
Friday, May 28, 2021

Dear Mr. Bigwig

I just sent another email to New Jersey, this one specifically to Mr. Bigwig. On Wednesday I finished loading several days of dirty dishes to the dishwasher, put in the soap and closed the door. It did not engage; the dishwasher did not start.

The next morning I notified Theresa, the site manager, and hearing nothing from her, texted Dan. From the grapevine I learned that Dan is instructed to have all of Hudson Estates mowed, and probably weed wacked, as well as Ravenna, the other mobile home park owned by UMH in Ohio, before the visit of the Bigwig next Tuesday.

The grapevine and I figure this is all about the refinancing of the properties that I may have mentioned, back when Theresa rang my door bell, walked right in and began filming the interior, while using her sweetest voice to say "I just love the interior of this unit, so simple and sweet." Then she left. No by your leave and certainly no twenty four hour notice of entry.

So I sent an email to Mr. Bigwig, and told him I sincerely doubted Ms. Theresa will bring him by Cedar 28, sweet and simple as it is, for fear of a sink of dirty dishes. I did use the opportunity to mention, one more time, that I still have no grass, only clods and weeds.

It is pouring rain today. Here is the rain dropped red Mandevilla, through a rain streaked window. For the weekend the forecast is the same, cold and rain. Monday looks a bit improved. That is good; what have we done to lose a third annual holiday to fate? Last year was a clunking dud; the year before that we loaded ourselves on my porch and ate pizza. The pandemic was good conversation then. 

Now half the adults of this country are fully vaccinated, and the ones too lazy to make an appointment are being enticed with stadium drive throughs and million dollar drawings. We are such a strange breed of "rugged independence".

And one more thing! What is one thing America might do on Memorial Day? Look over a neighbor's new car. One of these admirers is my neighbor. The rest probably are husbands whose lunch awaits.


  1. I'll admit as a member of my half of the species... I do not understand the fascination with cars. It gets you from point A to point B.

  2. I am with William.
    I do hope that your dishwasher gets fixed. And a big sigh at Theresa's rudeness. At her self-entitled rudeness.

  3. We do not even have a dishwasher I have always done them by hand, I enjoy the warm sudsy water and handling of some of my favorite bowls. I had our dish washer removed when we moved here. I do not like them even one little bit. I put your towels to good use!

  4. Whenever my husband parks his Tundra, men mosey over or stop and ask about it, look at it. One of the young men I worked with drove it a bit. Sorry to hear the dishwasher is on the fritz. I bet your plants are enjoying the rain, even if humans get tired of it, especially the chill hanging on in so much of the world.

  5. I love your email to Mr. Bigwig! You go girl!

  6. Hopefully your letter gets some results. What's with the barge-right-in mentality of your property manager? Hopefully the property issues get taken care of. Men and their fascination with cars! Boys and their toys.

  7. I hope your dishwasher gets fixed soon! Or better yet, that you get a new dishwasher!

  8. Some people are mannerless when they enter your house as a manager.

  9. More to the point does Theresa have the 'right' to barge in? It is a bit scary being overlooked by an authority.

  10. I saw that on the tv news here about the vaccination enticememts and shook my head, they really shouldn't be necessary. I finally managed to get an appointment for my first shot, in about twelve days from now.
    I'm annoyed that Theresa just barged in like she owned the place.

  11. We had a frost advisory last night, so I took out new, as yet unplanted bedding plants in. It was 2C at 6AM, so I guess it didn't happen, as close as it was. I hope you have some pleasant sunny days on our long weekend.

  12. Your domestic set-up sounds very strange to me. Here we have letting agents, but your equivalent seem more like feudal medieval landlords.

    1. The units can be well managed, or not. This probably is middle of the scale. The property manager openly flouts the no smoking law, and basically has no social or managerial skills.

  13. Nothing draws a crowd like a new car!

  14. Hari Om
    I'm afraid I would have sent T away to come again after appropriate announcement. Well done on writing that letter. Let's hope it takes effect asap! YAM xx

  15. I would have reminded your landlord of the 24 hour notice and simply not stepped aside. I admit that it is not usually with a 24 hour notice. It's more like, 'hey we got the part for xxxx. Is it okay to come over an take care of that? I can't ever think of a time that this wasn't satisfactory.

    This sale is so peculiar to me. How many 'units' are in your park? I'm surprised it is such big business.

    1. There are at least 300 units here, and we're among the smallest. Google UMH properties and look at the fly over view. It's like homes on 20x30 lots.

    2. My gosh, I need to give up commenting when I am on my phone. The first paragraph was supposed to read that as landlords, we ALWAYS give notice. Most of the time it is not 24 hours, mind you, but we always call ahead. If the client is busy, we just set it up for another day. That's pretty ignorant of Theresa.

  16. We witnessed American's rugged independence last night as we sat in an auditorium almost filled with people and not one in twenty was wearing a mask. I know for a fact that one of the people in my group is not vaccinated even though she is in her sixties and I doubt that two of the others were either- they are staunch republicans who don't believe in the vaccine. Or covid either, for that matter.
    If that woman had come into my home, unannounced and taken pictures, I would go through the roof. NO, NO, NO!
    I hope you get your dishwasher fixed soon. What an annoyance.

  17. the only fascination I have ever had with cars was if I get one. a car meant freedom to a teen. everything was/is late here too even though we seemed to have an early spring and then the deep freeze and things that are finally blooming aren't blooming as much as they have in the past.

  18. Walk in and film Theresa...I bet she would love that.

  19. Boy, they sure did clog the road.

  20. I love that you took on Mr. Bigwig; how frustrating to be treated with such a lack of respect and care. Owning a home comes with many challenges, but renting does as well.

  21. I truly hope the dishwasher is fixed. Why does Theresa think she has the right just to walk in and film? Jesus that pisses me off.

  22. It is the male of the species with the car fascination I believe.

  23. The property manager needs to be relieved of her duties. May the dishwasher be repaired soon!

  24. I have a real problem with people who have to be enticed to get vaccinated by the lure of the possibility that they might hit it rich. Can't they do it just for the good of their loved ones, themselves and their country?

  25. May car fascination faded long ago. I'm still in awe of aircraft. There is a whole new type coming soon - all electric airplanes. We advance in the wrong direction at times but I think the general long term direction is good.

  26. That Ms Theresa is a saucy thing.

    And there's very few things worse than a dishwasher breakdown with all those dirty dishes.

    I hope the lawn gets fixed too with Bigwig coming.


  27. I couldn't care less about flashy cars or car mechanics or high-speed cars or any of that "male" stuff. I just want a reliable car that gets me from A to B.

    I hope Mr Bigwig's visit actually achieves something. Bigwigs are usually only interested in photo ops and making speeches.

  28. I guess Theresa never learned about manners. Hope your dishwasher got fixed, that sounds annoying. New car doesn't impress me. Hope you have an enjoyable day.
