  8. I WISH we would have some chill. We've been sweltering...close to 100 degrees during the day, and comparable overnights.

  9. We've been down in the 40's at night and barely reaching 60 during the day! I broke out my flannel nightgown and my heavy winter bathrobe yesterday~ LOL -- If we could just have some temperature in a constant 75, I would be happy. ;) I think those shoes would be called "Brogues". I need to buy a pair for myself!! Thanks for the photo!

  10. The time has come,' the Walrus said,
    To talk of many things:
    Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —
    Of cabbages — and kings —
    And why the sea is boiling hot —
    And whether pigs have wings.'

    I had to look this up but I knew I had read it before. So what do you say about those flying pigs?

    1. When pigs fly...
      We have a sign on the kitchen wall. Says it all.

  11. Nice shoes. I like the triple stitch detail. Very nice flowers too, but I don't recognise what they are. Chrysanthemums? Dahlias? Zinnia?

  12. Your shoes do look soft and comfortable- and they ate the oysters in the end didn’t they!

  13. Cool shoes and pretty flowers. Aren't those "paper = something flowers? I had a pot of those once: the flowers feel like paper but the blooms last a long time. Linda in Kansas

  14. Sometimes the little details of everyday life are the most beautiful thing in blogs. Your shoes are very beautiful.

  15. I grew up hearing shoes and ships and sealing wax often. And can still recite great slabs of it.
    Love your shoes.

  16. I believe we all covet your shoes! I do, anyway. They are lovely and just the sort of shoes I like but only in winter because the rest of the year I wear one sort of flip-flop or another.

  17. Excellent title. I find your posts interesting. Always.


  18. Love the shoes and they do look comfortable. The flowers are so beautiful that they look fake.

  19. I'm so glad to see that you're doing well. I think of you often. You have been an inspiration to me.

  20. Nice shoes! I fail to find practical and attractive shoes here

  21. Anything you post makes me a happy camper.

  22. Nice shoes. What are those beautiful flowers? And, when you're finished with the cool weather would you please send it here.

  23. I had to look closely to realize the photo of the flowers is real! It looks like a painting. I do admire those shoes; they look really comfortable. Our spring has been mostly cool and rainy. It makes for excellent greenery but a lot of flowering plants are delayed or just not blooming this year. But I'm not complaining. I'd rather cool than scorching - which seems to be our only alternative.

  24. Those shoes look very comfy. And your flowers look like wee sunbursts. Very joyful. May you sleep warmly and well tonight.

  25. I like those shoes! Our weather has been much the same. Brutally hot now, but a couple days ago, I was wearing a sweater.

  26. I like your shoes! I have a hard time finding shoes I like. My days are repetitive and my focus is narrowing the further along I get on the box which means I don't have much to write about either. As for the weather it's hot and getting hotter with no rain in sight for the foreseeable future.

  27. Those are cool shoes, Joanne and your flowers are gorgeous!
