
Thursday, July 22, 2021

Learning a new sales platform

We know I show up here generally to bitch. I try hard to find nice things to say because you all are nice and seldom pitch a fit. This complaint is not so much about the cost of things as it is learning something new when the old was adequate! 

I'm getting ready to move. But I couldn't muster the energy to begin packing, until I figured out why I couldn't get around to it. 

I've accumulated stuff! How did that happen to minimalist me? What to do? Sell it. It worked twenty years ago, when we were tired of housing the family "heirlooms" and inquiries of mom's six grandchildren (we were aware of at the time) produced no takers. I sold it on eBay. Easy peasy.

There is so much to put on eBay, again. The left over heirlooms. The extra weaving thread. The books. Good lord, the books. So I began, a week ago, a bit every day, every other day. If I'm moving in September, I better speed it up.

There was a lot of beautiful 10/2 weaving cotton, the stuff that weaves lovely fabric. It came to ten pounds. I probably paid close to fifteen dollars a pound for it, which makes no difference when I just want it gone, so I put it up for six dollars. 

I immediately had an offer of forty dollars for it, from a weaver in Washington. We exchanged several emails; she is a lovely person, not one of those cheap artists who try to squeeze the last concession from a person. Which is why she offered forty dollars. The other lot of thread I have up will probably come down to the last man standing, upping the bids by pennies in the last minutes for stuff I bought for $20 a pound.

Anyway, eBay charged her over fifty dollars for ten pounds of freight. In an exchange of emails I said that was an obvious mistake and I would refund her the difference. And, USPS charged me $51.80 to take ten pounds to Silverdale, Washington.

I call bullshit. I call bullshit on these last two effing years, where we have done nothing, but costs have escalated dramatically. Mine have. Rent, food, drugs. Not income, though.

So I refunded her half of her purchase price, since I never thought I'd have such a decent offer.

And then I spent hours, until I researched on google, how to make an eBay refund. I had to search a competitor (?) to find the keystrokes in eBay. I hate them, too.

Back to business. I figured out the books. Media mail is cheap (relatively!), and I decided a dollar a book, take it or leave it. As many books as I can stuff in one tyvek envelope. Three books, three bucks. Five books, five bucks. Then if there is a good book in the lot, it will bid up. 

I've decided to sell everything but the fat man and mom's brick.

I'm still hanging onto the box. Maybe I'll shoot for the trash can on my way out the door.


  1. I've been thinking about selling on ebay... but not sure I want the hassle. I usually end up putting things outside in a box by the curb. Someone always comes by and picks it up... not financially encouraging, but easy.

  2. When our son died we had to get rid of his stuff ... a three bedroom house full ... including 12 bookcases of books down in his man cave. We found new homes for most of it but I still come across things of his. Books were the hardest...

  3. I really admire your willingness to relinquish almost all mementos from the past. Memories frequently weigh a lot, but take no packing space.
    And no, I don't think of your posts as a bitch corner. Ever.

  4. That was an exorbitant cost for shipping. You are so right about everything having gone up, not our incomes however.

  5. I have heard of a lot of people selling on Facebook marketplace. I think you put up photos and info and then local people let you know if they are interested so there is no shipping, just pick up. I think some sellers set a safe public pick up place to meet the buyer and often they bring someone with them for added security. Don't know if this would work for you...
    Good luck getting ready for your move!

    1. I dislike Facebook with close to a white passion. Like all the rest of the social platforms, like eBay, Facebook has revamped its format and procedure, without instructions. The last time I went on, months ago, I could not make heads nor tails, much of my info was inaccessible or garbled or both. And finally, I have always considered Zuckerberg a liar and a thief. He tried to manipulate the last presidential election. So, thanks for the recommendation, but I'll pass on this one.

  6. Tried to post. Trying again but won’t repeat it all. :)

  7. Goodness. I do feel for you ... going through a bit of that dilemma myself, as you know. Some things you just don't know what to do with. Like our now-16 year old grandson's art work from when he was 4 yrs old. I put it in an envelope and the last time he was here I showed it to him. I think he was impressed that grandma kept all of his scribbles and drawings. His only comment? "I can do better than that now." And yes, he can. I asked if he wanted them and he said No. So they remain here with grandma, safe and sound forever. LOL

  8. My theory is that the price of everything has gone up in order to cover the lower income they had during the pandemic.

  9. Joanne - every time I read about anyone planning to move it makes me tired just reading about it.

  10. We just happened to walk into my junk room and my “craft” room upstairs and I mentioned a garage sale. My hubby would freak out if anyone came down our road to snoop around in our garage or in our barn, So guess that I’ll just donate to the local thrift shop. And let them throw all that stuff away. ☹️Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  11. Hari OM
    Oh good grief - it would cost you less just to have passed it on to someone local. It will soon be over, but the sounds of things. And I was saying to neighbour M just the other week that here at the Hutch I seem to have become cluttered. No space to spare. Most of it just arriving, as things do... now to try and reverse the order! YAM xx

  12. On the same page with you re: facebook, it is a horrendous evil. The Zuck is a weasel. As for selling stuff, going through the post office- I always pick up the slack and pay more for the outrageous postage out of my own pocket. Silly really to try selling online.

