
Thursday, April 29, 2021


It's amazing; put one foot in front of the other, just carry on, and the most unexpected person rocks your world. Laura agreed to help me out today, and so I picked her up at the usual time and asked the usual question, "How's work?"

Well, she doesn't work there any more. Her news was delivered in the style to which I've become accustomed, first I must ask the right question. Here's the Reader's Digest version:

Laura resigned her job at Chipolte, and has fallen back on her weeding route to pay the rent until she moves on. There is an organization, WWOOF, and she will work at one of their jobs after she finishes a job in Texas. She is packing up her apartment as we speak.

She laid out her plan for me and I couldn't see any faulty thinking. I did ask if she'd told any of her siblings, and she laughed and said they all were too busy to listen to her, except Bekka. We shared a mutual laugh over the old memory of the next two oldest spinning a big plan of relocating to Seattle to become the next programming wizzes, and Laura could tag along.

That's my big news. Except yes, she has green hair this week. She says it was orange for a while, but I'm spared that.

So, I may have enjoyed our last shopping trip for awhile. It is spring, but still far too early to plant mandevilla. When the monumental overnight rains had subsided to a hard sprinkle, we did plant the seeds I'd saved, and my birthday gerbera daisy that the cat made himself sick over. 

Laura told me she had her second vaccination shot yesterday, and I thought she was a real trouper to turn out and devote a day to me. "Oh, I'll be fine!" she said. "The last one barely bothered me!" 

On the way home I was hungry. "Would you like a hamburger?" I suddenly asked. I was in a through lane and needed to be in the right lane for the hamburger or the left turn lane to continue taking her home. She knew where we were and recognized my dilemma. I could hear the wheels turning in the passenger seat.

At the last possible moment she said "No, I need to go to bed."

So I will return to my job of weaving towels. I reached the half way point of the grey this morning.


  1. It sounds like she made the right decision.

  2. Laura is moving to Texas for a while?! Will she be back near you when she works for WWOOF? I'm glad she shared her news with you and you were supportive even tho you will miss her assistance.
    I read that the NYC is suing Chipotle on behalf of workers over multiple violations of laws regulating employee workweeks.
    Hope all goes well for Laura.

    1. I doubt she will be back. There are no organic farms registered for Ohio, though there is one a mile away. She's out to see the world. Good for her.

  3. I have only heard good things about the WWOOF program. Several of Erik's friends did that and were not sorry! I am glad that she hung up her Chipotle apron. She is an exceptionally bright person! Gets it from you I am sure!

  4. Well, good for Laura, and good for you for being a generous and encouraging Mom, when you'll miss her. I love her ever changing hair colors. I keep thinking it would be fun to try that some time.
    Fashion note: I was wearing that top I made from the woven fabric you gave me, today. Over a shirt blouse, cuffs turned back, black slim pants. Stylin it. Just sayin'

  5. I'm glad Laura is doing well. You'll miss her occasional company.

  6. Well, good luck to Laura but I'm sorry to hear you'll have to find a new grocery shopping companion.

  7. I remember a time when my life was my own and I could do as I pleased. It was so long ago, the memories are foggy, but Laura will never have these days again.

    1. That's what I keep thinking. She'll never be 20 again, make friends so easily, go such unexpected places. I told her to check her passport and know when it expires.

  8. My daughter WWOOFed in Australia, twenty years ago. SHe had some interesting experiences, and lived to tell of them.

  9. Sad that you will lose your shopping companion, but great that Laura is WWOOFing, I just know she is going to love the new experiences. There may be bad days now and again, but she will learn a lot and see a fair bit of the country as she travels around helping out.

  10. I'm happy for Laura because we all need to spread our wings at her age. I am sorry for you because I know how much she means to you not to mention all the help she has been. Can you order your groceries to be delivered? Since the pandemic hit it seems like many people are doing that now anyway. I love the pictures of Laura and Toby!

  11. Like everyone else I am happy for Laura. Happy and excited too.
    I like her green hair. I had to investigate WWOOF - and it sounds excellent.

  12. Hope Laura has a wonderful time exploring her world. WWOOF, work with bed and board is a good way of seeing how to live differently.

