
Monday, May 16, 2022

As ready as I'll ever be

Today I put the yellow towels on the shelf. Just over two weeks to the first show and I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

Fourteen colors on the shelf, and I'll probably have one more set done before the show. Next up is khaki.

I've been busy with rehab beginning these last couple of weeks, too. I absolutely must do it. Two months on my back at age 79 was very debilitating. Too bad balance and strength are so slow to return.

In happier news, I've bought a new to me car. My faithful Dodge has succumbed to so many winters outside in the snow and ice. It's rocker panels are rusting away. Shame, because it's still a decent car.

But, it sprang another surprise on me; it has a serious power steering fluid leak. Probably also fairly fixable, but it's time for me to start over. 

The new to me car is a 2014 Subaru. I told it I would take care of it and it must take care of me, for the rest of my driving days. I think we'll be just fine.


  1. You and your Subaru, me and my Fit! Last cars, replacing ones that had taken too many winters! Lots of luck and good health with the new ride.

  2. I hope you have years of carefree driving with your new to you Subaru.

  3. They make nice cars. I hope the two of you remain friends for years to come. Jim and I were talking the other night wondering if we'd bought our last cars. I think the Jeep probably will get replaced someday, it's actually a Fiat with a Jeep nose and badging.

  4. subaru is a fine car, Mine is new to me too and it is a 2012. Dependable and hearty in the snow! It will last as long as I do .

  5. I understand that Subarus are very fine vehicles.

  6. When I was in the market for a vehicle I test drove a Subaru. There was something about the way it was designed that was uncomfortable, and I had issues with blind spots. Many people enjoy the brand but it was not for me.

  7. Hari OM
    My farming uncles have favoured "Soobees" over other vehicles for the hill-climbing and pot-holing. Tanks without the armour, I see to recall being one opinion! I trust on the relatively even roads around you, this new to you car and you will travel just fine &*> YAM xx

  8. New to you cars are so exciting. I had a Subaru station wagon once that I loved dearly.

  9. I tired to buy a couple of yellow ones on your site but it said NO

    1. Thanks for telling me. I fixed it. I'd neglected to enter the quantity available!

  10. Beautiful towels and lots of spools! Keep doing that rehab; it's really gradual baby steps for your recovery. Linda in Kansas

  11. You have a super collection of towels ready for the first show! I love the Subaru. It is supposed to be one of the safest cars so it should take good care of you. I hope your rehab goes well. Isn't is amazing how quickly we can lose balance and strength if we are not able to keep moving. Enjoy that new car! (Have you named her yet?)

  12. Well done, Joanne - beautiful towels, stern and necessary stamina to go to rehab, and great success with your new car!

  13. Beautiful towels. I hope your new car is as good to you as you will be to it.

  14. your towels look perfect and you have the added bonus of a new car to explore in.

  15. What a sweet little car. She'll get you to and from for years.

  16. A ‘new’ car to me is a bit like a new bed…..just takes a little bit of getting used to. From then on it’s a dream.

  17. It's sad having to get rid of a faithful old car you've had for ages. A few years ago we had to say goodbye to a 16 year old car that was needing more and more repairs. I hope your new car gives you sterling service!

  18. Nice new-to-you car. Good luck with the show.

  19. The towels as always look so beautiful. Good luck with the car.

  20. Good luck with your show. Is your new car 4WD?

  21. That's a goodly array of towels. Hope they sell well and your Scooby-Doo serves you well

  22. I wish for you all the success when you go selling your towels! They are wonderful things! We like Subarus up here for their four wheel drive winter hardiness. Good car choice. -Jenn

  23. Your towel space is art.
    Subarus are fine cars and much sought after. I think you will be very pleased with yours.

  24. Good luck with the towel sales. Your stacks of colors are looking terrific!
    Glad you are determined to do your physical therapy. It sure will help you.
    Best wishes for good long service from your new car!

  25. Keep up with the PT as it is key and will definitely help. Your towel supply is in superb shape. You can't go wrong with a Subaru! X-mode for winter driving is fantastic.

  26. Congrats on the new car! Enjoy! And your towel supply looks good. Should be a successful show. And yes, do keep up with the PT and do be careful... you certainly don't need any more setbacks.

  27. Nice 'new' little car. I hung onto my Volvo as long as I possibly could. And a good array of towels. Continuing to move and exercise is so important. My toe brought mine to a screeching halt. Just now starting to do yoga again more regularly.

  28. Congratulations on both ready for the "show" season and a new car. Both can be fun and exciting.

  29. What a beautiful selection of towel colors! I love mine and they still look brand new. Therapy is very important to gain back strength which we always lose so easily. (yet have to work so hard to get back) The Subie is awesome--my Forester is great!! Hope you like it.

  30. Popped in from a mutual friends blog, it's always fun to meet new bloggers. A craft show? New to your blog, I'm reading between the lines. You've got a good stack of stuff, good luck with sales. Rehab after a fall or surgery is always important so hope that goes well for you. Congrats on the new to you car.
    Sandy's Space

  31. Glad you have a reliable car once again. My brother swears by Subarus. I swear you have twice the energy of someone half your age, Joanne! All those towels ... kudos for getting them done despite health setbacks.

  32. Your determination is inspiring. I am sorry your old car threw in the towel. Suburus are a dependable vehicle so I think you and your new ride will have a long and happy relationship.
