
Friday, April 1, 2022

Over for another year

Ann asked how my birthday went and I said "It's over for another year!" Of course it's generally fun to celebrate another trip around the sun. This year, this las six months, have been a bit of a bummer. I need to be off this walker, but I'm still three weeks from a new physical therapy evaluation. My cane hangs on the walker and I execute short walks on it, when my hip isn't hurting too much. It's snowing at the moment, another less than stellar event.

Nevertheless, Beth and Ruth took me to lunch today. We went to Burntwood Tavern, a good central meeting place for the three of us. I had fish, Beth had salmon and Ruth had sliders.

The rest of my lunch went home with Beth to become a fish sammy.

Beth's lunch became history.

And those last two sliders went home with Ruth. We could just phone it in and meet the servers at the table. We each have the same every time.

My birthday present was marzipan. After some unkind soul at UPS scarfed down my Wisconsin marzipan, Beth sent Bill on a marzipan mission. We're talking serious marzipan, here. I opened the marzipan potatoes and thought I'd work through a row. By the end of the afternoon, every potato had crossed my lips. The rest of the haul is on a table across the room. It's probably safe for a while.


  1. Hari om
    oh golly, yes...marzipan is just so ridiculously scrumalushus!!! Glad you were able to have a gals day. We had a return to winter here too. Tsk... YAM xx

  2. Happy belated birthday. I am sooo glad that marzipan was found for you, and that you enjoyed it.
    And here's to a better year. For you, for the world...

  3. Happy birthday, Joanne! It's been a rough year for you, but you are a determined little thing. I admire you.

  4. I didn't realize you were such a big marzipan fan! How European of you!

  5. Happy birthday for yesterday Joanne. I thought about you xx

  6. Sending you best wishes. I'm crazy for marzipan too.

  7. Happy Birthday Joanne! I'm glad you had a fun lunch out with the girls.

  8. Happy Birthday. That Marzipan pile reminds me of my mum, who loved the stuff as much as you do. Luckily for her, no one else did, so her stash was always safe.

  9. Happy belated birthday Joanne. Lunch with the girls looks terrific. Don't you just love it when somebody else does all the cooking and clean-up. I love marzipan too and am glad Bill managed to replace the marzipan scoffed by UPS. How dare them!

  10. Happy Birthday. The fish looks good along with the slaw. I would have missed the chips though.

  11. Happy birthday! And happy marzipan too. I love it. Not surprised all the little potatoes somehow vanished.

  12. Happy birthday. That is a righteous pile of marzipan. It's good that it made its way to you.
    Sorry it's snowing again. I'm pretty sure it's done here.

  13. Happy Birthday! Your lunch looks delicious.

    So sorry you are still working through the health issues, tho it will take more time than anyone would like.

    We love marzipan. We watch Great British Baking Show, where marzipan is often an ingredient. The contestants often have to make their own marzipan instead of using a store bought. Worth a try?

  14. I absolutely hate marzipan! I'm now waiting for the other Margaret to agree with me....

  15. Hi there Margaret! I don't hate marzipan but a whole candy made out of nothing but that is a no thank you. :) Happy Belated Birthday to you, Joanne! I hope this year can bring you increasing strength and mobility. And lots more yummy lunches out! xoxo

  16. Happy birthday Joanne, I have a lot of fudge to get through from Mother's day, my teeth curl from the sweetness. Marzipan is better.

  17. Lovely to have a meal out. Glad you had a good birthday! can you have that much in the house.....and it hasn't disappeared!!

  18. How would have done just the same. I adore marzipan and those goodies in the photo would mean bliss to me. Sorry getting back walking is taking so long. I was really pleased with my progress in our warm spell - now a week of snow and I am back to square one. I just must keep exercising it whether I feel like it or not.

  19. I tried to stop counting birthdays when I got to 27.

  20. Looks like a yummy lunch you each had! The marzipan "potatoes" look very realistic. I do like marzipan but would never keep up with you in a marzipan-eating contest :)

    May the next year be better than the last!

  21. Happy Birthday! Hope your year is filled with good health and happy days!

  22. Happy birthday, Joanne! I think celebrating with a fish dinner and marzipan is a lovely thing. I'm wondering if I've ever even had any marzipan. I do love halva made with sesame paste (tahini) and I think they must be quite similar.
    Anyway, here's to you, Joanne! May there be many more fish lunches and delicious sweetness!

  23. Happy Birthday Joanne! Sounds like you had a nice birthday lunch. I don't know what marzipan is, but plan to look it up. I also wanted to mention that someone recently told me that Williams Sonoma makes and delivers cooked food (maybe frozen) and that it was very good. Just thought I'd mention it.

  24. Happy birthday, dear Joanne! I am glad that you are here on earth and surround the sun!!! And I wish you better health for the next year of your life, and as much stamina as you already have, and think of you as a dear friend! XXX Britta

  25. Happy birthday. I have never had marzipan.

  26. Happy Birthday. Your lunches look really good but I just don't get sliders. If you want a hamburger get a big one. How does having three little ones make it better? Hopefully the hip pain situation is remedied sooner.

  27. Happy Belated Birthday, marzipan girl!


  28. Happy Birthday 🎊🎂

  29. Happy birthday! Marzipan is one of those love-it hate-it things. I love it when it is made into beautiful little fruits that I can look at. I don't enjoy eating them much though.

  30. I agree with Ellen...a big hamburger would be my choice. Glad to see you can get out and about even if it is on the hated walker. My good one ate the brakes on one side, so I am no longer using it. May you have a lingering happy birthday.

  31. Stopping by from Jenn's blog, Coffee on the Porch. Happy late birthday--it looks like you celebrated well. I always enjoy your comments on Weaver's posts. It's funny how there seems to a little community of us who read her regularly. She's a real treat to follow.

  32. Happy belated birthday, Joanne. Glad to hear you got to go out and celebrate it with a nice meal and you got your marzipan fix. Take care.

  33. Bummer I missed your Birthday. Looks like you had a good time. I'm sorry to hear about your hip pain. I hope that improves.
