
Saturday, May 21, 2022

Slammed again

In the olden days, when I did a show almost every weekend, I made sure to get a flu shot the end of summer. Now that I have a show coming up on June 4th, I decided to have another covid booster.

It is so easy now. I guess there are more jabs out there than people to have them. I registered and made an appointment online. My arm knew it was stuck; all day it hurt to lift. By bedtime I was dragging. I spent an uncomfortable night. Mizerable! 

At 6:30 I gave it up, got up, stripped my bed and put it all in the laundry. Now I have clean sheets and my summer quilt.

Of all the quilts Jan has made for me, this is my favorite. It was a challenge quilt in her guild. All the participants made a block for one other participant. Jan's theme was summer gardens. There is lots of sunshine today, too, making rainbows on my floor.

That's the end of my news. There's plenty more news, all of it generated by off the ledge idiots who buy into "replacement" theory. There aren't enough adjectives to classify them. Malevolent, misanthrope, narcissist, and on and on. Haters. This is not a foreordained country of white people. Native Americans were here first, and the entire country was settled by immigrants from every country and continent.

My last name, Noragon, is derived from an unpronounceable name of one Hessian soldier sent by King George to fight the Revolutionary War. He had the good sense not to go home. His country of origin was that despised bit of land, Bohemia. Bohunks, they commonly are called. 

I think often of Ruth Bader Ginsburg these days. How she strived to stay alive, to be a voice of reason on the Supreme Court. Each one of us has the ability to help make change. All of us is a nonstoppable force. Here is a quote from this week's Americans of Conscience. I know I could not have put all the words together as effectively.

We have a vote and the ability to influence those around us who can vote.  We have values and stories.  We are connected through relationships. We already know that equality, dignity, and care are important in public life. We don’t need anyone’s permission to speak openly about what we want for the future of the country, our communities, our families, and ourselves. 

The vote is our sole solution to righting the out of control ship. It won't happen overnight; there are many dark days ahead. It may be a teaspoon at a time, but there are millions and millions of us wielding our voting teaspoon.

Time for a nap.


  1. Joanne, sorry to hear about the reaction from your covid booster. We plan to have ours soon and am hesitant hearing about people's reaction to the 2nd booster. I know we'll do it anyway... but maybe wait for a week when nothing's planned. I do think it's smart that you got it before your show. As for what is going on in the world, I agree that we must do what we can... voting being the most definite.

    1. We had no side effects at all from our second booster. A pleasant surprise, as I had cleared the following day for any activiites. So we had a wide open day!

  2. Joanne
    My second booster was rather similar to yours, felt the effects for 24 hours, then fairly ok. Certainly better than the virus. You're correct: our options are to vote, and wait for small incremental changes (after what is going to be a long dark period), or to get out, for those of us able.

  3. I'm glad you got the booster. Living life as normally as we can requires the protection of the booster. The side effects we could all do without but that's the downside. Your quilt is beautiful; Jan is a very talented quilter. Voting continues to be very important. Today, the disconnect between people in power and we, the people is disheartening to the core.

  4. Hope you are feeling better today. I only had a sore arm so I was lucky after my booster.
    I love that quilt and Jan is sure talented! How beautiful!
    Voting is all we can do it seems. I hope we can make a difference and get our country back on the right track. Too much hate and all of this white supremacy shit is unbelievable to me. Let's hope for better days for all.

  5. Hari Om
    That quilt is astoundingly beautiful! And yay for all else you say... YAM xx

  6. That is a gorgeous quilt, it's beautiful. Jan does really good work. My grandmother was a prolific quilter, she pieced by hand, quilted by hand - all by hand. They were a practical effort, scraps from her sewing were used. It wasn't until her later years that my Mom would buy yardage and patterns for her to use.
    My other grandmother immigrated to the US when she was 17 or 18. Her records at Ellis Island put her origin as Bohemia. My Dad remembers people calling them Hunkies when he was in grade school. So, there you go, we're Bohemians.

  7. That is indeed a lovely summer quilt! Glad you got another covid booster shot too. I don't qualify yet but maybe in the Fall, they'll open it up to my age group.