  13. No thumbs-up today. Give her one from me.

  14. Hari Om
    Oh Laura... YAAAYY - I was 20 when I made my first independent travel/life plans. I never looked back...

    Joanne - hoorah for granma's encouragement and Love - you'll miss her, but this is also your reward, to see her fly the coop! YAM xx

  15. Wish I dare ask for green hair - what a wise grandma you are.

  16. You are going to miss that green-haired girl.

  17. I wish Laura well in her new adventure and that you found out before she left!

  18. Well done to Laura for WWOOFing! IS a natural colour 😀
    That grey is lovely, nice and subtle.

  19. Oh you're going to miss her. She's a lovely kind young woman and i know you rely on her for some of the more difficult household tasks. But it's lovely to have a grandma cheering her on to her new life.


  20. Well, good for Laura! Friends in France were in a similar organisation...might be the same one....and had a great time meeting the people from all over the world who came to work with them. You set her off on the right foot to independence, didn't you.

  21. Hooray for Laura! GO, go, go! A dear friend WWWOOFed on a goat farm in New Mexico this fall for two months. A great break.
    Laura may know this, but just in case... a similar international organization is Workaway--it offers volunteer prospects that may involve farm work but also sustainable projects, schools, NGOs etc.

    Good luck to her! You will get the vicarious benefit, though she seems like someone you'll miss seeing up close too...

  22. This is such mixed news to me. Hurray for Laura! I think that's a beautiful idea and it will do her such good to travel and see some of the country. But you will miss her and she will miss you. She surely is a lovely woman and you have done so well by her.

    1. She said "I wish I knew you when you were sixteen," and I agreed we would have kicked ass.

  23. I didn't know what WWOOF was, but after I looked it up it sounds like it will be a great learning experience for her.

  24. I learn so much from the blogosphere. Today I had to google WWOOF. I'm so glad I wasn't lazy and just assumed that Laura was headed for a new job at a vet's or animal shelter.

  25. I had to google WWOOF before I read any further. She's moving to Texas to work on a job? on a farm but not through WWOOF? Where in Texas? and the WWOOF job will be where? Laura has turned into an amazing young woman thanks to your hand. she may eventually venture back, families have a strong pull even when they are dysfunctional.

    1. She's going to Texas to help our friend Kamaria pack up Kamaria's mother's old house. Then she'll find a WWOOF job. She was concerned about missing out on this year's growing season, which made me laugh.Crops are grown somewhere in this country every month of the year.

  26. Good news, but you will miss her presence in your life.
    The black and grey should do well in the severely modern kitchen's of today.

  27. It sounds like a good opportunity for Laura. You will miss her I’m sure.

  28. WOOF is a wonderful opportunity for folks with a farming love. It is active in our region too.

  29. Well, that is mixed news. Good for her, not so good for you. I'm happy she has the gumption to strike out on her own.

  30. Good for her for grabbing a hold of life and squeezing. She's got guts! I know you'll miss her though.

  31. Farming with WWOOF will be a great adventure for Laura. Young, footloose and fancy free. Living the life.

  32. Best wishes to Laura on her new endeavors. I hope she has a grand and successful time. And I hope you can find a new helper as willing as she's been! You can be very proud of your granddaughter.

  33. Laura and Toby look like they get on. :)

  34. WWOOF is wonderful! I know a few young people who have experienced this program, and loved it. Hello to you and Laura!

  35. Sounds like a great adventure Laura is embarking on. Where in TX? I'd not heard of WWOOF and am completely impressed with it and her desire to be a part.

  36. I'm very happy for Laura. She'll have a great adventure, and you've raised her to be independent and resourceful. As a grandmother, however, I am sad for you. However, I know it will work out okay for both of you. Because you are BOTH independent and resourceful.

  37. Wonderful that she is embarking on such an adventure. You gave her good tools to deal with the world.

  38. It'll be a great relief when we're all vaccinated. Our second jabs will be on June 23rd.

  39. I hope Laura chose Texas Hill Country. It is beautiful there.

  40. I'm pleased for Laura, but concerned for you. I know she provides help with obtaining your groceries.


  41. I love WWOOFing! We have some fabulous places up here (Quebec and eastern Canada). Bit hard for you, though.
