
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Looking forward to graupel

I've been busy this week, with doctor appointments I can't seem to shake loose of and a warp that has stretched. I would like to empty my loom of the current warp by Saturday so my sister can help me on Sunday, replacing spools of warp thread when they run out.

There is my spool rack, top to bottom. Some pegs are empty; I'm using the smaller spools to weave off the remnant of my warp. They will be filled with new spools when we begin. Most of the other spools will need replacing, and that will be Jan's job. There is nothing worse than walking around the loom to get to the rack to tie on a new spool of thread!

I guess spring is coming; there is a mass of green bulb leaves in the garden. And, the garden needs raked so badly; a job I still cannot tackle. Out in the back, near the woods, I see a single yellow daffodil, and several stands of daffodil leaves scattered about. I see the squirrels have been very busy these last several years.

The weather remains very unpredictable, swinging wildly from highs of sixty to highs of thirty. Today was mid fifties and then mid forties through the weekend. Those are the highs. Overnight lows still warrant an extra blanket. Therein comes the graupel. 

April showers bring May flowers, says the old adage. The falling overnight temps in the rain can bring snow. Graupel is not hail, it is not sleet. It forms when water droplets freeze on falling snow.


  1. We've had graupel this week. Looked like haily sleet to me. But it pleased the weather people no end.

  2. Here in the UK we are having very strange weather. Hot sun one week, snow the next. I managed to get out and cut some of the grass today before it rains tomorrow but it's really windy too. Can't wait for the summer but that can be unpredictable here too!

  3. We are all ready for steady warmth. It's been a real mix of warm then cold in Massachusetts too. My daffodils are green with no flowers yet. The wood ducks are behind my house and will most likely produce ducklings. They know it's Spring; if only the weather would cooperate.

  4. Hari OM
    Had a fair few GRAUPEL falls here too... and considerably more than 'showers'! Those may flower better be GARGANTUAN... (yes, today's letter is G...) &*> YAM xx

  5. I have heard of graupel but I think it's not too common here.

  6. Tonight we may have a few flakes of SNOW! I want Winter to go away.

  7. There was mixed rain/snow in our forecast for Sunday/Monday after a high in the mid-70s today. I don't have a clue what to wear most of the time.

  8. I would love to sit and watch you weave (and help with the parts you need help with!). I was trying to place the word "graupel" when I read your title; it's one I've heard only a few times. Not sure I've ever seen it in person. Do squirrels bury the bulbs? That might account for some of the "migrations" of plants we've seen in our yard :)

  9. Graupel is an alien word and concept to me. Thank you for continuing my education.
    I hope the medical appointments were positive and useful.

  10. I did not know its name, Graupel, I have always just called it chubby rain. Are wese tired of being cold? Oh yueas I think we are. You are ambitious- going to one doctor appointment in two years is the best I can do!!

  11. Heard the Kansas weather gal use the word graupel today. I thought that was a bit of weird sleet hitting my windshield when I ran errands today. Linda in Kansas

  12. That is the first time I have heard this word. Thanks! I do love a new word!

  13. Weather this time of year is so unpredictable. We occasionally get graupel.

  14. We occasionally get hail and very very rarely a few snow flakes - hopefully I never have to grapple with grauple

  15. Your weather sounds similar to ours. All over the place! It looks like you are getting quite an assortment of towels made for the summer shows!

  16. I've never heard the word Graupel before and wondered just what it is. I suppose in Australia such a word has never been necessary. Our weather is a bit p and down too. Today we had 27C and younger people in the city were wearing shorts.

  17. We are getting a few days of significant rain.

  18. The temperatures here are the same and we go from snow to rain as well. April…ugh!

  19. I have never in my life even heard of graupel. It sounds a little harsh.

  20. I had never heard of graupel either! Looking forward to the warmer weather but it isn't here yet for us in Illinois either!

  21. Never heard of graupel here either. Wonder where they get these words. They should use it in Wordle... many would never get it.

  22. No Graupel here. We changed to summer sheets last night. It wasn't until 0330 when I finally pulled up our one blanket.

  23. We have had graupel this small crunchy pellets!

  24. Graupeled here today! Temperature is rising now and should be 72 tomorrow. I am ready!

  25. Lowering temperatures here today tho. 100 degrees in the middle of April are ugly.

  26. Graupel - that sounds dreadful. And here I was whining about a chilly morning of 50 today.

  27. I was thinking it was going to be a post about a drink.

  28. Graupel is easier that hail. It wasn't too many years ago that I learn that term. We have had some that recently too.
