
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Another 'nothing to say' post

I suppose we all have something to say about the weather. The temperature will be in the low nineties for the show Saturday, according to my version of My daughter, who lives a mile from the cooling shore of Lake Erie, tells me it will be in the eighties. Either way, it will be hot.

It was hot for the last show, a month ago, for exhibitors set up out in the sun. We are in the barn, at the back of the barn. The sun cleared the roof and sent the sunshine creeping toward us about 3:30. The show ended at 4:00.

There is an upside to extreme heat at a show. There will be customers, and they will fill the barn, looking for shade.

I read a NYT article recently about the courts, and especially SCOTUS, poised to strip regulatory agencies of states, the E.P.A and other agencies of their ability to limit climate changing emissions. Read the reinstatement of coal fired electrical plants. The article outlines the placement of conservative judges to steer the subject into the conservative Supreme Court.

The argument is the Congress should be the source of these regulations. The reality is, Congress ceded regulation to the agencies that did the research and the math that no one in Congress has the expertise to engage in. Long story short, our bad air will become worse.

The title to my new car came in the mail this week. I took it and my old plates to the DMV last Monday, and saw that although our DMV's are independent of government, they observed the Juneteenth holiday. Good for them. I went back yesterday and transferred my old plates to my new car.

Jan and Tom are stopping by on Sunday. I already made sure Tom will bring some tool that makes noise to replace the temporary tags with my old faithful set.

I just went to the web for a picture of my plate type. Ohio issues too many kinds of plates, in my opinion. And I learned that the state is now recalling my old plate as being so old the printing is degenerating. Well, they haven't told me...yet.


  1. The title to my car came today. I don't think I need do anything other than file it, the permanent plates having been set up when I bought it from the dealership. It's so long since I bought a car that I can't remember. I'm glad you'll be in the shade for the show and wish you a good day.

  2. So regulation of climate changing emissions will be short circuited. Any progress made in this area will be lost. Did the NYT article have anything to say about the downside of all this? I'm glad you will be in the barn and out of the direct sunlight for the upcoming show.

  3. What is happening and the roll back of safety and common sense rules about ANYTHING is so very frightening and discouraging.

  4. OH GOSH! I'm so very sick and tired of Congress and SCOTUS. They should be ashamed of themselves.

  5. I have so much hate in my heart for the six SCOTUS judges who want to take us back, as well as the republican party. Amy Comey Barrett was heard to say in a speech that the ultimate purpose of the law was to bring about the kingdom of god on earth. That alone should have disqualified her from the court. It's a very good time to be old.

  6. Yup Joanne. in the days when climate change should be on every politician's radar it's air pollution business as usual.

  7. Makes one wonder if the auto and oil industry magnates aren't behind all of the de-regulation mess. Very few people in politics have the standards and the guts to do the right thing anymore. So disheartening... I'm sure you'll do well at the show on Saturday. Take plenty of drinks and perhaps a wet wash cloth in a zip loc bag. They feel really good when you get too hot!

  8. I hope the show is a huge success and that you have a comfortable spot.
    A big sigh on the triumph of the polluters. They have too many of our politicians beholden to them too.

  9. I would have thought one state would have only one type of plate, as we do here. I hope you make plenty of sales at the show.

  10. Hari OM
    Just about every government, it seems is deciding that it is all to hard, this cutting emissions bizzo... sigh... all the best for Saturday - sales and weather! YAM xx

  11. When I worked in Florida, hire cars had plates which shouted I AM A TOURIST! I had to drive through some very unnerving neighbourhoods with plates like that. One night in a nearby Days Inn motel a mile away (same as mine) an English couple's hire car was shot to pieces - literally. There wasn't 3 inches between each bullet hole. I think they have changed the plates now.

    1. Tom, I think they quit having special rental car plates in the early-to-mid nineties.

  12. The country is going backwards, and accelerating in that direction too.

  13. Hope you have a good show Saturday, Joanne! Stay hydrated!

  14. I hope the show goes well in the heat.

  15. Hang those tea towels up high so they catch the eye…..of everyone. Here’s hoping it’s not too hot to be enjoyable though.

  16. I hope the show goes well this weekend and that it isn’t too hot in the barn!

  17. I can't imagine sitting in a barn all day when the temperatures are that high. Do you have a fan? I hope so! And I'm sure you take a large thermal container of ice water?

  18. You always find the bright side, Joanne. More customers seeking cool in the barn - a good thing indeed! Good luck at the sale! I had to smile at your hope for Tom to bring "a tool that makes noise" :D

  19. Stay cool and good luck on your sales!

  20. I listened to a podcast about the regulatory agencies losing their powers and it is kinda scary. Hope the show goes well and you stay cool.

  21. Finally recovered from the psychologists new disputed mental illness defined as long term grieving syndrome and glad to se your still blogging Joanne "i shal return"my beloved passed from Alzhiemer just as the Covid plagu hit.


  23. I think you actually have lots to say. Thumbs up.

  24. The state of the Court is revolting.

  25. This has been a long time in the making, decades, but they finally did it. A small group wants this to be a christian nation ruled by extreme christian mores and they have been getting the right people in place to make it happen. The founding fathers would not recognise this as they country they founded no matter what those 'originalists' say.

  26. We have had some really hot days, but then this am (here in Ohio) it was only 56...what's with that temp in June! Weird weather for sure. I know we had to replace our plate as it was getting hard to read. I think it's odd we have so many kinds of plates too. Remember when we used to play the game of noticing a plate from each state as we traveled? But, each state only had one plate back then. I think doing that game now would be harder because you can't recognize the plate with such variety. The conservative courts are going to be our downfall on many levels I fear. We're going backward in too many ways. And no one on the court has the knowledge to make those scientific decisions anymore than those in the government. Sigh!!
    Sandy's Space
