
Monday, July 19, 2021

Jumbled thoughts

Laura is in school five days a week, living in a dorm and working on her future. She is planning on being a Resident Assistant in a year, thus having her dorm fees paid. She still looks the same, and talks the same, and is only about two days a week. I am having difficulty coming to terms with not finding her between weeding jobs.

I did make a bit of lemonade from Brassard et Fils vacation schedule. The end of the warp is near; I'm weaving it off in natural. The plant goes back to work on August 2nd, and my thread order is in, so I assume it is one of many that will be packed and shipped that week. 

I realized the three weeks between now and then would be good to do some staging at 61. I want to get my living room rug down in my intended studio before the loom goes in. That will keep the loom from sliding about on the hardwood floor, necessitating some kind of mechanical stabilization.

After the rug, the loom should be moved. It will be more difficult than the first move, more tight turns. When it came into this trailer, even though it came up steps and over a rail, it only required the removal of the treadle cross member. I know much more disassembly will be required this time. Taking pieces off the loom will be much easier when it's empty; so I'm weaving as fast as I can.

Having identified all the moving parts of this plan, the only bit of extreme concern is selection of someone I trust to move the loom. John, the master house builder who moved it last time, is the first on my list. I have a call in to him, but haven't heard back yet.

My living room is full of empty boxes. With so much time between now and September, it seems foolish to seal things into boxes and then need them. And, I kept fooling about with EBay, trying to screw up courage to sell some of this stuff.

Finally I did, and listed my camera first. I am so grateful for all the experience I accumulated twenty years ago, when I sold the baskets and blankets my grandparents brought back from their great trip west in 1936. Every trick of the trade to part me from them before the auctions ended came down the electronic path to my inbox. 

How EBay has changed in twenty years. Before there was a bid on the camera, there were offers to buy. I turned them down. Now there are bids. Watching the bidders sort each other out is so amusing. So, I put up my college alarm clock. It's actually one hundred years old.  I located a repair date of 1922. Pays to be the granddaughter of  a horologist. Bids have begun.

Life goes in, in the midst of empty boxes filling the living room and auctions running on the internet and plans coming together or not, properly or not, perfectly or not.


  1. I do love that clock, I hope you get a good price on all your stuff. A move can be so stressful, particularly with a loom that needs taking apart. But you seem to have a very good handle on it all.


  2. It sounds like a lot to do, but you have plans and a great attitude. I'm sure it will go well!

  3. So much to do and think about!

  4. Good luck.
    The mere thought of moving fills me with horror. Two pack rats in one household is an ugly combination.

  5. Hopefully you will find all of the helpers you need when it comes time to move your loom and all your things. I don't know how I will manage it when that day comes. I need to start planning and figure out where I will want to be and when it will have to happen. A lot to worry about!

  6. Your grandfather was a horologist? That is so cool. And that is a beautiful alarm clock.

  7. Brassard et Fils vacation may prove to be a blessing in disguise -- free time to move your loom! Good luck with your eBay auctions!

  8. what a very cool little clock. I hope you get a good price for it. so if I understand correctly, no weaving between ending this warp and September? 3 weeks to get the loom moved and situated and the rest of your stuff too.

  9. I've never sold anything worth enough to mess with eBay, so it's a little intimidating to me. It sounds like you've got it under control.

  10. You are thinking ahead and getting organized, You’ll be ready.

  11. I love that alarm clock and I went straight to ebay and found it! So let me be annoying. Does it work? I know that you said it needs servicing but said that it needed polishing.

    1. It still worked when I let it run down and put it up. I hope no one would wind it up now until it has been cleaned, which should be done to old wind up clocks fairly often. It has accumulated dust, so all its parts will be filthy and should be professionally cleaned before it is put into action again. Anyone who would wind up a clock that old without being sure it is clean as a whistle shouldn't have it. No offense, my parents were also in the business and I grew up knowing it. I said it needs servicing and a good polishing.

  12. I hope you can find an appropriate person to move the loom. Everyone reputable and no doubt many disreputable people who work in construction are booked up for months because of the housing shortage and the building boom that's taking place. Ebay does all sorts of wild things now.


  13. Hari OM
    So much going on again - that's all good, if a tad tiring and 'jumbled'. September is only six weeks away... Crikey, another page being turned. YAM xx

  14. At one point I thought about listing things on ebay, but it seems like every move had such a short fuse that I resorted to free come get it. This time there isn't all that much to eject. I do love that clock!

  15. This whole thing was interesting. I am awed by the alarm clock. Big wow!

  16. This is another big move for you and you seem to have planned it out to perfection. Your clock is very beautiful and I hope it goes to a good home/new owner and is well loved. You must be proud of Laura. She is making her way in life and preparing herself for a good career -- maybe even owning her own business one day. You are her example and an outstanding one at that. I predict she will do well.

  17. I rarely buy things that need bidding, if I can't "buy now" I leave it. I've been staying away from ebay anyway, I really don't need more stuff taking up more space.
    I hope your stuff sells before you move so you won't have to carry it along.
    I hope the move goes smoothly.

  18. I admire your experience with eBay. I have many items I would like to put on it but I've never used it and I need to learn more about it. That clock is lovely!

    It's good that you have a collection of boxes ready to pack. I have a feeling September will get here before we know it. I can't believe how fast July is going.

  19. The thing that deters me from selling on-line is the packing and shipping. Years of selling fragile antiques and getting so tired of shipping come to mind.
    You sound very organized with the move already, with weeks to go.

  20. I am so happy to know that Laura is doing the sensible thing and going to school. Working as an "RA" made it ossicle for me to live in a dorm all those years ago. That clock is a real treasure. You seem to have a handle on what needs to be done for your move. Managing situations is what you do!

  21. How did "possible" turn to "ossicle"? Is there such a word?

  22. I too "think" about listing things on ebay... but never seem to do it. Did it years ago, but can't seem to get motivated to do it lately. Good luck with your listings!

  23. Your College alarm clock looks so lovely, Joanne - there will be many bidding. One of the good things of getting older is: We don't need the alarm clock so often. inspire me to a new post on my blog... :-)

  24. It's good to hear that Laura is moving forward. You have a big part in that.

  25. I can understand that the move seems quite daunting but I suspect that when all's said and one it will go off quite smoothly.

  26. Lots of changes in your life! But all moving forward towards good things.

  27. Boy are you a busy bee. Bravo.

  28. That's a wonderful clock but then, I'm a clock person.

  29. Please let us know the results of the auction. My last sale on Ebay years ago went very well but I not tried since. I think the owners of Ebay have changed. The first part of this post reads like a to-do list which is interesting in a strange way.

    1. It's been ten years since I used Ebay. It has changed radically. I don't like it. But, it has its use.

  30. Good luck with your bids and everything else, Joanne. I love that clock and might have to do some investigating on the electronic bay. Take care.

    1. Hi Joanne. I just saw your comment and all I can tell you about the Cardinals GIF is that I searched for "Rock On" on GIPHY and this was one of the recommendations. Here's a link to that GIF if you want to learn more,

  31. Moving is not for the faint of heart.

  32. Getting exciting!
    I don't do auctions on eBay, just Buy It Now with a sensible minimum offer. Saves the hassle of the silly offers who expect you to almost give things away!

  33. What a project!! You'll get there.