  13. What a headache.

    I hate moving. Should I move, I'd do so in May, September, or October. Best weather for a move. But at the moment I am satisfied with where I am.

  14. Moving is a lot of work. In my experience, you do not know how much stuff you have accumulated until you have to pack and move. I've only sold cars locally online. Buyers inquire online and I set a time/date for a viewing, test drive and cash transaction. This worked well for me. Constant escalating costs are totally obscene.

  15. Postage costa have ruined online sales for individuals

  16. The shipping rates are simply too high.

  17. People don't want to give you anything for some good stuff. Yes some of the stuff I have is junk and should go in the garbage. Good luck!.

  18. I've never once thought of you as a complainer. You're realistic. I haven't sold anything on eBay in a long time. It was too much trouble. I usually donate things and take the tax deduction. I do better that way.


  19. You indeed have a lot on your plate. Moving takes a lot of steam and grit.

  20. I see you as a realist rather than a complainer. I did a huge winnowing a couple of years ago, and didn't even try to sell nor ship. I gave directly to young artists, to programs and finally the thriftie. Not worth the hassle of pictures, corresponding, shipping, all that. And I got a nice lot of space.

    I think Facebook is a criminal enterprise and have never had any part of it.

  21. Oooh... I'd like to buy some of your books...
    Can you post your eBay link to them?
    Or... If you haven't already listed them on eBay, maybe you could just photograph your bookshelves and show them here (or email me)?
    No worries if that's too much trouble...

    E-Bay is such so time consuming--I've done it myself--but at least books are easy to pack and ship--and media mail is the only affordable postage around!

    1. I will begin posting books tomorrow.

    2. Great—what’s the link to your seller page? (You can’t search eBay by seller)

  22. Craigslist or NextDoor are also options if there's a group in your area. As Ellen said meeting at a public place is a safe option.

  23. The excessive shipping/delivery costs are another reason why I stay away from Amazon and ebay now, actually the main reason.

  24. What is your 'Fat Man'? It looks really interesting; I love it.

    1. The Fat Man belonged to my great grandmother, so it is well over a hundred years old. I believe it is oak. It is turned on a lathe and painted. It required at least two pieces of wood glued together to turn it; in an accident a slab of his side came off and was reglued. Way before my time. I might try to research it via the picture.

  25. It's time consuming and difficult to get rid of things these days. I usually use my Buy Nothing site, but people are NOT reliable. Even for free stuff. Hope you can figure it all out and divest yourself of what you don't want/need.

  26. I always enjoy your posts no matter what they are about. You are not complaining, you are honestly sharing your life and real life is full of ups and downs. I think computers and programs on them are all about, as you said, "learning something new when the old was adequate". Sorry about all the eBay problems. Those shipping prices are ridiculous!

  27. What a rip off. I can't be bothered with ebay any more. I just give stuff to the charity shop. Mind you, I don't know what I'd do to get rid of anything of real value.

  28. I sell on ebay, well I used to, but now nothing sells unless you are giving it away for nothing. 2 days ago I sold a used jigsaw, clearly stating the condition with photos etc. The girl immediately cancelled the order saying she thought it was new, so I refunded her and then ebay charged ME a fee for the cancelled order.

  29. I haven't bought on eBay for years. It seems not to be as user-friendly as it used to be.

  30. Dear Joanne,
    it is very much easing the mind, to get off all those things.

    In Berlin I do not see them, as the apartment is so big, but in Bavaria: each thing too much is - too much.
    In the living room I do not even want paintings - the view is so dramatic that it is utterly enough.

    "costs have escalated dramatically. Mine have. Rent, food, drugs. Not income, though."- yes, I agree. I was shocked what they asked for one apple -- in a normal supermarket, or what they offer as "special offer" in the vegetable section. I fear that is only the beginning...

  31. moving is for winnowing. I wouldn't think you still had all that much since you've moved twice in recent history. I hope you get enough from selling to make it worth the effort. as for the books, are there any little libraries around? just cram them in there. that's what I did with a box of books.

    1. I've done that, with some decent books. Still there. The shelves are packed and unmoving.

  32. Well done you...and I hear you about the last two years!!
    You are such a good example in many ways...I must stop writing and Get On With it!!!!

  33. I look around me and think of what it would take for us to move out of this old rambling house and I want to weep.
    I know this is hard for you, Joanne. I completely admire the way you are taking it on with such integrity and courage.

  34. Moving is very stressful. I wish you peace and an unruffled countenance as you make your way through all the tasks ahead.

  35. can check with your local library to see if anyone offers matching funding. For every book our library sells, the city matches the price. You can always donate the books.