    I agree with everything you said about the "great replacement theory." What a despicable viewpoint and hateful way to live. It's nothing new though. When I was a kid, I heard many adults around me voicing similar opinions; it just wasn't called GRT in those days. White supremacist views like that disgusted me then and disgust me today.

  8. I had to go and look up GRT, it is a terrible concept and all you can do is fight and vote that every person has a vote. Pretty quilt made by your sister, just right for summer.

  9. Keep on doing what you think is right.

  10. That quilt is a gem.
    And a big YES to those of us wielding teaspoons. Lots and lots of teaspoons.
    I am sorry that you had a mizerable night and hope it is now gone.

  11. The only "replacement" I want to see is the replacement of mindless conspiracy-prone idiots with sensible, intelligent human beings.

  12. Joanne sending a hug...good for you for getting your booster..Pirate had his a week ago and apart from post covid fatigue, he is getting there.
    That is a lovely quilt!

    I see Jo Hill on the right of your blog writing. I see people now being disenfranchised..and others not bothering to vote. We must al persevere xx

  13. That was a wise decision to get your booster before the upcoming show. I'm sorry you haven't felt well from it. I just had my fourth booster yesterday and I tossed and turned all night last night and don't feel well today either. I know it won't last long and I'm grateful to get the shot. Your summer quilt is gorgeous! I can see why it is your favorite.
    You are correct, the out of control ship won't be righted overnight but one step at a time we will get it done!

  14. I'm glad you got the booster. Mine knocked me down a bit, but after a couple of days, fine. That's a lovely quilt. What a joy to have it to mark the season.

    And yes, keep on fighting whatever we can do. We have to look for and push for better outcomes.

  15. Sometimes, Joanne, you can move me to tears.

  16. Prettiest quilt ever! I had a reaction to the forth jab, it decked me. This country is imploding.

  17. I'm glad you got that booster business behind you! It was a bit of a doozy, wasn't it? But they all were for me and I feel as if maybe that means my immune system is ready to kick ass.
    How I adore that quilt! Quilting is an art that I so wish I practiced.
    What a great quote that is. And we don't need permission to speak out when racism raises its horrible, terrible, ugly head in our presence. We must all vote. We must all encourage those around us to vote. It is the only thing that can make a difference. Or at least, one of the most important.

  18. Sue has been very lethargic since her booster a week ago.

  19. I love your summer quilt. My booster reaction was a sore arm when trying to sleep, then a whole body ache the next day and after that I was okay again.

  20. That is one beautiful quilt.

    Voting is so important! At every level!


  21. Your quilt is quite something…..soft and vibrant and full of sunshine.
    Many of us down here showed we were able to make a change happen yesterday. It was time, time for a change - a new future is in front of us.

  22. Such a beautiful quilt, Joanne! That is a technique you Americans are very, very good at - wonderful!

  23. Beautiful quilt. I have seen so many on my visits to the US - you really all seem to have the knack.

  24. That is a beautiful quilt. I finally relented and got my second booster. sore arm by evening and achy and chills that night til I got up and took some ibuprofen which took care of that. Later in the night I was doing my usual sweating. I just don't understand how some of the republican politicians got elected except that decades of republican defunding education finally reached the tipping point. And that Marjorie Taylor Greene's latest is something about Bill Gates, the vaccine, and monkey pox.

  25. Hi Joanne, getting caught up with you. Love your quilt and your huge inventory. Daughter Niece and I love your towels, good as new even after over a year of constant use. I too am a fan of skoolies as you might remember I built an off the grid tiny home on my last property with solar and composting and rain water. I am still fascinated with the concept. But those skoolies are riveting. The mandevilla is gorgeous.

  26. Great post! Too many conspiracies and disinformation spreading around social media.

  27. I love your quilt! My grandmother made quilts and there is nothing like a quilt for comfort. Hers were not masterpieces of matching colors and fabric, but scraps and flour bags. I tend t think that maybe hers were even harder to make as she just used whatever she had and made it all fit together. She used old clothing that was too worn to be of any further use as her batting. Truly depression quilts.
