
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Another day of fun...

I began reading Nomadland this morning, at breakfast. Very interesting from the beginning, and I pushed my empty plate aside and kept reading. Suddenly I said "Oh, damn, I need to get Laura!" and in an old lady like way jumped straight up from my chair. Simultaneously the thirty minute calendar warning chimed, and reminded me of Laura so often  saying "Time to leave" when the chime went off.  I left.

Laura had warned me there was exciting news, but I would remain in anticipation until we met again. So, with Laura and her laundry loaded, I said "Spill the beans, kid!" and she did.

Her gardening "clients" have retained her services with the arrival of spring. At one of the homes, the client sat on the front steps and had a chat with Laura, along the lines of why isn't a nice girl like you back in school? Laura rejoined with the Paul Mitchell Cosmetology course she hoped to take in the fall. 

The client, who is affiliated with the University of Akron said a staff member was having trouble finding students for her grant program that begins mid June, summer semester. Laura has been in a whirlwind application and document submission state the last several days. Her job on returning this afternoon was to secure her student ID access and follow her application through the process at Akron U.

All of the above notwithstanding, I put her through our usual routine today. And also, for Weave, the last two leaves separated from my amaryllis bulb, so Laura put it on a closet shelf, put a paper bag over it, and I'll give it a couple of months before I start thinking about my next move.

Laura also washed the platter that held the amaryllis and my rock collection. All the rocks were washed, too; the first time I watered the amaryllis I overwatered and put brown silt on all. I would have had her wash the rocks anyway, just to watch her arrange them on the tray.

First, a large stone in each corner, to anchor, I believe. Then a border of light, dark around, then interesting others in the middle, and the small crystals scattered about.

She and Toby had a bit of a go, before Laura went for the vacuum. That was Toby's cue to find high ground.

We left to take Laura back to Kent just as the rain began. I saw one other photogenic house in her neighborhood. I do like this one. It is quite large, in the cross gable style.



  1. Good luck to Laura with the grant program! Toby is such a handsome cat and big too, judging from his size compared to Laura's shoulder and head!

  2. Yea for Laura! I hope she finds some fulfilling classes to take.

  3. It looks promising for Laura. And once again I have to praise that striking cat.

  4. Very hopeful for Laura! She is so helpful. I had forgotten "Nomadland" was also a book. That might be a good one to read.

  5. Yay Laura and yay to serendipity!

  6. How exciting for Laura! A grant program is wonderful plus she will be there all summer! I hope your amaryllis has a good sleep and wakes up ready to bloom again. Toby is such a good looking cat and he clearly shows his intelligence! My cats each have a special "safe spot" when the vacuum comes out.

  7. Hari OM
    Oh the wonders of connections and serendipity!!! Congrats to Laura, strokes and nose nudges to Toby... and that is sure a very pretty house! YAM xx

  8. I do like that house.
    Hooray for Laura getting back into school.
    I would have had fun rearranging the pebbles too.

  9. Hooray for Laura.
    Add me to those that really likes the house.
    As I do your rock collection.

  10. All the best to Laura. It sounds like a great opportunity. Would she be studying cosmetology in the grant program too?

  11. What is Cosmetology? Is it the study of the cosmos or cosmetics?

    1. Cosmology is the study of the cosmos. Cosmetology is the study of the territory of the face and how to present it best!

  12. Good luck to Laura at Akron U. Perhaps this will be the start of bigger things. Like Tom above the term "Cosmetology" is new to me.

  13. Yay for Laura. Hope it works out well for her.

  14. Good for Laura! And good for her grandmother, too!

  15. What a super chance for Laura...and well deserved.

  16. I hope it works out for Laura and she enjoys it too. It is good that you encourage her with her future plans. Gives her confidence!

  17. Good for Laura and I hope she enjoys it. I just finished reading Nomadland and enjoyed it. Many amazing stories in the book.

  18. Yay for Laura, I hope everything works out for her. Lovely that she has such skills in making everything so aesthetically pleasing.


  19. Congratulations to Laura for deciding to pursue her interest and secure the training and certifications required. This is a strong field with good demand and these days that's key. Great for Laura. I'm sure you are very pleased with her decision.

  20. Good for Laura for recognizing and seizing an open door when it appears! She's got plenty of initiative. She'll do well.

  21. Yes, Bravo to Laura.
    Yes too, I have an almost identical dresser to the one behind Toby. With it's unique trim and Linguista Walton handles, I delighted in seeing it.

  22. That last house is just beautiful. Toby is quite the cat.
    Once Laura is in the grant program, what does that mean? Is it like a scholarship?

  23. Good news for Laura! She deserves a good break!

    Love that house

  24. Jenny and I just saw the movie of Nomadland. Apparently unlike the book it pulls a lot of punches and makes the van-dwelling existence seem rather easier than it actually is. It's amazingly uncritical of Amazon for example. We're going to buy the book and see how it compares.

  25. I think Laura is a doer and a mover just like her wonderful grandmother.

  26. Don't you just love a house with character? I am thrilled for Laura. I've long said she'll be good at whatever she does.

  27. Happy news! Now that's a nice thing to hear!

    I see my rock! I see my rock!
    And that's a nice thing to see, so prettily arranged with the others.

  28. and the grant program is for...what? did you not mention or did I miss it somehow? I'm sure Laura will be accepted. so what happened to the farm thing?

    1. It's four years of tuition for the marketing program.
