
Monday, May 3, 2021

Another day, another day

New normal seems little different from old normal. I suppose the next thing to look forward to/hope for is decent weather. It rained all day today, and will rain all day tomorrow.

Another day with little live interaction. I wove some more, but knitted nothing, spending the time either napping or food prepping. I made vegetable soup, which simmered from about two this afternoon until I woke up from a nap at five.

It's OK, but not great. As I packed up portions for the freezer, I realized I'd omitted those innocent little soup noodles. No idea of their Italian pasta name; the little guys that take the sharp edge off the tomatoes. I have lots of them in a little jar in the pantry. I wonder how I can add them after the fact?

In another adventure today, I moved the left most leaf of the amaryllis away from the window, and it fell straight down and snapped off, with a definitive snap! Now it looks bedraggled.

I've run out of new books to read, so picked up Alexandra Fuller's Cocktail Hour under the Tree of Forgetfulness. Not my favorite of her many, and I really should start her over with Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight.

I do have a new book on order, Finding the Mother Tree. Since I will be reading it at least twice, I'll be occupied for a bit...when it comes.


  1. We had some rain today, but not a lot.

  2. Hari OM
    Joanne, soup can stand more simmering and yet more - so add the stellini (or whatever pasta you have) now and just let it cook in - generally no more than fifteen mins should sort it. I also add a bit of smoked paprika to tomato-based soups to take the tinny taste away... and all this reminds me I was supposed to be cooking upt the veges in the fridge in a soup today. Always tomorrow... YAM xx

  3. Rain appears to be the new normal here too. Between rainy days, we are out and about as much as possible.

  4. Noodles should be fairly easy to add. I think it looks marvelous. I'm a huge fan of soup, especially in the rainy weather. We've had a very dry April, but May is giving us some much needed rain.

  5. I think you've inspired me to make soup tomorrow.

  6. Cook the noodles (are you using orzo?) but don't cook them all the way. Leave them al dente. Drain, rinse, and add to the soup. I hope you get some pretty weather soon.

  7. It was a good soup day. Rain, cool, dull, blah. I agree, just heat up the soup again and toss in a handful of orzo or other small pasta. Let's hope for a bit of sun soon. -Jenn

  8. We are into soup weather here too, I'll be making some on the weekend for the freezer. Yours looks delicious even without the noodles.

  9. Your soup sure looks good. I love homemade vegetable soup. We've had a little more spring weather with rain instead of snow, thank goodness. Do you think your amaryllis is moving towards hibernation? I'm learning a lot about them by watching this one.

  10. We had rain today too. I am contemplating soup. Can you cook the noodles and parcel them up ready to add to each batch as you cook it?

  11. My amaryllis has notchanged for the last couple of months. I have put it on the window sill in the garage and it is still green.

  12. We are still in soup weather like you..that's a good description.

  13. Too bad you forgot to add the noodles, but I can't see why you couldn't cook them in the standard way you cook pasta and add them. And you could let the whole thing simmer for a while. I think that would work.

  14. I'm very familiar with the tree of forgetfulness. It keeps getting larger.

  15. Noodles are extremely forgiving along with pasta when it comes to soup. I should make some soup soon.


  16. I love Fuller's books so much. Some of them more than others and isn't that the way of it?

  17. Spring always brings us rain and some dreary days. However, the bright green of the grass is a lovely sight to see.

    If my soup doesn’t have enough taste, I start adding more herbs to add more flavor.

  18. I have the makings for enchiladas. another attempt since my first try wasn't all that great but the ground beef got used for something else. I'm reading what I thought would be a sci-fi novel but turned out to be a detective book centered around the space program, trying to prevent the 'horrible thing' before the bad guys can accomplish it. rained for two days here...8".

  19. Rainy and windy here too, with a bit of sunshine.
    Never heard of this writer. Noted. Thank you.

  20. Gray day here so it is taking a bit of effort to motivate myself - wasting time on the computer right now. :)
    The soup is perfect for these damp, rainy days. Good idea!

  21. That looks so good. My son is making his homemade chili tonight. It will cook in the crockpot overnight and be oh so good tomorrow. He'll make enough for a couple of meals at least.

  22. We are coming out of lockdown here in the Uk but it's so wet, windy and cold I'd rather stay indoors. I think it will take some to adjust back to what life used to be like.

  23. Joanne, I accomplished very few things today... small things... did our Rx run to the Walmart Pharmacy at 6am (Senior only time), stained the scratches out of 2 barstools our daughter brought us (she has new ones) with some Old English dark wood scratch remover, wrote a blog, made a batch of green beans with ham, and started sewing masks again. Hmmm.. it sounds like a lot, but it isn't... however, it did take me the whole day.

  24. I did think your soup looked pretty yummy. The weather here is having a hard time making up its mind. Nice one day then windy and cold the next.

  25. Just coming back to say I'm now deep in a Fuller book, Leaving before the rain, I think. She's very good. Thank you.

  26. Poor amaryllis does look a bit bedraggled. It happens to the best of us.

